Trolling low level games in a 5 man isn't against the rules now is it?
Trolling is against the rules, but even if it wasn't, just because you can doesn't mean you should.
Trolling low level games in a 5 man isn't against the rules now is it?
Trolling is against the rules, but even if it wasn't, just because you can doesn't mean you should.
I'm a security engineer. I don't answer support tickets. I just sh*tpost on reddit.
Someone will get to your ticket when they can.
That price includes the champion. The price is higher for your friend because they do not own the champion.
When he was released, he could activate his charm during his W, he could flash during W and his W was very fast. This essentially gave him uninterruptable engage.
He was changed so that now you cannot flash or W within a very short time period after using R, which makes it impossible to R-flash or R-W-flash, making his engage have more counterplay if you have vision of him.
how on earth did that ult hit thresh?
I think the very back part of thresh's hitbox was still within the ult. It was very close.
But that makes it more interesting to balance, you can make people who itemize against it way less effected while having the ability be stronger against people who don’t. Or maybe that’s a bad idea lol.
(not on balance/design team!)
It's the same reason Zoe's E does true damage. If the ability double-dipped from armor, even someone with no bonus armor would take way less damage due to innate armor scaling. If you did 100 damage to someone, post-mitigation that's 60 damage on most carries with no armor; just scaling
If his E transferred 100% of the post-mitigation damage (I really don't know, I haven't played him), then his E would deal 42 damage instead of 60 due to having to go through armor mitigation again.
The alternative would either be to have the second hit apply pre-mitigation damage from the first (this is how Zed works) or to deal true damage on the post-mitigation of the strikes during the E.
I prefer the latter model because it means if you have a lot of armor or you simply use a temporary steroid to reduce the first hits, you actually feel like you did something skillful.
Overall magic champs are much easier to itemize against as they are gated by cool downs and usually have the possibility to miss. Adcs however consistently deal heavy ad damage which can be very hard to itemize against since it's constant damage and has 3 ways to amplify that damage.
This is not necessarily true because both Cassiopeia and Karthus apply heavy DPS.
It's because if you have a homogenous damage profile on your composition (ie, >70% magic damage), it becomes easier to buy one type of resistance to mitigate incoming damage and opens you up to having some picks picked against you that are uniquely good at mitigating certain damage profiles (Kassadin/Galio for magic damage, Malphite for physical damage). In the past it used to be an even bigger concern because you needed an ADC to take objectives or towers but that's not necessarily the case anymore.
Magic resistance items, aside from Deaths Dance, actually usually feel pretty bad to buy so it would in general be better to stack magic damage than physical damage - it's way easier for most champions to stack armor than magic resistance - but it's usually wiser to have a mixed damage profile on your team. Also consider that every champion in the game has lower magic resistance s...
Read morewhen they are punished
You can't. We don't make it public when a particular individual gets punished.
You can submit the video to player support, but you won't be told if or when they get banned.
Any play that requires all 5 members of your team to flash in is not a good play.
how many years ago was this? :P
Here is his Tristana pentakill in 2015 Summer finals.
I almost forgot about the abomination that was tank top lane Fizz...
Now I just want omen to have the voice line “discombobulate” after he kills someone
It's about maintaining that apperance.
These big companies know damn well that leaks generate hype and it's a pretty commonly known pracrtice that many of them "leak" things out or at least purposefully don't keep things monitored because they know the leak will just generate even more hype.
This ain’t it.
League of Legends ✗ Pixar's Brave
[Bagpipes intensify]
Even in recent memory I think release Camille was way stronger.
C9 would pick her in support just to deny it from the enemy team without using a ban. I ‘member
last time it was viktor
Viktor destroys Zed early game but the main problem when dealing with Zed is preventing his roams. Your goal should be to bully him early and attempt to keep the wave on your side of the lane - the closer it is to his tower, the more likely you will die particularly at 6.
After level 7 you will be able to kill the caster minions with your E upgrade, so you should start to look to shove and back out of the lane and place down vision.
You need to keep vision on Zed at all times so he can't roam and kill your teammates. If he can't do that, and he can't kill you, you will be more useful.
Think of him like budget Fizz.
Zed's not that strong. His kit is not broken. It would be helpful to know what you played and such to give you advice.
Maybe the difference was huge because only people who knew how to play ryze actually knew how useless was his ult?
The 10 point increase definitely had confounding factors but even a Ryze with 100 wins on Ryze doesn't have a 10 point increase in winrate compared to a first-time Ryze, which seems to imply to me it wasn't necessarily about skill of the operator
I'm not a data analyst or on the balance team, though, so I could be wrong!
Was there a significant sample size for this? Also, the increase in winrate might have something to do with only diehard ryze mains knowing about this and doing it, so it might just mostly be the winrate of skilled ryze players.
Not sure just thinking out loud
It was mostly skilled Ryze players playing it, but that in itself should tell you that it was known to be the optimal build. It wasn't like it was one Ryze player doing it for the lulz. The sample size was statistically significant