

10 Apr


Originally posted by guiceyrhys

Still happens to me after every game xbox 1 australia

Check now and see if it's still happening? We just pushed a fix on our backend.


Originally posted by xTechh

Sorry for the delayed response.

I logged on just now and yes, it is still happening. Thanks for looking into this, appreciate the help.

Check now and see if it's still happening? We just pushed a fix on our backend.


Originally posted by Southpaw_AZ

Unfortunately it looks like it is still doing it this morning. A played with two friends last night, one who purchased some event skins, and one who didn't. The one who purchased skins was having the same problem.

I did notice that I can see my event daily tracker on the left of the screen when I drop in from the dropship, but I'm worried I won't be working towards the event and getting unlocks.

I can take another screenshot if you'd like.

Check now and see if it's still happening? We just pushed a fix on our backend.


Originally posted by Fluxx27

I commented earlier, but in addition the post game information is no longer there for me. I need to hit escape rather than continue on the post game screen because it is blank.

Check now and see if it's still happening? We just pushed a fix on our backend.


Originally posted by arktixxco

Yo so do you guys have any updates on this? I mean the event has been running for almost a week.

I don't really mind not being able to see the event challenges. But my Battlepass is also affected by this.

Check now and see if it's still happening? We just pushed a fix on our backend.


Originally posted by siobhan_delaney

Still happening today, even uninstalled/reinstalled on windows 10, still no challenges.

Check now and see if it's still happening? We just pushed a fix on our backend.

09 Apr


Hmm is this still happening for you?

08 Apr


Should be fixed now I think

13 Mar


Originally posted by Naurloss

Excuse me for question not on topic, but are you aware about loss forgiveness still not applying when game starts with less than 3 people in a squad, or a teammate leaves before his banner pickup time runs out?

Or is it still "working as intended as it was in season 3"?

If you have examples I'd be happy to look into them, as far as I know everything is indeed working as intended. The system for when you get loss forgiveness or not is actually pretty complicated and I don't think we ever fully listed out the conditions anywhere.

11 Mar


Originally posted by tangentiallogic

Thanks for the thread, this was helpful. The conclusion isn't quite right; it isn't that scanning a downed enemy removes assist credit, it's that if a scanned enemy, while downed, stops being scanned, you will lose the assist credit. I have it fixed locally, not sure when our next patch is scheduled to be but I'll work to get it in there.

Oh also just to clarify something - you shouldn't need to damage an enemy to get credit with Crypto drone, the act of scanning an enemy itself should make you eligible for getting assist credit in the same way as doing damage.


Thanks for the thread, this was helpful. The conclusion isn't quite right; it isn't that scanning a downed enemy removes assist credit, it's that if a scanned enemy, while downed, stops being scanned, you will lose the assist credit. I have it fixed locally, not sure when our next patch is scheduled to be but I'll work to get it in there.

05 Feb


Originally posted by AsheinDale

Hi im from philippines i did dashboard for a reason here in the philippines some people cant afford good pc like me. We people that can't afford good pc played in internet cafe with bad specs so our game (apex legends ) here is always freezing when it freezed i always directly pressed alt + f4 and sometimes our mother will find us not going to school when she caught me i directedly alt + f4. But we still love playing apex legends even if it froze . But our ranked got demoted i got pred and my friends was diamond we came back to silver. Hope you understand we people here cant afford a good PC and just played in internet cafe. And again Im from philippines :) still love playing apex i Respect Devs i even bought your battle pass :)

Listen to your mother, go to school. Maybe don't play Ranked if your PC is bad.

04 Feb


Originally posted by skepticalmonique

Disagree. Given the horror stories coming out of devs who have quit jobs at EA, and how game devs in the industry are treated in general, I wouldn't wanna touch that job with a ten foot pole. Just saying. It might sound fun and games but working in the game industry is very very stressful and tough and completely over-glorified. People are expected to work for pittance and go through ridiculous crunch hours, and if you refuse to do so you could lose your job and get accused of "not being passionate enough". And when a studio doesn't meet the investors' expectations (which are often unrealistic) EA usually closes the studio down. Game devs really need to unionise, honestly.

I'm not saying crunch flat out doesn't happen at Respawn, but we generally try not to rely on it to ship games. We haven't shied away from stating that before, e.g. https://www.theverge.com/2019/4/25/18516424/apex-legends-respawn-avoid-crunch-content-updates-speed-game-industry-overwork

29 Jan


Originally posted by dko5

I am not allowed to share data - but the best advice I can give to stuff like this is, don't believe everything you read on the internet.

Also, I don't know any company that would be on a hiring spree for a year straight if their product wasn't doing well...

That's right, don't believe everything you read on the Internet, including comments by the Executive Producer of the game! /s


Jokes on you, Lisa Stone isn't coming soon, she's already here: https://titanfall.fandom.com/tr/wiki/Respawn_Entertainment

Real talk: Lisa is no longer with us and I miss her :(

28 Jan


Originally posted by Xechwill

the SP

Never thought I’d see the day a dev would encourage using the smart pistol 😔

Joking aside, it’s free on PS and like $8 on PC, right? Campaign alone is worth it but the multiplayer is a blast as well

Hey hey I too encourage using the Smart Pistol. Like Rayme said, it does a direct injection of sweet sweet lore. Into your brain. By the auto-aiming pistol. Lore bullets. They are lethal.