

16 Nov


Originally posted by Parks47

Is there any news regarding bans for console players who are using the RP loss forgiveness exploit?

Nothing to say beyond what's been said already: https://twitter.com/DKo5/status/1186805263971557379


I have no idea how these 3rd party sites are getting their stats but I can assure you that there are not already 3x as many Apex Predators this season than last. There was definitely significantly more than 2238/3 = 746 Apex Predators last season on XBox. I will abstain from giving exact numbers however.


I have to say this is indeed the "Best Multipler Game" I've ever worked on. In fact I can't think of another game that does "Multipler" better.

15 Oct


Kevin no longer works at Respawn, but I do miss him greatly :( He was also not a designer, but artist, I think his official title was Lead Character Artist.

11 Oct


Originally posted by nonmetallicoxide

how can there be bugs on a feature that was there since day 1?

Oh you sweet innocent child.


Despite what people might believe, we are always listening to your requests. And when we can, we try to fulfill them. Signed, the dev who did the work for this feature.

P.S. I know I'm totally going to regret posting this when 1. there's a million bugs with this feature and 2. this leads to everyone explicitly pinging me on every single request they want.

03 Oct


Originally posted by suhsquad

What’s the status on this? I’m scared to play ranked since it shows I’m Platiunum on the ranked game mode selector, but my character is showing bronze on the badge and over head. On Xbox, was Predator last season

You're good to play; your progress will not be erased. You should get the right badge come next server patch.

02 Oct


Originally posted by LottaBeans

Would it be possible to add something to avoid loosing rp for not having a full team and leaving?

I guess I'm not clear; it is there already. OP disregarded the warning shown by the UI that they might get hit with matchmaking penalties by leaving. That warning is valid because at the point in time OP quit it is still possible that we might find you teammates. Once the sky dive starts, if you did not have a full team, if you try to quit, you should not get the warning. If you do quit, you should have loss forgiveness. We would rather you didn't quit of course, which is why we offer loss forgiveness in the first place.


If you pause at 16 seconds it does warn you that you may trigger a delay in matchmaking. There is still a possibility that we might find teammates for you at this point in time, which is why this is a valid case of abandoning. If you quit out once the skydive portion starts you should not get a penalty.

01 Oct


Hi there, I posted this in the bug mega thread but: I have some questions for people who are having problems with getting the wrong badge - What platform are you guys playing on? Also when was the last time you played a rank match? I have a theory that it might not be working correctly for some people who played rank early on in Season 2 but stopped playing soon after.


Originally posted by MadLube_Gaming

I think the rewarded badges for ranked series 1 isnt correct, I finished in platinum and got a bronze badge.

Hi there, have some questions for people who are having problems with getting the wrong badge - What platform are you guys playing on? Also when was the last time you played a rank match? I have a theory that it might not be working correctly for some people who played rank early on in Season 2 but stopped playing soon after.


Nice, congrats! :)


Thank you so much for this! :D

27 Sep


Things like this are why I stay in game dev, hard as it might be sometimes. Games have always been a form of escapism for me, a different version of reality that's actually rooting for you to win and trying to give you the tools you need to succeed, unlike the challenging world we actually live in. As someone who even now struggles with depression and self-esteem issues I'm glad to have been involved even a little bit in giving some joy to your life.

Stay tuned, we've got a lot coming up soon that will make you glad you decided to stick around and check us out. :)


Congrats! You are on the top 17% of players, don't let anyone put you down!

25 Sep


Congrats! Just in time too :)

24 Sep


Originally posted by RidexSDS

That's hard for me to believe. Respawn has 315 employees, a lot of those are developers. There is no way a character takes that long for an entire team to design, animate and mock up two abilities for. If it took 8 months per, there would have only been 1 new character. Most of the new characters were probably finished a long time ago or the majority of the design work was already done, too.

It may be hard for you to believe, but it's the truth. We also have 3 game teams working on titles in full production, so that 315 number (which I think is incorrect?) are not all people working on Apex. I'm not disbelieving your comment that you are also a developer, but if you're in the same triple A space we're in you should not find our declared timeframes of how long it takes to make stuff hard to believe.

23 Sep