

06 Jul


Originally posted by legitloli

Can we get a ban wave i've been playing against the same hackers in diamond. The pro community even has a spreadsheet of known hackers we've been playing against all week.

Without giving away too many details: We've been taking action. If it's Wacko's list you're talking about we've taken action against the individuals on that list with clear video evidence of cheating. We will be following up with our anti-cheat partners on measures we can take to more accurately automatically detect cheaters and remove them. In the mean time, please keep reporting cheaters when you run into them, and if you can get video evidence of blatant cheating that would help a lot and enable us to take manual action against them.

01 Jul


Originally posted by qwertty769

Are you at all concerned about the Apex Predators become less competitive toward the end of the season? Basically, do you have a way of ranking the best Apex Predators so they have a reason to keep being on top of their game once they reach the top of the divisions “ladder”?

I mentioned this in another comment, but:

Yes, we are very aware that there is a danger for players to have "nothing to strive for" once they reach Apex Predator. We have some plans to address that, hopefully by the start of the next Ranked Series. As of right now, the Apex Predator badge will show your current RP score, so you can have a visual reminder of your continued progress.


Originally posted by l7arkSpirit

Why not add a grace period? Such as you have to gain 0 RP for 10 games in a row before falling back to a different tier. I honestly don't think that having a "safe spot" in ranked is a good idea, but I do see your point where it should feel at least like you've achieved a milestone.

All the other alternatives we looked at with regards to a way to demote players out of tiers but offer some sort of protection seemed like they were more complicated than they were worth, e.g. having to communicate to the players what the system is, exactly how far they are away from being demoted or not, how much leeway is given back to you when you start winning again, etc. On top of that you'd have to keep track of and show what the player's highest rank achieved in the ranked series is. Removing the possibility for demotion out of a tier simplifies things a lot. Another major problem we saw for systems like that was that it introduces a lot of ladder anxiety that just stops players from playing. Say I just reached platinum and then go on a massive losing streak. If I knew that the next game was going to demote me out of platinum I would just stop playing ranked for the remainder of the series.

We understand that ranked players also want the assurance that the players t...

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Originally posted by YouLeftTheStoveOn

I imagine that you'll still have a reserve of RP from climbing to that level. If you lose enough to get into Silver I, for instance, you might only be paying for Silver matches. If you had enough of a hard time, you would eventually be back in Bronze, where it's free.

Either that, or you're playing free matches if you're at the bottom of your gold tier.

u/tangentiallogic, is this how it would work?


Originally posted by Oniigiri



There is currently no demotion if you drop into a lower tier, so if you earn your way into Platinum IV, no amount of losses will demote you back to Gold I – you are guaranteed to finish that Series in Platinum.

Does this mean, theoretically, everyone can stay at Apex predator since they cannot demote from it? I feel like no demotions into the lower tier would spoil the merit of maintaining the rank, especially for the top players. Even if AP was an exception to the demotion rule, it seems like you can just boost friends by letting them finish an enemy after 99%'ing them, since the only basis for RP is kill count and placement. On the same note, at some point there should be consideration for damage output, too.

Yes, once you reach Apex Predator (or any major Ranked Tier) you won't fall out of it. I suspect it will be a lot harder than you think in practice to game it so that you 99% damage an enemy and let your teammate finish them off, especially at Apex Predator tier. :) At Apex Predator you are literally the best of the best at the game, and if you think your Apex Predator ranked opponent is going to simply comply with your plans I think you will be in for a rude surprise.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Stay tuned for full patch notes tomorrow!


Originally posted by Rando-namo

I think the cost is still whatever the cost is, it's just not subtracted from your total if you lose. Essentially it will cost you 0 if you get 0 kills and die immediately, but if you rank top 3 and have 4 kills the cost will be deleted subtracted from your winnings.

EDIT: Gold minimum is 280 RP with a cost of 2 RP to enter.

  • If you enter at 280 RP and die immediately without a kill your cost is refunded and you are still at 280 RP

  • If you enter at 280 RP and get three kills and die outside top ten, you will then have 281 RP. 3 kills = 3RP minus the 2RP for entry.

Yep, that's how the system is set up to work right now.


Originally posted by oheyitsmatt

Will ranked games be played under "normal" rules or "elite" rules?

While we do plan on making changes to the circle speed/damage etc for Season 2 (see patch notes tomorrow for full details), there are currently no plans for there to be rules differences in Ranked versus Unranked, i.e. the circle will behave the same in Unranked versus Ranked at the start of Season 2. This is something we will be keeping under close observation and will make adjustments if necessary.


Originally posted by wingspantt

Thanks Tangential. What I mean is, can you run out of RP? Like can you lose so much you go back to zero RP to spend, making you unable to enter ranked at all?

i.e. You're in gold, but you lost dozens of matches. You are still in Gold 4, but you have 0 RP. You cannot enter ranked matches because you can't pay the entry fee.

Ah right, I guess that wasn't clear. When we say you can't drop out of Gold, we mean you can't lose the RP to drop out of Gold.


Originally posted by wingspantt

This is EXTREMELY fair.

My only concern is this: Let's say I rank into Gold early on due to luck, then I lose matches over and over and over. Can I eventually hit 0 RP? And if so, am I locked out of ranked for the entire season since I can no longer enter matches to gain more RP?

No, you can't fall out of Gold once you hit it. You can fall from Gold 3 back to Gold 4 however.


Originally posted by heyfeefellskee

So is this a separate mode? Can I still just play "unranked" games?



Originally posted by strikethawe

Just adding my thoughts here. The ranking system seems pretty good except for the part of demotions. I feel you SHOULD be able to drop between tiers.

Reasons: 1) it might encourage trolls and hackers to get to a high rank and then throw games to prevent others from reaching the ranks. I assume you will have a quitting penalty but what about those who throw games ? 2) it adds more meaning to games played towards the end of the season, no matter of your rank. Based on your numbers, a month will be more than enough for a highly skilled player to reach Apex predator, what will they do with ranked after that? No matter if they win or lose, then have Apex predator so why bother? 3) Dropping between tiers makes things more challenging as well - your grind doesn't end the second you make it to the tier, but you gotta keep working to stay in that tier (similar to the style Overwatch uses). Players make fall back a few times as they work on their skills to match players of a high ...

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  1. Please report hackers, regardless of whether they are in ranked or not. If you think a teammate on your team is purposefully throwing a game (as opposed to just having a bad day) you should report them too. 2. Apex Predator badges will show their current RP on the badge itself, so even when you reach it you can still see your rank score increase in comparison to others. We are aware however of the very real problem of having "nothing to strive for" once you reach Apex, and we have plans in place to address that, hopefully at the very latest by next Season. 3. Allowing people to drop between divisions but not between tiers is done for various reasons, e.g. to allow some kind of "safe spot" for a while once you hit a major milestone in a tier promotion, as well as to simplify making sure that your current rank (with regards to tiers) is also your highest reach. We will be planning on doing some sort of soft reset between Ranked periods, so you will be asked to prove that you ca...
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Originally posted by [deleted]


Your team gains placement points based on where your team ended up. You gain individual points for the kills you got.

27 Jun


Originally posted by lowkeydbjosh

Currently the #1 Apex Predator for 4 more days lol

This man lies :(

21 Jun


Originally posted by pinedsman

Hm, don't think so. There was an email where they asked for gamertags and I don't remember replying to it

Yeah I don't think you're in that list :(


Originally posted by FrozenFroh

u/tangentiallogic no leaks ;), just around 400 flyers killed

Edit: maybe 300? You lose count after 3 days of shooting flyers

Woah nice! :) Thanks for taking the time to take pictures of all of them. I'm also sorry to hear you had to do this 400 times, on average according to the coupon collector problem it should only have been 264! ( https://demonstrations.wolfram.com/CouponCollectorProblem/ )

19 Jun


Originally posted by wheat-thicks

Maybe next time you could make the explainer post yourself so we don't have to guess what's changed and you don't have to be snarky in the comments. ;)

When it's appropriate, of course! Expect to see something like that for Ranked. When it's teases like this however, we clearly don't want to spell out all our changes. I wasn't trying to be snarky as much as trying to encourage people to try out for themselves what happens when they shoot a flyer but don't have any friends, since the stated information was wrong and I was starting to worry something went wrong with the patch :p

P.S. There's another way other than having no friends for the deathboxes to show names from devs, but I'll leave that for you all to find out. It's probably not that exciting though!


Originally posted by Dremurer

What cracks me up /u/tangentiallogic is I data mined this like 3 weeks ago and assumed it was for your guys personal characters when you played so you didn't have to set them up in the dev environment LUL. <3 you guys. This is a great little feature. Also... looks like there might be some unreleased stuff on some of them? ;)

Please no leaks :)

18 Jun


Thank you once again for actually trying it out. :) There's some friends that are non-devs in that list as well, including our very own mod /u/Emmerlynn


Originally posted by FrozenFroh

You guys are really clever

So huh, we get YOUR usernames?

That's so cool!

Nice, thanks for actually trying it. I was worried it got broken for a while lol.