Hey everybean,
On Thursdays myself and my CM colleagues (Oliver and Abbie) are joined by a member of the development team to answer Qs for an hour on discord! Yesterday we were joined by Steve, our Technical Director.
Here are some of the highlights - I've not called out who answered what here, just put us all as "A" for ease.
Q: When will the candle skin be released?
A: I can't tell you that it would ruin the surprise! But it will be in store later in the season!
Q: Will you guys add some special events for winning stuff or smth, premium skins ? or maybe even better, an esport event!
A: Great idea! This would never be out of the question, but it's not something we've got on our roadmap for the next few months. We have had discussions about live tournaments, 60-player playoffs etc, that we also host our side. These are things we're excited to assess the game progresses this year 📷
Q: ...
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