

22 Jun

Originally posted by adaelxp

Are pillars decorative or they're required so that the bridge does not collapse?

Awesome stuff anyway!

Just for show. There's no structural integrity stuff in the game just yet.

In the live update, animal pens are more of a way to... encourage animals to go somewhere. They'll freely leave the pen to go eat/drink. You can lock them inside with the lock utility, but until I can add layers of locking restriction, it will unfortunately lock them in, and everyone else out. Not great for keeping them fed. You can add stockpiles to pens for their food items to be brought in. But, again unfortunately, there is no stockpile priority, so it's not guaranteed these will be kept stocked.

Ok, so that's the bad news. The good new is the next update comes with stricter rules for captured entities (keeping them forced to their rooms), and also adds stockpile priorities. Sorry they are currently a pain to use. That whole system is very much on my radar.

21 Jun

Originally posted by CryptoHellSheep

Just bought the game, and I have to say, I'm very impressed with how well it runs on Linux. You're a true savior to the Linux community, thanks!

I can't take too much credit. Unity does a lot of the work for me. But thank you for playing the game. I'm glad you like it. :)

19 Jun

Originally posted by StripesOverSolids

I haven’t played in a bit, does storing stuff underground help preserve it? Or is that just for the aesthetic?

Certain containers will increase the decay time, but storing underground won't.

18 Jun

16 Jun

Originally posted by Lord_Gonad

I'll have to try that. Thank you for the response.

No problem at all. Thanks for playing Odd Realm :)

Originally posted by Lord_Gonad

I love your time lapse videos but I have a question. How are you getting the pawns to clean up the map so nicely? I have multiple storage rooms, 4 pawns with hauling as a top priority, and they can't keep up with storage. My map is constantly covered in clutter.

I alternate my workers between mining/building and carrying for these videos. So, here, I'll have 20 miners going to town on that mountain until all the jobs are done. Once the mining jobs are complete, 20 void woken start carrying things to storage. You can also try giving your settlers backpacks. That lets them carry more.

14 Jun

12 Jun

Originally posted by Wrhythm26

Very dwarf inspired, love that stone dining room table and stone chairs.

Thanks! It most certainly is haha

11 Jun

08 Jun

No, but I should definitely add this!

Originally posted by brad_edmondson

Love these time-lapse captures. Hopefully you've got a few more in the works!

I do! :)

Originally posted by panupatc

Hi :) Just started a couple days ago, still learning my way around the game.

I think it would be great if you can add arrow key to navigate the tiles in the world map. It gets kinda tedius needing to click mouse to explore those tiny tiles.

Suggesting this because I'm restarting like every 15 minutes at the moment lol

Thanks for the suggestion! I like that a lot. I'll try to add this soon.

03 Jun

Originally posted by nikowek

Dear u/unknownorigingames,
I bough the game on GOG and i have access to Production for Windows, but for Linux just, does that means that you dropped the support for Linux? I hope not…
Best regards!

Hello! I have not dropped support for Linux. I am sorting out some issues with Linux and the GoG libraries. Hope to upload versions for both osx and linux soon. I apologize that it has been delayed so long.

31 May

Originally posted by GabrielBucsan

That's pretty solid, Waylon. Congrats on the iniciative. That action shows how much you care about actually delivering content to your users. Way to go!

Gabriel! So nice to see you in the Reddit also. I hope you know I always appreciate your support for literally years. Thank you, thank you!

I've been meaning to make an Odd Realm demo for a while now. I don't like seeing people buy the game only to realize the visual style isn't for them, or it doesn't run so well on their machine, or any number of reasons. No one wants buyer's remorse! That being said, you can now play the Odd Realm demo on Windows, Mac, and Linux. :)

The demo is the full version of the game with two limitations. First, players can only play as the Humans, and, second, saved games cannot be loaded. If players decide to buy the full version of the game, their saved files from the demo will be there to load.

That's it for now. I'm wrapping up the rest of the new race update, so look forward to news about that soon!

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28 May

Originally posted by Busy-Lynx-7228

Update: changing the resolution from 2880x1800 to 2560x1600 seems to have fixed it.

Oh interesting! Thank you for letting us know. If anyone else experiences this, I'll have a possible solution. Cheers!

Originally posted by Busy-Lynx-7228

Thank you for sharing this. Gonna be honest, I have no immediate solution for you. This is something I've never seen before. What are the exact specs for your computer? My first steps for fixing this myself would be to fully uninstall Odd Realm, re-install, and then make sure all my graphics drivers were updated. I'll look around to see if other games have had similar issues. Maybe I can figure something out. Sorry I'm not any more help.

27 May

Do you have a screenshot of the visual bug? Not too sure I know the issue or its cause as I've not seen this before.