

14 Sep


What I can say about this incident is that this incident and incidents like these are being investigated and part of a larger initiative to deal with some of the rampant cheating, exploits, duping, and meshing we've seen trending on official servers. Technical solutions are just as important as active enforcement.

I understand the frustration with the perceived lack of action and attention to these matters. I understand you want solutions, as do we. There's been a lot of discussion internally on proper procedure for enforcement, escalation, response time, and prioritization. The enforcement team and the procedures we had 2 years ago was sufficient for the landscape, but that isn't holding true now.

No excuses here, its a problem and I hope to have some clarity on these things soon.

14 Aug


Unfortunately, some technical issues prevent those machines from being rolled back. I've spoken with Customer Service and they fully expect to assist any P+ servers that had issues with this deployment.

I'll speak with QA on the non-primitive items. It's the first I've heard. I'm wondering if it's isolated to those servers.

08 Aug


Hey, thanks for listing these out. Quick note though, the cryopod is meant to be crafted in supply drops now. It was just something that got left out the patch notes. I've passed the other issues (that may not have been known) over to the team.


Originally posted by Sgt_NoHand

The Season Passes are called the same and only one showed up on my Xbox Store. So wtf should I've done?

This should be all cleared up now. Let me know if you're still seeing issues!

27 Jul


This is a plethora of useful information so a genuine thank you for the way you've presented this. A couple of things:

- There are some exploits that we rely on 3rd party partners to assist with (IE: BattleEye). In the case of the infamous "Human Lvl 135'', that character has now been banned by BattleEye and the method that was being used will be detected going forward. Exploits are always high priority but reproducing them becomes the challenge. No one wants to give away the way they are cheating and those that do usually miss key information. That's not a jab at those trying to help, it just means we spend a lot of time, days or weeks even, trying to reproduce some of these exploits.

- Sometimes there isn't a lot of information we can give you other than "we're looking into it". Other times we are radio silent because we don't want people to change their behavior. You might think, why? It gives us and teams like BattleEye a way to detect and prevent the chea...

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03 Jul


Hey, are you using -activeevent=summer to activate the event?

27 Jun


We don't know all the mesh holes. Do you happen to have coords for this location?

20 Jun


Originally posted by hiimzech

you know what? they also need to fix the audio on cyropods

when you're keeping your dinos at the end of the sound trail it creates a sharp noise.

its ear piercing!

the same goes with greenhouse stuff

u/wildcardced please help look into it ok?

I talked to the audio director and I'm pretty sure he just recently tweaked this. I will try and confirm.

14 Jun


I posted this via other avenues (Twitter, SurviveTheArk.com), so I'm posting it here as well. Most people want new servers, and even new game modes but in order for those things to happen we have to make space for them. Think of our current network as 100%. Legacy servers take up a large bulk of those and previously we would remove the low population ones whenever we needed to repurpose them.

So two questions:

If we were to introduce new servers, what types of servers interest you? Maybe they are just the vanilla experience, or maybe they have a twist.

For those that are playing on legacy, what is keeping you there? Is it the community?

External link →

Originally posted by Luckboy28

But let's be honest, though, Ced -- Reddit is a pretty good cross-section of the gaming community. If everyone on reddit is livid, there's probably something wrong with the game.

And the OP wasn't talking about tweaking settings or coming up with new "game modes" like limiting the tribes to 6 players (which does nothing at all to stop mega tribes).

OP's point was valid: The core structure of how the game works needs to change. Somebody shouldn't be able to lose months of work just because they had the audacity to sleep for 8 hours, etc.

I don't necessarily disagree. These are big design changes and potentially bigger development investment. Not to say it isn't worth doing but it is to say that these aren't really snap decisions or decisions that have an easy design solution to. I don't think the original intent with the game is to make sure people can't sleep. As with many projects, you start adding in new gameplay/functionality without realizing how that might impact things. There are a lot of discussion and tests that happen in-house about these design philosophies. Ultimately - it isn't my decision although I have influence.

But the bigger thing I was trying to drill into is the preference for people to use phrasing like "most" or "the vast majority" and not "everyone". To your point " Somebody shouldn't be able to lose months of work just because they had the audacity to sleep for 8 hours, etc ", I just read a thread on STA where someone disagreed. Now I get that isn't a realistic representation, j...

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Originally posted by Flobarooner

some people still enjoy and are not as frustrated or impacted by these issues as you are

I'm sure that's true of literally any issue with any game ever. That's not the point.

It's impossible for me to recommend this game to anyone. I would literally feel guilty if they bought it because of me, because I know they will likely quit within a week because it's so bad as a new player. Even the menus are awful to use and completely unintuitive. If you join a new server through a player invitation, it isn't favourited and you have to remember to do that manually. The chat covers the bottom of the skills list. The inventory is laggy and delayed, most menus are difficult to navigate with a controller - trying to get to the right box in say, the options menu or the skills list is a pain. You can't even filter sessions by settings, or put multiple filters on at once. Say I want to find a server with <300 ping, 20-40 players, >300 days uptime and 10-2...

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This is fair for you to feel this way and rightfully so. I can't argue with how someone feels. In fact I don't think I've really argued any of your points about the actual game. It's hard for me to respond with anything other than you raise valid points and it's unfortunate that you can't recommend ARK. If you're looking for me to give you a bulleted list of things we're going to do to address some of those things - I can't give it to you. But I can tell you that the team isn't going anywhere and we're committed to ARK. Which includes listening to tough feedback and acting on it. I've said several times there's more work to do and there are areas we need to take a look at.


Originally posted by Flobarooner

Yes, but how do any of my suggestions effect them? I'm not talking about unofficial or private servers. I would play them if it were practical but it isn't; they could go down at any second, you're at the behest of its admins and they might have wacky rates. I want to play the normal game on proper dedicated servers, I just don't want it to be cancer. Which it is, and I think everyone is more or less unanimous on that.

That's fair. My first point was more of a general one. Frequently I hear (everyone wants x), and seeing thousands of comments daily, that isn't the case. My second point was more directed in saying yes, some of these things we need to take a look at and there may be some things the designers will philosophically disagree on (flyer speed).

Edit: If I wasn't clear, your point exists that there are still some long-standing issues with the game. But some people still enjoy and are not as frustrated or impacted by these issues as you are. People are entitled to feel how they like.


Originally posted by Flobarooner

Yes, I understand that, but the 4 posts I linked are some of the top of all time here. There is only one on the other side of the aisle, which is praising the interaction between the devs and the players, 3 years ago. That post has fallen by the wayside and is no longer relevant. The other posts are still relevant and the issues they concern are still present in the game after nearly 4 years. Even in this thread, the other comments are basically "just don't play official", which is not the answer.

Even if you want to say Reddit isn't representative - what is? The official server chat that's constantly full of people calling each other pussy bitches and racist slurs?

"doesn't represent the entire player base". You realize how many ARK players I meet in real life that just play with their kids on their home private server and didn't even know we had a Reddit? My only point was that Reddit doesn't represent the entire player base of ARK. Maybe other people want to focus on some of the positive things while still knowing there's work to do (which I agree)?


Realize that your interests - or Reddit's interest for that matter - doesn't represent the entire player base. Lots of people experience ARK in different ways and aren't affected by these things. It's easy to look at the most popular Reddit threads and think that is everyone's sentiment. It's not. Reddit's opinions are valuable, just as everyone else who may not interact with Reddit. With that said - you raise valid points. I've been reading lots of feedback on official servers and new types of servers to try. Expect a post to go out soon looking for feedback on ways we can spice it up.

If people want to be excited about a new map, let them :) Just as you're entitled to be frustrated and mad, they're entitled to be satisfied and happy.

13 Jun


Originally posted by SlumberGod

I'm curious what would be the best proof for character loss? Fortunately I haven't lost one but now I currently have a character with all Tek engrams. Do I need to periodically take screenshots of my implant just in case my character does get deleted? Or are you guys able to look that up

To be honest - I'm not sure what's the best way of providing proof but it's a great question that I'll try and surface the answer to.


Customer service agents have to use their best judgment to act in cases where there isn't sufficient proof. As you can imagine, there could be a lot of people trying to game the system and most of these cases aren't a black and white scenario. Can CS agents get it wrong sometimes, you bet. But, they are always acting in the best interest of the overall game and community. Also if you feel wronged, file a dispute (another ticket) with more information or clarification for the CS agent. I can't get into the details of your case specifically, just speaking in general.


Originally posted by SixIzRippin

So whats the status CED? You are correct in that nobody can just jump to the conclusion that this a fix with no potential game breaking issues of itself, but is the team considering working with these guys? Are more questions being asked? Is this a firm "no" because you already see issues from perhaps server performance issues? Thanks!

The first step is to identify if this is doing anything particularly different than what we're doing in-house. Second is to identify if the results are drastically different than what we're getting in-house. We can't just copy/paste code from one project to the other to solve this but yes we are investigating and have no problems working together to solve something the community, and we, want addressed. Solving meshing takes a marathon of data. I've recently tried to promote more people using this plugin, because more testing/data is what's going to strengthen it.

Edit: More clearly, I am in their Discord and paying attention

Edit 2: This is also a paid plugin (which I didnt realize) so it does mean collaboration takes on a different meaning as he'll try to protect his IP (within his right).


Originally posted by El-shaddoll

It's great that you're acknowledging all these Mesh fixs but why do the ORP fixs not get any mention?

People have cried on for ages, top of the sub on many times to remove Pin codes from ORP structures (doors/gates) like you have removed them from vaults and turrets but it gets brushed a side. This is abused so much more than meshing on ORP servers. I've had over 20 tickets in the last month for a dev to remove ORP bases that tribes use to access with pin codes. It wastes devs time to remove these structures for them to get rebuild straight after.

We'll add this to the list of things to discuss and potentially tweak.


Also, I put up a response to this video. I'm not trying to build some adversarial relationship with the community and I appreciate the work that's going into finding a solution by the modders and people with ideas. But people should ask questions, as I did, when they see videos labeled as such.