

22 May


So that Constructed months and Limited months are identical opportunities.

One of the goals of the new system was to be simple, and in this case, that meant making the monthly events as directly comparable as possible. As soon as there is some variation in the entry prices, or in what you get from the events, there's now a difference in the value of different months that players have to unpack and calculate. Everyone would need to know a lot more about the system in order to figure out what's "correct" for them - and we would prefer that decision be much simpler, and just based on things like their preferred formats.

I'll admit it's awkward that the first month was Limited, so players haven't seen a Constructed version yet to compare to.

12 May


Thanks for the report. We will get a fix into the pipeline.

01 May


Originally posted by EmTeeEm

Players are encouraged to respond to whatever incentive you offer. If you need to play 10 instants, but don't need to win, the optimal path is not to brew a spells-matter deck (especially if it would cost wildcards). It is to make a Cantrip Tribal deck that completes the requirement quickly.

So while you will get some variation and brews you'll also get decks that are even dumber than Trickery. The current system gets around that by having Quests to push you to play different decks, but Dailies to push you to actually try and win with those decks and not just do something silly.

Players are encouraged to respond to whatever incentive you offer. If you need to play 10 instants, but don't need to win, the optimal path is not to brew a spells-matter deck (especially if it would cost wildcards). It is to make a Cantrip Tribal deck that completes the requirement quickly.

Yep, this is the exact problem. Players will search for the most efficient way to accrue value, even at the expense of their own (and certainly others') fun. We sometimes talk about alternative progression systems internally, but they all have their own issues. With daily wins, at least the incentive is aligned with the inherent and expected goal of a game of Magic.

That doesn't mean we'll never have another system, and we certainly won't stop thinking about it. But anything we consider would have to clear a pretty big hurdle to be better than the simplicity of "play to win the game." (And for all you memelords out there, we'd probably have to...

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27 Apr

26 Apr


Originally posted by thegreatdecay12

The invalid cards are nowhere to be found when editing the decks. Is it because of alchemy versions of cards or something? I’m sure could look it up but I’m really more looking to complain about how this is dumb than solve it and try to play again.

For what it's worth, I am looking to solve this. If you could take a screenshot of one or more of the affected decks and add it to this post, and optimally an export of the decklists as well, that would help us figure out what state you're in that isn't clearly displaying itself.

24 Apr


Originally posted by battierpeeler

/u/wotc_cromulous so do we get wildcards here for cards we haven't before? leyline, kethis, breach

No. They were never legal in this format previously.

21 Apr


Originally posted by kensw87

will any sets be rotating out of jump in? or will the pool grow infinitely?

Cards (and packet themes) will be removed when they rotate out.

20 Apr


Originally posted by Equivalent_Ad_8413


Imagine me on the shoreline waving goodbye to D&D as it sails away......

It is the unfortunate fate of all last-of-the-rotational-year sets that their time with us is so short. Let us remember it fondly...


Originally posted by Equivalent_Ad_8413

We're finishing up a Quick Draft of Zendikar Rising. On the schedule we have Quick Drafts of Kaldheim and Strixhaven: School of Magic. But the next non-Capenna set scheduled isn't Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms. Instead, it's Innistrad: Midnight Hunt, ending July 8.

My concern is whether this leaves enough time for one last Quick Draft of Dungeons & Dragons: Adventures in the Forgotten Realms before Rotation hits. Or has that ship now sailed?

That won't be happening, I'm afraid. Once it gets close enough to rotation, we stop running Quick Drafts of the sets that are about to rotate out, so we are skipping AFR and going straight to the sets that will remain in Standard and Alchemy after the fall.

06 Apr


Originally posted by Zoomer3989

any ETA on which update will have the favorite basic lands feature? I'd like to get the kamigawa block lands, but can't until this feature is live

Nothing specific to share yet, but it's not, like, right around the corner. There are a lot of pieces to that puzzle because it deals with cards and decks rather than just cosmetic items; it just felt worth calling out because it's all part of how players get to present themselves in game, and we know players are very interested in it.


Originally posted by G_Admiral

This is a quality-of-life improvement, making it so players don't have to select a target each time Blood Artist triggers.

I think this actually makes the card functionally better. When [[Shalai, Voice of Plenty]] or a similar effect was on the battlefield, you couldn't target your opponent with Blood Artist and the game automatically targeted you. Now you still won't be able to target your opponent, but at least your Blood Artist won't turn traitor.

Just to be clear, a Blood Artist pointed at yourself still gains you the life back, so it's almost always a wash that results in no change to the board state. This change does mean that you can't be forced to kill yourself if the opponent has, say, both Shalai and a Rampaging Ferocidon, but that's such a narrow case that we feel it's well worth it for the improved play experience.

01 Apr


Originally posted by PiersPlays

I hear the MTGA talk about visual glitches a lot. Do you mean to say that there's actually some sort of technical issue that is causing the wrong thing to be displayed rather than just that someone messed up and chose the wrong thing? Why is it that events seem to be so prone to these kinds of issues?

We are still figuring out what happened here, but I don't think there is even a dev-facing setting to choose that could cause this. The reward display is (supposed to be) determined directly from the way the rewards are given. To be honest, I didn't even think it was possible to have the event giving rewards one way (in this case, only at the end) and displaying them another, but hey, we learn something new every day.

As to "why events," well, even when it's not a new previously-impossible behavior, they involve tons of different pieces of data and pass through multiple hands on the way to the user. Even at a low error rate, over a large enough data set, some loose ends happen. We're always finding new ways to improve the process and make things more error-proof, but the nature of development is to also be constantly inventing new types of errors to make.

Oh, and events are also highly player-facing - moreso than almost any element of the game, other than t...

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Originally posted by Werewomble


Thanks for replying. I appreciate it.

I hope you get to work for a better company soon. Hang in there.

I know it's popular to demonize the company, but that's a pretty rude backhanded comment, and I don't appreciate it.


Those "+"s are a visual glitch - you only get 100 gold total, as long as you finish with at least 1 win. (Sorry about that, the UI wasn't supposed to be part of the foolin'.)

24 Mar


Originally posted by Chilly_chariots

Tell me you put shrines and equipment jellyfish in the cube without telling me you put shrines and equipment jellyfish in the cube

The Reality Chip does have a lot of types, but it doesn't quite fit any of the supported blue themes in this build. Maybe next time.

That is all I have to say.

23 Mar


Originally posted by Chilly_chariots


(I’m still having so much fun with Neon Dynasty though, it’s going to be tough deciding what to do...)

I can tell you that Neon Dynasty is well-represented in the card list. (Turns out, when you're trying to find cards that cross over between two or three themes, sagas with three chapters and multiple card types can be preeeetty handy.)

06 Mar


Originally posted by Caleb_Reynolds

Quick question about this. Do I need to submit my one own ticket for this or will we all get the styles without doing that?

No ticket needed, we should be able to find everyone ourselves since we already know what to look for. We will let folks know when this is happening, and if you still haven't gotten it after that point, then send in a ticket.

04 Mar


Thanks for the report, we are on it.

Just to set expectations, resolution will most likely come next week. We'll grant the showcase style to anyone who got the depth art from the event, and the event will be fixed for the remainder of its run.

28 Feb


Originally posted by pchc_lx

in the Patch Notes - 2022.13 (Kamigawa) there's a note that says

Newly-created decks in the deckbuilder now default to Alchemy for their format

I'd have to imagine this is what people are basing their takes off, no ?

To be clear, that was supposed to only change the "default sort" - that is, the placeholder that determines which cards are shown until you choose a format by hand. We do want players to be able to see and choose their Alchemy cards in this state if they are just flipping pages aimlessly, but also to still be able to easily choose whatever format they actually intended. The format selector getting overridden and not displaying anymore is a bug.

As for what people are basing their takes off, I generally assume it is their in-client experience.


It's a bug. When you create a new deck, the client is supposed to show the format dropdown right away in the main deckbuilder. It's documented in our system, and we will get a fix out when we can.

(By the way, this would be an incredibly ineffective way to try to "force" players into a game mode anyway. Even if it did result in more decks of that type being saved, players still choose what format they want to play when they enter a queue or an event! It wouldn't accomplish anything except frustrating players, as evidenced by this and other posts about the issue.)