

10 Jun


Originally posted by CHRISKVAS

Is there a theme here I'm missing?

These are some Cube favorites, for those who are into that kind of thing. :)

05 Jun


Originally posted by pchc_lx

any chance you could shed some light on what it is about sideboarding in particular that seems to be a bit bug-prone?

not flaming, just curious.

edit: oh, and what's up with the Ogre Battledriver deck boxes?

That's definitely outside my expertise, but just speaking from How Things Tend to Work in development, the sideboarding process just involves a lot of stuff - multiple rapid scene transitions, saving deck states, preserving the board snapshot, etc etc etc. Also, best-of-three still just gets played a lot less, so it can just take longer for strange corner-case issues to surface.

The box art is even further outside my space. My best guess is, he just really wanted to be the default and nobody was brave enough to tell him no. :o


Originally posted by gryfn7

Make a bug report. I'm assuming this is mobile.




For client breaks like this, a formal bug report (including logs if at all possible, for anyone on a desktop!) are absolutely invaluable. There are so many possible variables, and every piece of information about how the user got to where they are helps the team narrow down the search.

In this case, another great thing to note is, when you restart, do you come back to the sideboarding screen or somewhere else? Have you experienced this - or NOT experienced it - in any other Bo3 environment, like Traditional Standard Play?

28 May


Any "weird" format event always, always, always draws a lot of strong reactions - Omniscience and Momir being some of the prime examples. It's okay (and expected) that not every event lands for everyone; that doesn't mean we'll stop trying new things!

Of course, it's also nice to hear from the folks who enjoy it. :)


Originally posted by Dualmonkey

They should rename this event "FNM: Rule of law" as that's the way more relevant effect now compared to the omniscience part.

They essentially removed the omniscience part of omniscience. It doesn't matter so much that things cost 0 when the majority of the deck barely costs much and I'm limited to 1 thing a turn.

I liked the flashy swingy craziness of the old mode. That's what omniscience is for. Crazy stuff you'd never see normally.

Games would often be one sided but this was offset by the games ending quickly. Games would end in just a few turns so it wasn't a big deal that you lost hard and you could queue again.

This replacement has none of those elements that make the old version special. It has it's own positives and negatives, but it doesn't feel "omniscience".

And don't get me wrong, I had fun playing this mode, but couldn't we have this in addition to the old mode instead of replacing it.

Not every mode has ...

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Regular Omniscience events are not gone forever! In fact, they will still be the "usual" going forward. We're just offering a different take on the experience this time. Maybe you're right that this is so different that it could have had a different name, as well.

26 May


Originally posted by acquiredtastes_

so how's it hanging? are you gonna implement a fix or not?

It's in tomorrow's release.

20 May


Originally posted by quillypen

By the way, any word on Magma Opus freezing the game sometimes? I haven't seen people talking about it lately but I never saw a fix in a patch.

This also has a fix coming next week!

19 May


There is a fix for this issue in the HA5 release. It will be out next week. Sorry for the wait, I know it can be frustrating.

10 May


Originally posted by HitagiSenjougahara

I understand why things like FTK is being excluded from the re-run, but honestly think for cards like Lighting Bolt (that were even included in the Archives, so are part of the Arena client at this point), people would be much happier with the "original" cards, even if we can't really play them outside of Jumpstart (or friend challenge).

Is it because its too early to evaluate how the Mystical Archives approach was received or is there some other reason?

The Jumpstart versions of the cards do not exist on Arena. Lightning Bolt is the only replaced card that does now exist on Arena, and one random Mystical Archive card in the middle of the Jumpstart event is likely to raise more questions than it answers.

07 May


The event will start at 1300. The timer is just a little confused, but it's got the spirit. (We're looking into it.)


Originally posted by MondSemmel

In theory, I understand this argument re: Flametongue Kavu, but in practice it doesn't make much sense since [[Goblin Commando]] from Jumpstart did get added to Arena anyway, and it has the same play pattern as Kavu.

It's a question of risk. There's basically no risk that Goblin Commando will see significant play outside of the Jumpstart event. Flametongue is a better card and carries more risk, and we chose the path of caution. Suffice it to say, we are exploring other paths going forward - again, in part because of what we saw during Jumpstart.


Originally posted by drostandfound

We don't need path. The historic removal is fine.

But seriously, why was Flame Tounge Kavu not included.

I see this question a fair amount, drostandfound. Cards were excluded from Jumpstart on Arena because of power level, coding costs, and/or play pattern - and Flametongue Kavu was in the last category.

The fact that FTK's trigger is mandatory and can hit your own creatures creates board states that are both punishing and stagnant. If I have one in hand and you have no creatures, I literally can't cast it without it killing itself - so I'm incentivized to do nothing. And if you ever play a creature with 4 or less toughness, not only will it die, but you've actually enabled me to play my creature and start attacking you - so you're incentivized to do nothing, too. That makes for an especially unpleasant and drawn-out case, so we decided to swap it out.

That said, we saw a fair amount of regret and frustration in response to the Jumpstart swaps, and we do understand where that was coming from. When a similar case arose again with the Mystical Archive, ...

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05 May


Originally posted by zannyzozo

Will the Japanese mystical archive styles for the multi color cards be made available at some point in Arena?

They will. They aren't in the College Cup, but there will be an event for them later in the set.


Originally posted by PopAndLocknessMonstr

Maybe some more clarification here...the rewards are the normal Mystical Archive art that we can already pull from packs and it only applies to the uncommon styles and is NOT the alternate japanese art, is that correct?

It is the Japanese alternate art styles.


Originally posted by Ginoladers

I really like the flavor of this, but paying 2500 gold 3 times for a chance to maybe win a sleeve seems... the worst I‘ve ever seen on Arena. I mean if you want to play the formats it is maybe worth the investment but honestly: I hope very few people will actually participate in this to show WotC that these types of flavor-fun-events should be free

To clarify, the events award card styles for the Mystical Archive, just like Festival events in past sets. And if that's still not up your alley, you don't have to enter the Cup events to receive the celebratory sleeve - everyone on Arena will get that!

02 May


We're aware of the issue, and a fix is in the works.

23 Apr


Hey all, sorry about the mix-up, but the second FNM has been taken down. (It shouldn't have been up in the first place - it was only a backup in case this week's event had to be delayed.) For those who collected some bonus rewards before it came down, way to be on the ball. :P

22 Apr


Originally posted by TheRealNequam

Thats because Brawl doesnt have sideboards and as such no slot for companions

Brawl does allow the use of one sideboard slot specifically for a companion - usually, anyway. We know about this bug, and we're working on a fix.

20 Apr


Originally posted by redruben234

I just dislike the ones that are completely banned existing in Arena. It feels kinda bad to open a channel and not have anywhere to play it. Maybe one day a format will exist where they are legal. Till then they collect dust in my digital collection.

I specify only those cards because the ones that are legal are sweet and I love them.

Hey, I definitely get it. And we're looking for places to incorporate these cards into variant game modes and formats to give players some use for these cool, old cards where they aren't just completely distorting and degenerate - or maybe at least where the degeneracy is amusing and novel?

(Also, personally, I think it's great that players are finding some spots for these cards in the meantime!)

16 Apr


Originally posted by vXSovereignXv

For me it's the opposite, draft a coherent deck with synergies 0-3. Rare draft and end up with an absolute pile, 7-0.

I'm successfully hitting 0-3 with both my coherent synergy decks and my disorganized piles. 8)