What do you grab for lunch?
You rush back to her apartment, and she swipes her clothes from you, looking back with what could potentially be a smile. You sigh in relief.
An alarm rings, it’s lunch time! She stares at you, raising an eyebrow. It’s YOUR job to handle this.
When you get there, they greet you but apologize for forgetting which clothes are Viper’s! It’s up to you to choose which item she wants.
What clothes do you pick?
Okay, okay – somehow, you survived the coffee siphon. Viper peers over her freshly brewed coffee, slightly impressed. She tells you to go pick up her dry cleaning.
What do you do, go for the chain coffee shop down the street, or try to use the complex coffee siphon she has in her kitchen?
Alright – thankfully, you were able to make it to work on time, and Viper has let you into her luxurious apartment. You figured there’d be some sort of orientation, but Viper’s already asking for her coffee.
When do you choose to get out of bed?
Wake up! It’s your first day as Viper’s assistant and it’s time to go to work. The tranquil sound of rain outside your studio apartment isn’t making it any easier to get up. Viper wants you to be at her front door by 5:30AM, and you’re already running late.