I appreciate you coming back to this post to provide more info!
Thank You, I didn't actually expect such detailed answer!
I'm happy you're aware there's some kind of problem and decided to make it a priority to find it and fix it. It only confirms that Valorant would get better and better.
I'm praying you'd get enough of information about what's going on and manage to fix it as soon as possible, at best this year(praying!).
If I had to sum up my experience before patch 0.50 - Have you played Counter Strike Source? Models there 'die' pretty responsive way, right? I know it's also because of the engine, but forget about it for a second.
Or If you watch one of commercial videos about Valorant like the one about Yoru or Alpha state of 'Project A'(with known 'precise gunplay) - in both of those cases the registration and movement feels on 'point', which no longer felt this way after 0.50
Idk how much of a 'hint' it is, I trust y'all abou...