
Valorant Dev Tracker

10 Nov


Originally posted by Gallatek

Please continue trying different things! I'm a fan of new hand animations, but I love that you're trying different ideas of what a skin set should be.

Also more Frenzy love! Its been underappreciated thus far and there haven't been many great skins for it outside of Glitchpop.

Haha! I had people saying "no more Frenzy skins" after we did Elderflame and Glitchpop!

Sensation has a Frenzy skin. :)


Originally posted by imheretostate

Default reload animation? Will that be fixed?

It's not a bug. There are animations on this gun through the spinning turbines and the orb mechanism. We want to try different ways to animate guns since some players want hand animation change (like with Reaver) but others want something that's more based on the gun itself.


Originally posted by sideflanker

There are plenty of animations. The reactors spinning, side panels opening up when you pull the gun out, etc. There's just no reload animation.

The orb pulses on reload. We tried something different with this skin with animations since not everyone wants new hand animations for a skin.


Originally posted by Buttchin-n-Bones

Yeah I was about to say

Aesthetics are cool, sounds are new anims? byeee

It has animated moving parts on the inside (turbines and the mechanism holding the orb).


Originally posted by npcSara

!pin hi friends! We know this is... pretty confusing. So we are shipping updated UI for this soon. Stay tuned :)

Tried uploading a pic here but idk how to Reddit properly it seems.
Anyway, we shipped the changes :) Hopefully things make more sense now.
Link to photo:


Originally posted by Lord-Bob-317

Can you confirm or deny this was made in partnership w Destiny

No partnerships involved at all with anyone.


Originally posted by Klemmenz

Who is #1 and 2?

Made a quick edit, Sage actually made it up to #2. Reyna was #1 this last patch, Killjoy and Sage are quite close but Sage beats KJ by a few fractions of a percent :)


Originally posted by icemansun

please buff sage

Sage is the #3 winrate agent on this patch and has been every patch since her nerf - what specifically do you feel needs to be buffed?

Edit: just double checked and she’s actually crested up to #2 on this last patch!


Originally posted by Scrinwarrior

I can appreciate Riot trying to stabilize the game. I appreciate them dealing with the back issues that the game suffers from, and trying to optimize a little bit and nail down mechanical issues the game has.

That said... can we please just do something about my girl? I understand that balance changes, especially the sort of overhaul Viper needs, take time. I don’t hold it against Riot that they wanted to take it slow. I get it, I really do. But it’s been 6 months or more since the community found out how bad Viper is. 6 months since they knew she needed substancial buffs to be viable. Every other agent has had their time in the limelight. Every other agent has seen the upper ends of the meta. Breach has seen considerable buffs to make him strong, and even got buffed last patch too. Riot wasn’t afraid to make a statement with Breach and firmly plant him in the meta. They likewise took a firm stance on nerfs to Sage (which might have been a bit aggressive) and nerfs to Cyph...

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We haven’t forgotten about Viper, she’s just got a lot more moving parts to manage compared to other agents. Our focus right now is stability for First Strike, but we want to look at the Controller role afterwards and see what improvements we can make there.

I know Viper hasn’t been in the best spot, despite our efforts thus far. We do still want to continue to work on her, we just had some higher level issues we felt needed tackling first (like the Operator, and changes to make Sentinels more interactive and healthy). She’s definitely still on our mind as an opportunity to improve.


Originally posted by engageddread

Yup. Brimstone imo needs a buff. The pick rate is low and omen is just way better than brim.

We agree! We’ve got some Brim buffs that we’re testing internally, but don’t want to release them and shake things up too badly during First Strike. Controllers are definitely on our mind, though!


Hope you all end up loving the set, especially if you're into sci-fi! This is my favorite set the team has released so far (with the Reaver re-release coming close second).

As mentioned in the recent Ask VALORANT, the problematic release of Patch 1.11 is forcing us to reevaluate what it takes to raise the quality bar for patch days going forward. So, while we’re not skipping Patch 1.12, we’re giving it a light touch.

Updates to the Observer and the social panel are the stars this time around, along with some bug fixes. The in-match display of Act Rank Badges will continue to be suspended while we figure out what’s contributing to the performance hitches.

As a head’s up, it’s very likely we’ll skip the next patch and get back in the swing of things on or around Dec. ...

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09 Nov