Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

21 Nov


Very strange! Does the issue persist after restarting both your PC and Darktide?

If so, could you please provide a console log for us to take a look?

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Great work! I’m glad you were able to identify the cause and fully resolve the issue. Thank you for sharing your findings!


We’re looking in to this. Thank you!


I’ve added this information to the report in our database for this crash. Thank you!


This crash is under investigation - thank you for the report!


Hi @Atil1504, please can you provide a crash report or console log from a session this crash happens? Thank you!

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Please can you provide a crash report or console log so we can take a look at this? Thank you!

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Added this crash to our database - thank you for the report!


Hi @apicethedwarf,

Please check out the potential solution in this article:

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Hi @sadim,

It appears that you’re encountering a GPU-related crash. Please try our solutions here:

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Hi @TuRRi,

I’ve checked your account, and can see that the Forgotten Relic Pack DLC is active on your account and that all of the expected weapon blueprints were added to your inventory on November 14th.

Please ensure that you are using appropriate classes when trying to craft the weapons.

  • Trollhammer (Ironbreaker, Outcast Engineer)
  • Spear and Shield (Mercenary, Huntsman, Foot Knight)
  • Griffon-Foot (Witch Hunter Captain, Bounty Hunter, Zealot)
  • Coruscation Staff (Battle Wizard, Pyromancer, Unchained)
  • Moonfire Bow (Waystalker, Handmaiden, Shade)

Please include the crash report produced, should you experience another. Thank you! :slight_smile:


I have no reliable solutions at this time :frowning: I can only recommend churning through the links below on the off-chance that something might help:

[PC] How to Resolve Crashes in Darktide

[PC] How to Resolve GPU Crashes in Darktide


Please ensure your ‘Virtual Memory’ in Windows is set to ‘Automatically Manage Paging File Size for All Drives’ by:

  1. Navigate to Control Panel > System and Security
  2. Select ‘System’
  3. Select ‘Advanced system settings’
  4. Under the ‘Advanced’ tab, select the ‘Settings’ button underneath ‘Performance’
  5. Select the ‘Advanced’ tab
  6. Select the ‘Change’ button underneath ‘Virtual memory’
  7. Ensure the ‘Automatically Manage Paging File Size for All Drives’ checkbox is marked
  8. Restart your PC

Thank you for your report, we’re looking in to this!


I’ve added this to our database. Thank you!


Thank you for letting us know - we’ll check it out.


Please see if anything here can help:

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