Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

05 Dec


Description: I play Vermintide with a bunch of IRL friends who live in the same city as me, with whom I usually have around 40-70 ms of ping. Since this patch, said ping has more than doubled, now going for around 110-150 ms of ping (usually 140). This is including people who live in the same apartment as me.
Oddly enough, my ping when playing with people from far away, like friends in the US and such, has largely remained the same.
Region: Argentina, South America
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04 Dec


Hi @exact

This issue has been known to occur when a player’s ISP is blocking their network requests. It’s most commonly reported among our Turkish players - which is where I can see you are based.

I recommend following the steps in this article:

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03 Dec


It is a great game, I can’t wait for darktide as well. The only thing that could make this game even better is a certain vampire, starts with a “G”…


Whew, what a relief! I appreciate you letting us know. :slight_smile:


It’s unfortunate that I can’t see any errors being reported in the backend.

Have you already ran through the list here?: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360007695698--Xbox-One-PS4-How-to-Resolve-Most-Connectivity-Errors

01 Dec


It looks like you managed to log in earlier, is that right? Around 10:30amish CET?


I’ve re-opened the internal report with a link to this. :slight_smile:


Hi @sharkdork,

From the crash reports I can see both instances are GPU-related crashes, though I can’t see anything immediately obvious as to why this happening.

I’d recommend running through all of the solutions in this article:

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I looked up the existing report I made in our database and it appears to have been closed as “Works as Designed”.

Hammer/Mace & Shield is a slightly slower weapon handling-wise than the other shield weapons. Working as intended.


Oh no :frowning:

Is there anybody local to you that could have a look at your PC perhaps? It could be as simple as the GPU not being seated correctly!


Unfortunately I don’t have any immediate solutions for you, but I have raised this with our Engine Developers for investigation.


Hi @KillerCorvid,

Looking at your friends console log I can see they are encountering a GPU-related crash.

I recommend getting them to run through the solutions in the following article:

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Sorry to hear this. Could you PM me your PSN ID please?

30 Nov


The weapon is likely still in the inventory but the issue here is that equipment does sometimes unequip itself (we’re investigating).


Please include the crash report produced. Thank you!


@mook31213 So, based on the information within the logs, it appears your Intel® HD Graphics 630 is set as your default GPU, as opposed to your NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050. This is consequently resulting in your crashes in Vermintide 2, as the Intel® HD Graphics 630 cannot handle the demand.

Please run through the solutions listed below:

  • Ensure your monitors are plugged in to the dedicated (as opposed to the integrated) GPU ports on the back of your PC
  • Perform a clean re-installation of your GPU drivers using the appropriate instructions here: ...
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Thank you for letting us know!


Unfortunately I have no immediate solutions for you but rest assured we are investigating this particular crash. Apologies for the inconvenience.