Original Post — Direct link
Good afternoon, if there's any member of the Ubisoft support team i would like to ask a question if possible. I know that a lot of time has elapsed since i made the switch from console to pc but i have a query regarding skins. I was wondering if there's any chance that a skin i had on my console account could be transferred on my pc account. The skin i'm talking about is the seasonal Carnevale skin which is no longer available. I have the skin on my Xbox account (of which the username is UglyHombre) while it is missing on my pc account (the actual username is Unfound.). Is there any way that you guys can move the skin between these two accounts? If so, let me know if you need any further information regarding the accounts to make sure that they both belong to me.
Thanks in advance.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Hey Unfound.,

Thanks for reaching out and welcome to forums!

As much as we would like to help you with this, regrettably our Support team do not have the ability to transfer your content to another platform.

I do apologise if this may not be the outcome you have anticipated and should you happen to have any queries, let us know!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Originally Posted by Unfound.
Hey Karl, this is honestly surprising to me as i would have sworn that i've seen at least a couple of threads where people asked the same thing and received the skin. Anyways, it's not that big of a deal so it's all good. Thanks for the insanely fast reply and have a nice day!
I'm not exactly sure which thread you're referring to but it might be Ubisoft Club skin rewards that you're confusing it with, although that is only a guess!

Either way, no worries at all, sorry for not being much of a help and hope you have a great day!
about 2 years ago - FatsharkLev - Direct link

Hi @Stickypaws,

Do you own the Grail Knight Cosmetic Upgrade?

If so, the cosmetics must be unlocked via completion of Okri’s Challenges. You can find more information here:

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