War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

26 Mar

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/2993178796870733180]here[/url].

An experimental Soviet SPG SU-76D will be an award in the upcoming crafting event in War Thunder!

SU-76D is a premium low-rank tank destroyer that will be one of the prizes of the new crafting event in War Thunder. The idea of ​​creating this vehicle is very interesting and unusual for Soviet tank engineering - a light tank destroyer with the lowest profile possible, a closed cabin and an inclined arrangement of armor plates in the front projection. The same principles underlie the design of the excellent German Hetzer tank hunter, which, unlike Soviet vehicles, was produced in large numbers and proved to be effective in combat.

The SU-76D, built on the chassis of the T-70 light tank, has rather mediocre protection: even in the front projection, the self-propelled gun can be penetrated by almost all opponents, w... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/2993178796869924447]here[/url].

25 Mar


Enduring confrontation Sicily (test version):
  • Added AI aircraft presets for rank 6 battles to those templates where it was required, as well as where the same aircraft preset was used beginning at rank V.
  • German aircraft in AI presets have been replaced with Italian aircraft.
  • All aircraft AI presets for all ranks have been changed.
  • The number of ground vehicles involved in the logic of the mission has been reduced in order to assess the load on the server and possibly fix errors that might arise due to a large number of simultaneously active AI vehicles. These errors might cause a lack of equipment in ground battles and in convoys.
  • The M163 airfield anti-aircraft guns, which were used in high rank battles, have been replaced with the M247 and Gepard.
The ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/2993178796867139750]here[/url].

24 Mar


  • The method of sound generation for aircraft cannons and machine guns has been corrected so that the change of fire rate with a gun change in the range of 1000-1600 rpm is now more distinctive by ear (e.g., MG-17 and MG-81).
  • A mechanism has been created to distinguish hits from a player's weapon to an enemy in the sound mix, and does not change the surrounding sound picture when allies/enemies hit a nearby vehicle. Previously, any hit to a nearby unit decreased the volume of some elements of the mix, which sometimes led to unobvious changes in general volume.
  • The sound of ground vehicle engines has received significantly greater dynamics (the change in engine operating mode has become much more noticeable by ear). This applies to both player and enemy vehicles and makes these sounds mor...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/2993178796862781450]here[/url].

23 Mar


We are starting to work on a new game mode for ground vehicles! It features story-driven PvE missions that you will be able to complete with your friends.

The test is available for everyone from 13:00 GMT on the 22nd of March until 13:00 GMT on the 24th of March in the Events and Tournaments tab.

We invite you to try the first 3 missions of the game mode:
  • Eastern Front 1941 (Poland) - German Pz. III F’s are under the control of players. To participate it is necessary to have one vehicle in the hangar of rank II or above.
  • Eastern Front 1943 (Fire Arc) - Soviet Т-34-57’s are under the control of players. To participate it is necessary to have one vehicle in the hangar of rank IV or above.
  • Middle East 1973 (Sinai) - US M48A1’s are under the control of player...
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19 Mar

  • Seversk-13 - a bug has been fixed with switching landmesh level of detail, which led to disappearing of assets and units under the ground, when viewed from a long distance.
Enduring Confrontation
  • Bugs in the objective issuing system have been fixed with carrier search and destruction tasks.
  • Carrier respawn time after destruction has been increased from 1 to 10 minutes. The number of respawns has remained the same - up to 5.
  • The carrier’s route has been corrected in the “Port Moresby” mission. It should no longer ram the island.
  • Some ground convoy routes have been corrected in the “Sicily” mission and stops on the crossroads should now be fixed. If not, please let us know on our forums with screenshots of the exact areas.
  • A naming issue...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/3014570262228428520]here[/url].

17 Mar


From March 17th (11:00 GMT) until March 19th (07:00 GMT), play the game to get a new decal!
Unlock the "Leprechaun" decal for 3 battles in vehicles of rank II or higher (with a minimum of 60% activity).

The jolly Irish celebrate St. Patrick's Day, in celebration of the legendary savior and heavenly patron of Ireland. This is a day of bright colors, friendly drinking and happy images. The emerald-green extravaganza proved to be contagious and now St. Patrick's Day has become an international spring holiday. We will not stay out of it either!

Get your commemorative Leprechaun decal by completing a simple task.

Monitor your progress here: “Your nickname” → “Achievements” → “S... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/3014570262221636339]here[/url].
  • F-5A — excessive wing durability has been limited to 11.5G with full fuel tanks.
  • The amount of respawn points required to run aircraft with the electro-optical tv or IR guidance system ATGM has been increased by 20%.
  • The sound of rapid-fire aviation armament has been corrected. The sound has become more mellow at low and mid frequencies.
  • The sounds of explosions have been amplified at low frequencies.
  • An issue has been resolved with barely distinguishable engine sounds in ground vehicles with the background noise of battles
Enduring Confrontation
  • PBJ-1, previously used as the AI strike aircraft, has been changed to the A-26B-10 at rank IV, the PBJ-1 has a low climb rate, resulting in numerous issues with rocky lan...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/3014570262221246957]here[/url].

12 Mar

  • Ji-Ro - the position of the sight has been corrected for SB mode.
  • Su-9, Su-11 - textures relating to the tail tearing off have been fixed.
Enduring Confrontation
  • A bug where AI controlled US aircraft models appeared in the USSR missions at ranks VI and VII has been fixed.
  • An aircraft carrier template has been added to “Enduring Confrontation: Tunisia mission (landing and taking off from the carrier, and missions to destroy carriers, are now available).
  • A bug with the ground convoys of team A has been fixed. Previously, they were unable to be detected, and tasks for escorting and destroying convoys were not available.
  • A bug which would cause no indication of the square in which the ground convoy was located, during tasks requiring the destruction of the convoy, has been fixe...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/4623480761845909022]here[/url].

10 Mar

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/236390/announcements/detail/3023576826875595657]here[/url].

A new line of South African ground forces, the first Variable Swept Wing jet and over 30 new vehicles are joining the game! New location, tactical air-to-surface missiles and a pilot HUD along with new graphical effects, gunfire sounds for aircraft, and much more!

Check out the Changlog here[warthunder.com]

South African armoured vehicles
Over 20 new ground vehicles includes first South African armoured vehicles added as a separate branch of the British tech tree

... Read more

Tactical air-to-surface missiles
Several models of tactical air-to-surface missiles will be added to the weapon presets of both new aircraft and aviation already researched by players. Two of them are really special, let’s take a closer look.

The Soviet Kh-29L is currently the largest guided missile in the game with a mass of 317kg for an armour-piercing high-explosive warhead. The missile was first tested in combat during the war in Afghanistan and has since been used and modernized for the needs of Russian aviation, and also for export. The Kh-29L has a laser homing system, so the launch of a high-precision weapon can be detected by a potential victim - if there are detection devices, of course.

The American AGM-65A Maverick missile, which will also appear in the “Ixwa Strike” update does not hav... Read more