War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

12 Jun

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by NO Problem Old Tie: When will update the next big patches, in 2 weeks?


10 Jun

    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
While the consensus so far seems to be the UK, I don't have one to compare it against my UM2.

Even though the UM2 has some very obvious shortcomings compared to peers (Thermals, specifically), I must echo the first comment's sentiment: Even in stock trim without a single module, I felt that it was great to play.

I don't play top tier as much as I play 8.0-9.0, but I've very casually worked my way down the right side of the modules (No mobility stuff), still very quick, handles well, etc.

09 Jun

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by GoiZodd74: July 14th.
That day they'll show changes that THEY think are good (meanwhile they take at least a month to apply them).
The Truth?
They'll try to fool their playerbase.
The game is fated to die.

A more detailed roadmap by the 14th of June.

06 Jun

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Alucard:
Originally posted by APhone: For anyone wondering - this guy is russian speaker, native or not. You can see it in his recent posts and steam aliases. YE66AH is veiled russian word "уебан" which is semantically close to english "fu*ker". Maybe non-russian game master will help you, but its unlikely.
I've never been a part of a russian community in games. It's a ridiculous accusation and the nickname I've been using for years (YE666AH, YEAH666) holds has no hidden...
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05 Jun

    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by RlyShadow: I don't understand how people can bare to play the tank myself.

I mean literally everything is bad except reload, damage, and pen.

I'm not looking for "you're playing it wrong" or bla bla. I just want to get some peoples actually voices on why they like to play it. Maybe even when they decide to use it such as when factions you face, map, etc.

Cut some of what you said out, as you've basically summed it up yourself:

-- Has great reload, has great damage, and it has great penetration, even at range (For his BR).
-- It's one of the lowest BR vehicles that has a "rangefinder" module that allows for faster & more accurate distance measurement (At least, comparative to peers).

So- best use is as a long-range sniper, ideally at 800-1000+ meters. And, as others have said, no armor is often more helpful than you might think. At this range, ... Read more
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, you can submit as many as you want, but the judges will only select 1 as a winner (if they deem it as a winner, of course).
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by immortal is close:
Originally posted by Lucas: When it says victory or defeat, the game is already over. Anything after that is just flying around for a few seconds while the game closes, it doesn't count.
what im telling you is my kill was confirmed 5 seconds before it says victory or defeat

Could you send me a server replay where this happened?
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BucketandOnly: I used to click on the mousewheel (MMT) everytime to use my gunners sight and to scout. And I took a break for some weeks. And suddenly WT won´t react anymore by clicking on the mousewheel. I checked my mouse if the wheel still works and yes it does. I even used another mouse if the game would recognize it´s mouse wheel click and no it does not. Did I miss something ? Could this be a bug or actually a removal Gaijin announced ?

Hi, afaik nothing was changed. Could you check your in-game key bindings for gunner sight and scouting?

02 Jun

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by SadlyItsDaniel: Shot the Driver and Gunner, dude managed to still fire back at me, are there 2 gunners now or what
Server replay?
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Łukaszkiller448947 POLAND!!!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-r2SuoBUV_4

NOBODY asked for this
As mentioned few hours ago in official feedback thread:

Thank you for your feedback on the suspension and grip testing!
The system requires improvement and will not be implemented in the upcoming update.

31 May

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by French Cat:
Originally posted by I Kawaii_Sheep I:
dont teamkill them, it will backfire on you just report them as usual but theres like a max of 5 reports a day tho, they havent really tought this trough.
We all know those reports go to the shredder.
All reports are checked by GMs
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
TK bans are handled by automatic system. Any damage is counted, so if someone is a TK by choice, and his TK was not an accident, he get his punishment.

29 May

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by cumтёнок: Dear devs, I'm not playing the game until you fix the economics and start treating us like people - not living wallets. Stop soaking money out of the peoples' pockets, I should NOT PAY you to able to HAVE FUN in a free to play game. I should pay BECAUSE I'm having fun in your game and would like to support you. Stop this. You've got enough money to live a good life till the end of days. I'm not counting your money, but think this over.

Hi, here is our statement regarding the economy:

... Read more
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by BlackBeard: special task required 3 torpedo kills with aircraft vs vessels, dropped 3 airborne torpedos on a skr frigate all 3 hit broadside and ship blew sky high, went to check quest progress, still 0/3, it is rated for naval AB and i was in naval AB..... happened with other quest not tracking / fulfilling their progress, and other tasks asking for 85% activity and multiple wins with me being top 1-2 player and still come out with 80-84% activity when task required 85%, ♥♥♥♥ is sky high broken.

Hi, please check that you used the correct vehicle rank.

28 May

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi everyone,

You may have seen our recent Dev Team response to questions from the YouTube community and content creators:


Many have been asking about economic questions, and as we said, we anticipate providing a more detailed roadmap by the 14th of June for this. The content creator Q&A are not specifically economic questions. If you missed our Economy Revision post, it is here:

... Read more

24 May

23 May

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by TOP J ENFORCER: It does mean a lot it shows you at least care. I reaally really hope your changes that you bring are truly positive because we love this game and believe it or not. Can't wait to see the changes.
