War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

10 May

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by  unboxer0 : title

It is playable. These are some of the better tanks.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
In my opinion, it's workable but not really feasible, especially against Tigers and Panthers.

A 57mm gun is much weaker than the 85mm gun.

09 May

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Breastmilk Enjoyer: I drop bombs on base, base goes boom. don't get rewarded for it.

See plane, fire AAM... "vehicle destroyed".
Look at scoreboard, nothing changed.....

Is this normal?
Someone dropped bombs earlier than you and get the bonus?

Originally posted by Breastmilk Enjoyer:
Originally posted by JuX: Was the aircraft an NPC by chance?
are there NPC aircraft in air...
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08 May

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by yee yee a$$ kat: gaijin is using war thunder and enlisted as an AI learning program


04 May

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

02 May

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Commander359:
Originally posted by magazine2:
What is pay to win about it exactly? The very vast majority of premium vehicles in the game have counterparts in the regular research tree for free. Premium vehicles only give premium bonuses to help research faster. Of course, they also come with every modification unlocked, but I wouldn't call this pay to win.

Yes, because most premium vehicles are TOTALLY balanced against their tech-tree counterparts. The ...
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    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Rasa: ...

What is pay to win about it exactly? The very vast majority of premium vehicles in the game have counterparts in the regular research tree for free. Premium vehicles only give premium bonuses to help research faster. Of course, they also come with every modification unlocked, but I wouldn't call this pay to win.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by M.o.P.: Another flood of Chinese "players" making the otherwise unplayable game, even more unplayable. Big fun.

And why do Chinese players make the game unplayable? I don't understand.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by FireFromBehind:
Originally posted by magazine2:
Hi, where did you purchase it?
new moderator?

It's me - I just changed my profile pic. Been here for a year now. I don't really do moderation stuff; more community manager stuff.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by kernelj1948: I bought the mustang Pack days ago and still can't find it. Submitted a ticket to Gaijin and received notification email they had received my issue. Now nothing. I've tried right click on the library item but no show. How do I know if it arrives?

Hi, where did you purchase it?

01 May

    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by GB: Lets say i have about 100mm of solid shot

Based on username, profile picture, and "solid shot", I'm going to guess something British, and something 2.7/3.0, fighting against a 3.7 ARL?

So like a 2pdr/6pdr on a Crusader?

If you --have-- to shoot at the front of it, your best bet is trying to hit the gun mantlet square (Immediately to the left/right of the gun barrel), or trying to sink one through the frontal hull plate as Lucky Star said.

Preferably, if you're in a smaller and more maneuverable tank, try to avoid the head-on confrontation to begin with (flank around the sides of the map/set up an ambush).

If you're shooting at the 5.3 version and have less than 100mm of penetration, your options become significantly worse. (A) Bust the barrel off, flank and kill from the side, (B) chance a shot right down the side of the barrel, where... Read more

27 Apr

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi. The devs do not plan for a tank only mode any time.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by XmanJoe: I feel like this is an idiotic thing, but could it be really cool if we can make it and if you want to drive a combat vehicle you need a crew like realoders, riders and so on, would be the craziest discovery in the whole game

WT doesn't and wont have an infantry mode. We've got Enlisted for that.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please change your password and set up 2FA as soon as possible.

25 Apr

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by FingersGaming: Just a few days ago I was doing really good in the P-47 , being able to dogfight other planes and even have good turning rate. Got myself in it again today and what I can say I noticed way harder pulls both for sides and up/down.
What the hell Gaijin?
All you have is a hunch and "trust me bro"?

P-47 , being able to dogfight other planes and even have good turning rate
That part hits every P-47 pilot.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ★ Wilkasz ★:
Originally posted by magazine2:
The game has a learning curve, where you must learn about where to shoot on the enemy to take out their critical components and crew members. With a well placed shot, you are able to take out an entire tank with 1 shot. There are no health bars here.
how do I learn those spots, I tried shooting at wheels, back, front, cannon, and many other

There are several ways.

1. In the hangar or any resea... Read more
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ★ Wilkasz ★: shooting at enemy 5 bullets as a tank and he doesn't die, meanwhile I get 1 shoot and die instantly! Great game I love it, hahahahahah waste of my time

The game has a learning curve, where you must learn about where to shoot on the enemy to take out their critical components and crew members. With a well placed shot, you are able to take out an entire tank with 1 shot. There are no health bars here.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Smolwavingsnail: anyone know what BR it will be. i cant imagine it's going to be 7.0-7.3 with only a 17 pounder. maybe 6.7 ?

We'll have to wait and see, but probably 6.7.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by cheeki breekiv1.1: as the title says is the ware thunder ranking challenge a new thing i just saw it in the events tab in game it seems kinda nice to do 2v2s and 1v1s

Hi, it's a new type of event. You can check out the news on it here:

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