War Thunder

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08 Feb

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Yup, but you wont hear enemies sneaking up on you, or yourself being shot at. But it's definitely possible.
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Jesus Christ:
Originally posted by mogami_99: yes of course. Those have nothing to do with it.
It does, not having premium, buying regularly or having a partner account will give you much more uptiers, was just wondering how bad it was but guess you dont know about the whole thing in general.
You just made up these things. MM does not take into account the status of your account or your shopping list, only the BR of the machines you have in the line-up. ...

07 Feb

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Take a look at our guide section on Steam, you may find some useful ones:

... Read more
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mirage:
Originally posted by CyberStonka: If you damage aircraft, but pilot is still alive, he can still be able to shot you/drop bombs.
If you knock out enemy pilot, he will not be able to operate aircraft. Simple as that.

SImple in words, not simple in actions as hitting a plane is difficult enough and you don't just casually knock out the enemy pilot like that.
Depends on shell. Solid will most probably only damage and needs direct hit to pilot... Read more
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Wakarimast: Почему в эту игру, играют только лютые задроты, я за все эти годы набил только 24 уровень. Но я вижу в основном людей 100-60. С ними невозможно играть, тебя просто постоянно трахают в анал и устраивают тебе карнавал дерьма. Система подбора игроков только по боевому рейтингу полная дрисня, надо чтобы еще и искало по уровню. Пускай и с большим разбросом допустим с 1 по 30 или по 40 и так далее, даже так было бы в сто раз лучше. Ибо временами невозможно и мерзко играть становиться.

И попрошу без стеба и гнева в своих ответах. Это действительно проблема, то что новичкам и обычным игрокам буквально не оставляют шанса игроки, которые играют уже давно.

Уровень не отражает мастерство игрока. Вы можете быть 100-го уровня и не иметь возможности играть с танками, потому что эти 100 уровней вы получили, летая на самолетах.
простите за ошибки, текст переведен с помощ... Read more
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mirage: Because planes don't die when you kill them, so even if an SPAA kills a plane, they very often get killed by the plane they already killed.

Also rewards are absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, so few people want to take the time to get good with them as it's a waste of time, instead people prefer to get bombed and leave the game.
If you damage aircraft, but pilot is still alive, he can still be able to shot you/drop bombs.
If you knock out enemy pilot, he will not be able to operate aircraft. Simple as that.
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ProfessorParker: I would prefer a legit answer and not some made up bull crap.
What do you mean?
It's usually easy to spot enemy vehicle on move, especially when majority of low rank battles are full of rambos spraying their MG here and there.
If you want to check how someone manage to spot you, simply jump into server replay ( https://warthunder.com/en/tournament/replay/ ), launch the battle and check PoV of player who destroyed you (switch replay view to no.2 - player camera).
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ProfessorParker: no matter what br, mode, or caliber I use, aa tanks always lose against planes.
You need to get used to specific gun before you will be able to use it properly. All of them got different muzzle velocity, which means, that each time you switch between them (well, most of the time, some use same guns) you need to adjust.

AAA without proximity fuze are tricky to use and you need to learn how to lure enemy aircraft to get close before you start to shot at him.

Each of my line-up got 1 AAA, they are great for mid/late battle, when more aircraft spawn. I also use them as "rescue" vehicles, when my 1st spawn was bad and I did not manage to get kills/caps. AAA spawn cost is super low.
It's hard to play as dedicated AAA, but as "part time job", it's very rewarding :)

06 Feb

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you are annoyed at others, no need to insult. The game is definitely not dead though, in-fact we just reached the highest player count on Steam over the weekend.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Not public information, but the better the reward (to most people), the less chance to get it.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by marc111116: i see that if you don't have the vehicle or cant research it, no test drive, i hpe they change it, the test drive is very bad

Sorry but you cannot test drive a vehicle that you haven't researched or a vehicle aren't researching. Intentional.

04 Feb

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please double check your login and password.
If you still have issues, please send ticket to support: https://support.gaijinent.com/hc/en-us/requests/ticket_forms/new

02 Feb

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Cynical Dingo: 1st time ever playing this game I've had this happen, is this kinda stuff normal?
Enemy player had to pm me and abuse me because I flew back near my teams base and the AA shot him down.

I've played for maybe close to 12 months total on and off casually.

If someone insult you in public chat, please use in game complain system (right mouse button on his nickname > complain) and report him (be sure to do it in chat where it happened). Game Masters will get report with log and act if report is valid.
If someone attack you via PM, simply block him (right mouse button on his nickname > add to blacklist). He will not be able to send you any more messages.

There is really no sense to spend more time on frust... Read more
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Друг: Насколько же жадными скрягами надо быть... всего 300...
А может ещё дальше пойдёте? Зачем просто так раздавать валюту? Раздайте победителям по 100к львов, чтоб технику 3 раза отремонтировать
This is weekly contest. You can earn 300GE weekly if you are good. And even if you win only once, it's still decent enough to buy low rank premium, camouflage, decal or 2 days of premium account.
    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I guess I should probably express my more complete thoughts about the "correct way" (My opinion...) on researching the US Tree-

Provided you've already researched everything through Rank 4, your best lineups are going to be 8.0 and 9.3 (RB)
If you plan on stopping to enjoy 8.0 -- You want the M60A1 AOS, the Bradley IFV, T95E1, and the M163, probably in that order (I never bothered to research the T95E1, so I can't really comment on how good or bad it is. I feel like I don't see a ton of them, but when I do... they seem to do OK.). Additional bonus for the M901 Wall-E (Nice thermals, if you can hide the tank behind cover and only expose launcher), and the T54E1 premium is pretty slick, too. Other 8.0's (M551, M60A2) can be useful, but I do not feel they are as good as the first 4 vehicles I have listed.

Or plan on stopping at 9.3 -- MBT-70, XM803, M3A3 Bradley, M247, and M60A3 TTS. Additionally, XM-1 premium can be nice.

If your goal is simply "... Read more

01 Feb

    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
IMO, most of the M46/M47/M48/M60 (Early..) tanks are best used in the "assistive" role.

Their mobility (for what they are..) I suppose is OK, but the complete lack of even a basic stabilizer puts them at quite a disadvantage on the move.

As Ship says above... The M46 is probably what you should stick with until you get to the M60A1 AOS, RISE, and TTS models.

Fundamentally, there is no advantage to having the M47 other than a smaller turret profile (At cost of 0,3 BR), the M48 has a stronger hull (At the cost of 0,3 BR), and then there's no real point to the M60 if you could instead just research the A1 who has a nicer turret-face and a stabiliser.
    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Firestorm🗿: .
Look at the "New 30mm Cannons" module.

The Tier 1 30mm module is for the Mk.108's, and the second set of 30mm modules (Tier 3) is for the Mk.103's.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Glad you like them!
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Asian-Poopy: I feel like they should implement features specific for artillery tanks

They are "artillery" vehicles but the guns and ammo that they can carry are mostly more than capable of fighting against other tanks. Which is why they do that in the game. What kind of features specific to artillery tanks were you thinking of?
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ♠Gamer3106♠: Idk but I've been able to bounce shots I couldn't before bounce today.

2 consecutive point blanks with a panther, non pen.
Sherman 76 hits me on the area near the gun breach and all the damage I receive was just yellow and orange
I also bounced a close range short 88

This didn't happen before and I wonder if they f'ed up volumetric or smth

You probably hit the driver's hatch. It can eat and deflect shots.

However if you have some footage of this, of it occurring after today's update, that would be greatly appreciated.