War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

12 Jan

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Chernobyl_Hero: Hello i have play WT a lot and if we say i play 100 matches everyday and like 4 times of them have i get help from my teamm8 but not rest of the matches. Where the F*** is the teamplay?!
What game mode?
If you are flying bomber in air RB and expect fighters to cover you when you flank the battlefield - forget about it. No on will abandon dogfights for boring flights next to big and slow aircraft.
If you are playing for example ground RB, you more or less need to use chat. Do not expect players to read your mind and understand that 2 series of mg into old barn means that 500m left from it is enemy tank :)

Use map, use chat. Usually it's enough for start.
When I see enemy aircraft, I leave info in chat "enemy air" so if someone is thinking if he should spawn now in SPG or fighter, he will take fighter for easy kill.
Enemy camping somewhere? Ping map + g... Read more

11 Jan

    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Happens on occasion for me, exiting/relaunching typically solves it.

Is it repeatable for you?
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Garry Sparkles: Hi all,

I've just logged into my account for the first time for around 2 months. Only to be surprised with a 12 day login bonus. I've changed my passwords for both my e-mail and Gaijin account, does this mean my account is now safe and requiring them to enter the password on their side? or will they still be able to access through Auto-Login? The IP address takes the location to Moscow, Russia, but would say its a high chance they have a VPN due to the IP address changing frequently but still in Moscow.

Luckily for me they evidently couldn't change my password because they would of done so. They have unlocked vehicles for me, which is also a bonus but they have spent my golden eagles (don't think I had many only around 5-600).

I just need to know if my account is now safe.

Many thanks.

Please contact our support via ticket: ... Read more

10 Jan

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Omega Sirius: Oh and can someone here tell me the last time Gaijin added an update where they didn't have a new premium vehicle in it?

War Thunder is a free to play game and premium vehicles, premium content and whatever else are crucial to success of the game itself. It's not a charity, it's a video gaming company, with a free game, money has to be made somehow, otherwise it wouldn't exist. Simple as that.

The game designers and bug fixers are a separate team, they are not the store team. Different teams exist, and bug fixes, game decisions and the like can be created side by side and can co-exist at the same time as premiums being added.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Luckily I haven't been shot in the ammo yet. But I can imagine that such an explosion would cause lots of damage to the crew inside of of the vehicle. It's a lightly armoured vehicle anyway.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

The research points you earn now, as said, disappear. You cannot store it somewhere and distribute it for free when another Russian tank is added.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We don't say in advance when the next sale will be. Just keep an eye on the news on the official website or Steam.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We haven't made any changes to RP lately.
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Сравнение ракетодинамики Р-24, Р-27 и AIM-7
Изначально мы выдали в качестве «дальней руки» на МиГ-29 ракету Р-27 в версиях с тепловой и радиолокационной головкой самонаведения. Данная ракета обладает несколько большей манёвренностью, чем основные конкурирующие ракеты средней дальности, однако в «базовой» версии критично уступает в дальности зон возможного пуска ракете AIM-7F, которая является «дальней рукой» F-14 и F-16, и даже незначительно уступает ракете Р-24 за счёт несколько меньшей тяговооружённости. Учитывая, что на самолёте МиГ-29 и вторая компонента управляемого вооружения «воздух-воздух», Р-60М, уступает AIM-9L по своим боевым характеристикам, нами было решено выдать энергетическую версию ракеты Р-27 с радиолокационной головкой самонаведения — Р27ЭР, которая обладает немного большей энерговооружённостью, чем AIM-7F, но, учитывая меньшее время работы бортовой аппаратуры в целом, обладает идентичными зонами разрешённого пуска с AIM-7F.

... Read more
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Initially, the ‘distant hand’ for the MiG-29 in War Thunder were the R-27 missiles with heat and radar seekers. The missile features slightly better maneuverability than other medium range missiles in the game, though in the stock version its launch range is crucially lower than AIM-7F’s, which is the ‘distant hand’ of the American F-14 and F-16, and even slightly lower than R-24 fire range due to the lower thrust. Considering that the second component of the MiG-29’s air-to-air guided weapon, the R-60M, is inferior to the AIM-9L in terms of its combat characteristics, we decided to equip the Fulcrum with and advanced missile of the R-27 family, the R-27ER with a radar seeker, which has a slightly higher power-to-weight ratio than the AIM-7F, but, given the shorter operating time of the on-board equipment, has identical fire range with the AIM-7F.

Сomparison chart of the parameters of R-24R, R-27R, R-27ER and AIM7F missiles
... Read more

09 Jan

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Mike Oxlong: is there?
General stats for every player are here:

More detailed are available directly in game (click/search for any player), then click RMB on his nickname and select Player Card.
    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I think the default key you are looking for is "E". The Control (if you have to set it) is "Toggle gunner targets".

28 Dec

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Dear players, we are aware of the launcher issue occurring (repetitive file analysis). Our specialists are already working on a fix and will soon release a new version of the launcher.

26 Dec

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by HeatedWafflez: or the su-11, yet here it is
you wat?
2 seconds with google: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_Su-11
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Karma: there is no such thing as a panther f or wz1001 really its just getting anoying cause your just inventing these tanks out of thin air and then surprise surprise their completely unbalanced cause your just making up the parts and pieces that go into them like your kids playing with legos
Both vehicles exist/ed.
If you have any doubts, please first use things like google search or any other search engine. You will be surprised.

24 Dec

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We have had an amazing 2022 together and will be happy to have you with us for the new year!

The Gaijin team wishes you a merry Christmas and the happiest New Year ever! We wish you health, enthusiasm and curiosity! Stick with your greatest friends - both in game and in real life!

See you soon in War Thunder!

23 Dec

    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Toblm: It does work.... slowly.

Low velocity rounds, howitzer rounds, are tougher to aim at long ranges. Its the nature of the round. But it has nothing to do with the sight distance control 'not working.'


I've been playing the M728 and with 250m/s I put the sight distance control to 200m "zero". It takes a few seconds, but done at spawn/beginning of the match, isn't too bad.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Maintenance is complete and in-game any purchases should now be added to your account without the long delay. Please relaunch your game client if you still haven’t received any items you’ve purchased.
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Dear friends!

Some of you are currently experiencing issues when receiving items you’ve purchased in game. Our tech specialists are aware of the problem and are working to resolve it as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience.