War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

28 Dec

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Enduring Confrontation for Helicopters

Helicopter Arcade and Realistic battles have been switched off. Instead of them, Helicopter Enduring Confrontation for Arcade Battles is now available in the "Events and Tournaments” tab.

Changes compared to test launch on December 21st-24th:

Zhengzhou mission added.

Respawn timer for Helicopters with BR 9.0 and higher has been added (same as for air SB). Max timer value is 10 minutes. If a player only has a top rank helicopter in his line-up, he will be given another one available for respawn, however, it will not have experienced crew and will not have any modifications unlocked (same as in air SB).

Time required to capture an air zone is twice less.

Helicopter landing site durability has been increased.


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14 Jun


Full table with line ups (click spoiler to check) / 20.09.2018


Sunday (Stage 1)

Day 1: 1_1

Day 2: 3_1

Day 3: 2_1

Day 4: 5_1

Day 5: 4_1

Day 6: 6_1

Day 7: Cycle

Sunday (Stage 2)

Day 1: 8_2

Day 2: 9_2

Day 3: 10_2

Day 4: 11_2

Day 5: 8_2

Day 6: 9_2

Day 7: Cycle

Please leave your feedback below!

15 Feb

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Groups, badges, all that shiny things you would like to have, but from some strange reason you do not have.

If you think that you are in wrong forum group, or you did not recieve all badges you should, first you should double check if you should have them.
Read descriotion of the pack you bought, usually all info is there.
After that, please sign off and sign in on forum (no, F5 or close and open browser is not enough, you need to sign off and sign in). If it will not help, wait few (more than 2) hours and repeat the process with signing.
Still no luck? Post in this thread with an info, and we will try to help you ASAP.

Groups on the forum:

Members - self explanatory.

Admiral of the Fleet - you have access to World War Mode test and to Navy test.

Air Marshall - you have access to World War Mode test and Air Forces test (right now not in use, due to fact ...

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30 Dec


Suggestion passed to the developers for review

10 Dec

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are bringing back the experimental mode for Spawn points for SB, we have changed it a bit. You may have already participated in one of the previous tests, originally it was implemented for a limited line-up. This time it will be available for all the line-ups in SB. This aspect should allow a player to follow their allies movements and does not provide any advantage. Such a mode gives much more tactical opportunities to players in combined SB.

Based on your feedback and trialed with internal testing results we decided to use allied markers in battle (minimap only) this will imp

16 Oct

    OrsonES on Forums - Thread - Direct

From today, 196 additional accounts have been permanently banned for using third-party modifications in violation of the user agreement - use of prohibited modifications. (EULA).

The introduction of the reporting system has again proved key in allowing players to participate in keeping the game clear of players who insist on trying to gain unfair advantage. The modification detection algorithm continues to improve.

Having an account permanently banned will result in a player losing everything in that account - Be warned! Thank you guys for your vigilance. o7

List of banned accounts

Discuss it here!

17 May

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct


Some of you have noticed a loss of quality after ploading your video on youtube. No matter how good is your original video, you'll see a lot of blur and compression artifacts in some scenes of the final result.

The reason is simple : youtube encode automatically the video you upload, and limit the maximum bitrate. That maximum bitrate change depending of the resolution and frames per second, for example : 1080p@30fps will have a lower bitrate than 1080p@60fps. 1080p@30fps have a lower bitrate than 1440p@30fps.

It's fine for slow footage, but it can noticeably degrade the picture quality in a dynamic scene scene. A tank driving in grass, a ship on water, explosions and dust, you will notice quality problems.

How to solve that?

By recording in 1440p / 4k if your screen is big enough, or by upscaling your 1080p video in 1440...

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05 Jan

    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Redtail666:
You just have to tailor each slot for the unit to be used, not everything(for planes). Unless you just want to.

Eh, only have 5 crew slots for each nation, but I'm thinking that if I bought 4 more (not cheap... sadly), I could do a 3/3/3 split for planes/tanks/ships.

At that rate it would still be a hefty sum of GE to pay for crews, but not nearly as much as maxing each crew out.
    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Redtail666:
Originally posted by Blitzkrieg Wulf:
I'd say you probably need 50,000 crew points for a tank crew, about 30K for a plane crew.

I -do not know- if those numbers are accurate, but I am willing to bet they are close.

Per the guide:
About 34k for planes.
About 71k for tanks.

Party on. lol

Eww. So I guess that's 2K per crew per plane slot, and about 4K per crew per tank slot...

Or only 3K if you w... Read more
    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Sir Stefan Lord of Kitty Cats: Title really.
You can buy crew experience points, how many is it to max out a tank crew?
17,500 is for 1000GE.

I'd say you probably need 50,000 crew points for a tank crew, about 30K for a plane crew.

I -do not know- if those numbers are accurate, but I am willing to bet they are close.

24 Nov

    OrsonES on Forums - Thread - Direct

Game Rules Amended - Changes indicated in red. o7

26 Oct

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

C'est simple, la prochaine fois que ça arrive sauve le replay (C:\WarThunder\Replays), le fichier .clog de la partie (généré quand tu ferme le client ( C:\WarThunder\.game_logs ), et fait un rapport dans cette section en anglais. Tu rajoute un Dxdiag pour la forme (cherche "dxdiag" dans windows, clic sur "save all informations"), titre, un message explicatif simple (description du problème, d'une manière pour essayer de le reproduire) et basta. Pense quand même à lire les instructions en haut de la section, c'est toujours instructif.

N'oubliez pas que nous avons un tech mod francop

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

Chers joueurs,

Nos venons de déployer notre vague de ban habituelle pour des actions contraires à l'EULA. Nous avons bannis 37 comptes pour des tentatives d'utilisation de logiciels tiers. Vous pouvez retrouver les précédentes vagues de ban annoncées dans ce topic.

Nous souhaitons vous rappeler que les tentatives de modifications du jeu ou d'utilisation de logiciels tiers sont contraires à l'EULA de War Thunder, détectées et bannies.

L'équipe War Thunder.

25 Oct

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

*soupire* Les droits ont encore été remis à zéro, c'est un bug... Je vais demander aux webdev de débloquer la section.


    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

Question stupide : la section patchnote est bloquée à la discussion, ou vous pouvez poster?

18 Oct

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

C'est très probablement une custom battle vu qu'il frag "ManyMilesAway", un autre youtubeur sur War Thunder. (reviews amusantes en passant)

08 Oct

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

J'ai discuté avec fpold : il a vu un message potentiellement hors charte, l'historique de tes sanction... mais n'a pas voulu être trop méchant, en ne mettant qu'un avertissement sans sanction (la preuve, tu post encore).

Nous voulons faire du forum un lieu ou les joueurs peuvent avoir des discussions saines. J'ai eu de nombreuses plaintes de joueurs (avant l'arrivée de Wasp) expliquant qu'ils ne voulaient pas / plus poster sur le forum à cause du comportement hors charte et non modéré de certains. C'est terminé. J'ai été très clair au recrutement de mes deux modérateurs, aucun prob

22 Sep

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

Je te rappelle que la partie défouloir est une tolérance pouvant stopper dans l'instant, dans la partie francophone du forum a qui je laisse une certaine liberté. Les autres comprennent et jouent généralement le jeu. Les "blagues" sur le staff et les communistes ne me font pas rire, au cas ou tu aurais zappé la chose.

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ce n'est pas la première fois que l'on te le demande, garde la politique en dehors du forum.

07 Sep

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

Pas de soucis, il nous arrive de jongler avec des... "features" corrigées "soon", nous aussi