War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

19 Jul

17 Jul


Ground vehicle characteristics, damage model, and weapon improvements: 
  • Corrections to the designations of British tanks at ranks I and II.
  • T-80B — AA machine gun elevation aiming angles has been specified from -5/60 to -5/75. Source: Т-80Б, Техническое описание и инструкция по эксплуатации.
  • T-64B - AA machine gun elevation aiming angles has been specified from -10/60 to -5/70. Source: Т-64Б, Техническое описание и инструкция по эксплуатации.
  • Strv m/39 - weight has been specified (reduced) from 9,660 kg to 8,850 kg. Source: Instruktionsbok for Strv m/38, m/39, m/40-LI, m/40-KI (Truppinstruktion)
  • Strv m/40L -  weight has been specified (reduced) from 10,000 kg to 9,360 kg. Source: Instruktionsbok for Strv m/38, m/39, m/40-LI, m/40-KI (Truppinstruktion)
  • A...
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16 Jul

The new Japanese and British Starter Packs include 2nd-rank premium vehicles, which, along with an ample amount of Silver Lions and Premium Account days, will ensure confident victories and rapid development in the early ranks of War Thunder!

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  • Fmod Studio[warthunder.com] version has been updated (from 1.10.17 to 2.00.09).
  • New sounds for falling empty round casings on all calibres.
  • Sound events have been reworked for the following auto cannons: TNSh, 2А7, 2А42, 2А72, Hispano-Suiza.
  • KPVT heavy machine gun sounds have been reworked.
  • Sound events for reloading guns in ground vehicles now have loudness depending on the camera position (inside or outside a vehicle).
  • A bug has been fixed with pop-up hints on some modifications on naval vessels showing no activ...
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14 Jul


WARNING: Please note! Any information or sources deemed restricted (not cleared for public release) by their respective ownership will not be accepted and will be dealt with according to any legal

What is appropriate source material for historical issues?

OEM Manuals (primary source): User manuals, repair manuals, factory manuals, operating manuals, technical manuals etc. Single source is required (preferred source).

Authored works (secondary source): Reference books on collections of vehicles/aircraft/ships ('coffee table books'), biographies, specialist books, "expert" opinion publications, industry magazines etc. At least two unrelated sources required.

Please be reminded that Wikipedia or other private websites are not considered reliable sources.

You need to provide the followin...

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What is a DxDiag log and how do you obtain it?

The DxDiag log

The DxDiag log (file extension: .txt) is a text document that is created by Microsoft's DirectX Diagnostic Tool, showing non-personalized information about the hardware and drivers of your system. The DxDiag log file helps our technical administration to identify whether the problem you encounter is happening due to incompatibilities or issues with certain hardware or driver components on your system. It is especially important with display or sound device issues, as it helps to identify the devices and their drivers easily.

How to obtain your DxDiag log:

Obtaining the DxDiag log is fast and easy. Just perform the following steps:

1. Press 'Windows Key + R' to open Microsoft's Run function

2. Type in 'dxdiag' in the input field and click 'OK'


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What is a client log (.clog) and how do you obtain it?

The client log

Client logs (file extension: .clog) are files generated by the War Thunder client and show a reflection of all the actions a user has performed in one secluded game session. As soon as the launcher initializes the start of the game, a new client log is being started, which is finalized when the client is closed (the game session ends). Besides recording the actions of the user, it also records the client-side calculations and has a built-in error catching system, that will allow the technical administration to identify game code or synchronization issues efficiently.

Client logs are being saved once after a game session has ended. If you have an error that is reproducible, you can help increasing the expressiveness of your client log by starting a new game session, reproducing the error and then exiting the game ...

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12 Jul

10 Jul

08 Jul

    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct

Please direct all discussions regarding Update "Regia Marina" in this thread. All other threads relating may be merged into this one.

*For technical issues, please use the ... Read more
    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Out of nowhere some random update :O

07 Jul

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Since the pause in the current season of World War mode, we have worked on the further optimization of game servers.

Today we are resuming game days and the first play window will be held from 14:00 GMT on the 7th of July until 22:00 GMT on the 8th of July which will help us to evaluate the work which has been done.

On the basis of the collected statistics and your feedback we will decide about the continuation of the current WWM season or further delay and transfer it to a later date. You can report any possible issues in this special topic.

We are sorry for any inconvenience!

01 Jul

    OrsonES on Forums - Thread - Direct

Dear Players! Welcome to our revamped Top Screenshots of the month competition. Each week* a panel of official judges, chosen from the team, will vote on the top 5 Screenshots submitted each week and the winners will receive 300 Golden Eagles for being placed in the top 5. Every week 5 new winners will be drawn and at the end of the month, the judges will vote on the top 3 of the month from the winners throughout the month and those winners will earn 1500 GE each! If possible please make your screenshots with War Thunder watermark. One entry per week! Top three Screenshots of the month will be chosen for following categories: 1. Straight Screenshot (Unmodified) - any unmodified screenshot - aircraft / tank 2. Artistic Screenshot (anything that has been touched up by photoshop etc) - creative or artistic enough to get our attention. To submit a screenshot for consideration, post a single screenshot here. Please upload your screenshot to our a live.warthunder and link it in your...

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05 Jun

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

In high ranked aircraft battles, the main weapon type is now guided air-to-air missiles with infrared homing heads. The missile itself emits nothing at launch and the only means of detecting the fact that it has been launched in reality is visual detection - i.e. observation of the missile from a pilot’s eyes.

Previously we implemented the simulation of missile launch detection through a text warning regarding the fact that it had been launched, but this implementation wasn't very satisfactory to players and also us. We have received numerous requests to disable this system in aircraft RB similar to aircraft SB in order to increase the realism and importance of the player's actions by evading attacks. In addition it would increase the effectiveness of early air-to-air missiles with low maneuverability making it easier to dodge them after the appearance of a text warning.


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22 May

    Blitzkrieg Wulf on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by XEE2: I would like to hear if any of you know where to find it at?

Such would not be public info, afaik.

Originally posted by XEE2: Not at all, I just want to know more about the company that has developed a game I have played for 7 years.

I won't doubt your provided reason, but I think "most people" would have a much... different angle... for requesting such info.

Originally posted by ...
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11 May

    OrsonES on Forums - Thread - Direct

Welcome to our new installment of the Art Challenge! Take out your preferred drawing tools of choice, be them the standard Pencil and Paper, or even the renowned Drawing Tablet to digitalize your work, and prepare to embark on an epic challenge to test your artistic skills!
.This contest has been separated into two groups: One for Traditional - Pencil & Paper artwork, and one for Digital artwork! Your task for this contest is simple: The theme is Aircraft Carriers. Your choice of vehicle/infantries/etc to be represented in your artwork are only limited to War Thunder's eras and theme, and your very own imagination. Your art can be based on our real world and its history, or even an alternative universe if you so choose. Your work can be realistic, or even a cartoon.


This is a drawing contest. This means that the following will not be accepted as submissions:

Models and Model kits

3D Models and 3D R...

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30 Apr

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Commanders, we continue to improve the SB mode for ground vehicle battles. In the upcoming testing session, we have created an updated mechanism for requesting the location of allies, improved as a result of your feedback. We will additionally introduce new respawning points which are better adapted to SB mode.

These features have been already tested in SB mode, following which we considered your feedback and adjusted them accordingly. We plan to test these features for a longer period than usual. Experience the difference and share your opinions with us, and we'll keep an eye on your feedback for future updates!

These changes will be implemented on the 1st of May.

New features

Allies location request. According to the previous test results, activation of this feature won’t be automatic and will require players to push the “Rangef...

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