War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

28 Sep

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Resident NATO Freedom Enjoyer: Yuuuup, and I'm willing to put money someone from Gaijin, Magazine probably, will come in here and tell you that you're the wrong one and shame on you for not reading the fine print that the grind is way worse than they want you to think.

Of course I wont write that. Canadian Guitar copied my message already which answers the original question.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, you need more than 2 playthroughs. You'll get the Target Destruction Report very soon.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Moonlit Foxling: This happened near last week, however I've experienced shooting a tank's gunner out, and most of the times they can still shoot me with the gunner supposedly assigned to man that gun. I also experience shooting a light tank's driver multiple times, but he still kept moving. i could probably look for that clip, this was all in low tier trying to get rank 3 in all nations

Hi, tanks, especially higher ranked tanks, can use their commander to shoot, even if the gunner died.

Did you kill the Driver, or were they wounded? They need to be entirely knocked out for the tank to be unable to drive.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by maoryosis: Good night friends
Question about the game War Thunder
How do I play a single player me vs the computer game?

Hi. There's several ways:

1. In the hangar, hover over the Battles button. Here, you can select Single Missions, Dynamic Campaign and Historical Campaign. All of these types are single player vs the game.

2. In the hangar, hover over the Battles button again. You can create a Custom battle, Include bots and play against them yourself. RP and SL isn't earned at all.

3. Click on the game mode button under the "To Battle" button. Here you can choose game mode, and for single player, you can play Assault Air or Ground Arcade, which is against bots but you will have allied teammates.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by NIGHTMARE_(AUT): Italy is only an example, its valid also for some other nations!

Since the last patch are RUSSIAN tanks and AA-vehicles in the italian tree..... why???

Italy had NEVER ZSU 57-2 (for example), so is a senseless copy-and-paste action from Gaijin. New player need more time to develop italian tanks. And Gaijin hopes to get more real money because player are not patient enough to develop all this useless/sensless tanks and buy silver lions?

Why dont you do REALLY IMPORTANT steps in the game, e.g. to improve the driving qualities of whel based vehicles?

Alls this senselss copy-and-paste-tanks cant mock the missing innovations....

Hi, the Hungary sub-tree branch was added to the Italian tree. Hungary used Russian vehicles which is why they have been included.

This meant that they also got a Leopard 2A4 and a very capable KF41 from... Read more
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by (stnky but)Faded Than A Ho:
Originally posted by magazine2: Hi. The shield over enemy ground vehicles means that they currently have spawn protection.
you silly goose, they said broken shield. I noticed it too on top of a Marder, but it wasn't the same ping icon for the panzer next to it. I chalked it up to, "thanks for highlighting the guy with no armor." lol. They were shooting into our east spawn, or near it. Nowhere near their spawn.

Ah, I'm sorry ... Read more

27 Sep

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You need 2 missile playthroughs, then the Empty Tradable Container will start dropping which you can then use to pack materials and sell on the market.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by The King of Spades:
Originally posted by magazine2:
Should be soon.

Yay thanks

Here it is: https://steamcommunity.com/games/236390/announcements/detail/3714963077104708674

With the release of every major War Thunder update, we bring you a selection of great user-created camouflages from Live.WT in one trophy! It’s now time to welcome the “Sons of Atilla” trophy!

This trophy contains 40 camouflages presented as coupons. You’ll find 19 historical, 20 semi-historical and 1 fictional camouflage for all nations and ranks except rank I. Eight of these camouflages are also available for newly released Sons of Atilla vehicles. You’ll also have the chance to get a coupon for a rare vehicle, as well as the “Sons of Attila” decal in the colors of the Hungarian flag when you open the trophy, too!

Contents of the “Sons of Attila” trophy:
... Read more
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Jaro: I grinded the whole day for the 75k, built the rocket, it hast faulty parts:
Here is a box of materials for the whole rocket, go do it again.

You can't even buy materials. The whole event is based around the fact that 98% people who want the vehicles won't be able to get the and have to buy it on the market for hude prices where Gaijin will milk them with the fees.

This ist really the worst crafting event so far, don't see anybody who likes it. Seems like predetory measures are unfortunately still Gaijin's top priority.

Hi, as we mentioned in the article, you need several playthroughs to get a combat-ready missile. 1 or 2 will not be enough. However, at some stage you will ... Read more

We’re now into the first week since the release of the Sons of Atilla major update, and since then, we’v... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

  • In the following Arcade missions, spawns for top ranked aircraft have been added further away from the mission center to prevent air-to-air missiles from being fired at the start of the mission:
    • [Assault] Golan Heights
    • [Assault] Mountain Valleys
    • [Assault] City
    • [Assault] Rocky Pillars
    • [Assault] Sinai
    • [Assault] Bourbon Island
    • [Assault] Rocky Canyon
    • [Assault] Mozdok
    • [Assault] Coast of France
    • [Assault] Southeastern City
  • Anti-aircraft guns that are covering bombing bases in Air RB at the top ranks have been given belts containing less high-explosive shells. These same anti-aircraft guns now fire in shorter bursts than before, and with longer pauses betwee...
Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

26 Sep

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Secret176: https://i.gyazo.com/24aeb11bb529a73ddfcf01dd6f8b3f3a.png

If u don't know gyazo it's simple as that i finished my 75k score and it clearly says i won 30 boxes but i have claimed 27, how do i claim the remaining ones if they didn't claim automaticly?
We are aware of the issue, devs already working on fix.
No worries, you will not lost any crate. After fix will be applied, you will get missing crates!
Sorry for problems :(
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by mogami_99: Does bailing out of an aircraft save the crew? (reduce repair cost) if not is there any benefit at all?
There are no benefits.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Ep$iLoN: What's the difference between Consume in workshop and Open in the factory ?

No difference. There's just two areas that you can open the box.
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi, it should have given you some random materials. These can be seen under "Materials (earned in battles).