Dungeon and Raid Updates
New Raid: Azshara’s Eternal Palace
Battle against Nazjatar’s worthiest champions, face down unfathomable monstrosities from the deep, and confront the legendary Queen Azshara herself in this sprawling 8-boss raid.
Azshara’s Eternal Palace Normal and Heroic difficulties are now live, while the first wing of Raid Finder—The Grand Reception—and Mythic will open next week on July 16.
Season 3 Begins
Season 3 brings a wave of new dungeon content, including the new Mythic-only difficulty dungeon Operation: Mechagon, a new seasonal affix, and higher item-level Azerite armor to acquire in exchange for Residuum.
New Dungeon: Operation: Mechagon
Level 120 players will unite with Prince Erazmin and the Rustbolt Resistance to help overthrow his deranged father and destroy his Mechoriginator doomsday device in this new Mythic-only 8-boss “...
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