World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

09 Jul

Dungeon and Raid Updates

New Raid: Azshara’s Eternal Palace

Battle against Nazjatar’s worthiest champions, face down unfathomable monstrosities from the deep, and confront the legendary Queen Azshara herself in this sprawling 8-boss raid.

Azshara’s Eternal Palace Normal and Heroic difficulties are now live, while the first wing of Raid Finder—The Grand Reception—and Mythic will open next week on July 16.

Season 3 Begins

Season 3 brings a wave of new dungeon content, including the new Mythic-only difficulty dungeon Operation: Mechagon, a new seasonal affix, and higher item-level Azerite armor to acquire in exchange for Residuum.

New Dungeon: Operation: Mechagon

Level 120 players will unite with Prince Erazmin and the Rustbolt Resistance to help overthrow his deranged father and destroy his Mechoriginator doomsday device in this new Mythic-only 8-boss “...

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03 Jul

Today we are very excited to share details for the next season of the Mythic Dungeon International program. Read on to find out how to compete.


The MDI Spring Finals might have just wrapped up, but we have plenty of action left in the year before the Global Finals at BlizzCon. The Summer season is fast approaching, and we want you to join the MDI!

We’ve made it even easier to compete this season than ever before. If you’re interested in joining the ranks of the MDI, all you need to do is form up a team of 5 eligible players and register on the ...

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27 Jun

Introducing the brand-new Sylverian Dreamer* mount—now available to add to your collection! This magical new addition can be purchased in-game or from the Blizzard Shop; you can also get it free for a limited time** when you purchase a 6 Month subscription to World of Warcraft.  

An artist in the magical city of Dalaran fell asleep on her brush and dreamed of painting a beautiful feathered dragon. Her artwork leapt from the page, and when she awoke, she found the Sylverian Dreamer sleeping gently beside her.

Once you’ve purchased the 6 Month subscription from the Blizzard Shop, the Sylverian Dreamer mount will be automatically added to your in-game collection. Welcome this enchanting addition to your assortment of mounts!

Players on an existing 6-month recurring subscription with a future renewal date will receive t...

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25 Jun

Azeroth’s need has never been greater—and now more than ever, Speaker Magni Bronzebeard and the titan watcher MOTHER need your help to heal the world’s grievous wounds.

In Rise of Azshara, we’re introducing a new system for the Heart of Azeroth that will provide additional power customization options: Essences. You’ll collect these Essences by taking part in a variety of content, and infuse them into the Heart of Azeroth using the new Heart Forge in Silithus, giving you access to new abilities and bonuses. 

The Speaker’s Quest Continues

Once you’ve established a new hub in Nazjatar, one of the new areas in Rise of Azshara, you’ll receive a summons from Magni to join him at the Chamber of Heart. There, you’ll learn that MOTHER has completed her calculations related to what's plaguing Azeroth, and determined a way to heal her well ahead of her original 77-cycle estimate. New forms of power have begun to coalesce a...

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24 Jun

In Rise of Azshara, the Horde and the Alliance will confront an ancient enemy who’s long been lurking in the depths of Azeroth’s seas: the formidable Queen Azshara and her fearsome naga army. In honor of her majesty’s grand return, starting today you can get up to 50% off all Digital Deluxe items from World of Warcraft expansions Battle for Azeroth, Legion, and Warlords of Draenor.

With two new zones—Nazjatar and Mechagon—and a variety of ways to gear up and quickly get into the latest action, Rise of Azshara is an excellent time to join the Battle for Azeroth or bri...

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You’ve fought on the shores of Kul Tiras, explored the far corners of Zandalar, and faced the enemy at every turn. You survived the Battle of Dazar’alor, and aided Magni Bronzebeard in his critical quest to save Azeroth from her grievous wound. Soon, your journey will take you into the depths of Nazjatar and the wonders of Mechagon, where even more dangers await—but you don’t have to face them all from ground level. Once you complete the account-wide achievement Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder, Part 2, you’ll be able to take to the skies . . . and earn a brand-new mechanical mount in the process!

To earn your wings in Battle for Azeroth, you’ll need to:

  • Reach Revered with the following factions: The Rustbolt Resistance and either the Unshackled (Horde) or Waveblade Ankoan (Alliance)
  • Earn the achievement ...
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21 Jun

No one is immune from death—no one except the people of Mechagon. At least, that’s what the stories say. Most gnomes think Mechagon is just a far-fetched legend, but not the old, scarred explorer Kervo. After years of obsessive research, he has set off on what might be his final adventure: a daring gambit to find Mechagon and uncover the secrets of immortality before his own time runs out.

Discover the mysteries that await in “Mechagon,” written by Matt Burns and illustrated by Miki Montlló. Download and read the latest standalone Battle for Azeroth comic here.

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20 Jun

Prepare for the Queen of Tides’ grand reemergence June 25 with the Rise of Azshara content update!

The Rise of Azshara content update is packed with new features, including the addition of Essences to the Heart of Azeroth system; two entirely new zones—Nazjatar and Mechagon; Heritage Armor for tauren and gnomes; new Benthic gear to help you face the trials ahead; a raid that takes you into the depths of Azshara’s Eternal Palace; and much more.

Heart of Azeroth

Heart of Azeroth Updates

The Heart of Azeroth will get a boost with the help of MOTHER, and players can seek out new ways to customize their powers through Essences. [...

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After a high-stakes chase across the seas, the Alliance and the Horde find themselves facing an ancient enemy who has long been lurking in the depths: Queen Azshara and her fearsome naga army. With their ships decimated by Azshara’s ambush, the Alliance and Horde must establish a new base of operations and join forces with new allies in the perilous realm of Nazjatar.

Before you can begin your journey to Nazjatar, you’ll need to reach level 120 and complete the quest Unlocking the World, which grants access to World Quests in Battle for Azeroth. When Rise of Azshara arrives, you’ll receive a summons from either Genn Greymane or Nathanos Blightcaller, setting in motion the events that will lead you to Nazjatar.

After Azshara’s catastrophic assault leaves your ship in ruins, you’ll wake up among the wreckage to an unfa...

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New Zone: Nazjatar

During a high-stakes chase across the seas, the Alliance and the Horde are waylaid by an ancient enemy who’s been lurking beneath the depths: Queen Azshara and her fearsome naga army. The naval forces of both factions are destroyed in the ambush, and the survivors find themselves stranded in the ancient naga domain of Nazjatar.

Soon after they arrive in Nazjatar, Alliance heroes will come upon a new faction of deep-sea warriors, the Waveblade Ankoan, while Horde heroes will meet the Unshackled, a group of races who have escaped the naga’s clutches. Both sides offer champions who offer their services as combat allies and grow in power over time as players prepare for their epic confrontation with Queen Azshara.

Adventurers who are level 120 and have unlocked Battle for Azeroth World Quests, completing the quest “Uniting Kul Tiras” or “Uniting Zandalar," will receive a summon from either Genn Greymane or Nathanos Blightca...

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19 Jun

Legends speak of a place off the craggy coast of Kul Tiras whose denizens have replaced blood and bones with bolts and brass: Mechagon Island, home of a society of mechanically augmented gnomes and their iron-fisted ruler King Mechagon.

Legends say that long, long ago, King Mechagon, set out on a journey to find a mythical land full of wondrous technological marvels . . . and was never heard from again. Centuries later, an astounding discovery sparks an expedition to find out what happened to the king and his subjects on the remote Mechagon Island.

Your adventure to Mechagon begins after establishing your hub in Nazjatar and powering up your Heart of Azeroth. Soon after, you will receive a summons from one of the most renowned tinkerers of Azeroth—Gazlowe for the Horde, and Tinkmaster Overspark for the Alliance—direct...

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18 Jun

Something sinister churns beneath the waves—the Queen of Tides’ return is imminent! Rise of Azshara, the next major Battle for Azeroth content update goes live June 25 and is packed with many new features, including the addition of Essences to the Heart of Azeroth system; two new zones to explore, Nazjatar and Mechagon; Heritage Armor for tauren and gnomes; new Benthic gear; a raid that takes players into the depths of Azshara’s Eternal Palace; and much more.

Learn more about this epic content update in our new Developer Insights video with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas.

Pack your most water-resistant bags, and get ready for new adventures!

13 Jun

Every hero has their favorite mount—whether it’s Baron Rivendare’s steed, Kael’thas Sunstrider’s beloved pet Al’ar, or the very first pony you purchased back when you earned Apprentice Riding skill. The Mount Equipment you earn, craft, and purchase in Rise of Azshara will make it so your choice of mount can be steered by your heart—not what’s most efficient.

These new Mount Equipment pieces can be applied to your mounts within the mount collection tab; they apply to most of your mounts,* and are available for anyone to use regardless of which professions they have (though note that they don’t work in Battlegrounds or Arenas). Take a look at the options you’ll have available!

Equipment Name:  Anglers’ Water Striders

  • What it does: Allows you to walk on water while mounted. Dam...
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11 Jun

It’s time to marshal your menagerie and put your best battle pets forward in the undead streets of Stratholme, a new Pet Battle Dungeon with Normal and Challenge difficulties available with the release of Rise of Azshara.

To get started on your journey, you’ll need to have earned the achievement All Growns Up! (have one level-25 pet) for Normal difficulty or Pro Pet Group (have 15 level-25 pets) for Challenge difficulty. This will open up a new quest from Tizzy Gearjolt in Boralus or Fuselock in Dazar’alor. You won’t need to complete the previous pet battle dungeons to gain access, and once the upcoming Rise of Azshara content update hits, you’ll be able to play through all four pet battle dungeons in any order.

You’ll find pets from the undead, dragonkin, and magic families in Stratholme. You’ll be able to heal and revive your pets between each of the 12 stages in Normal difficulty, but not in Challenge difficulty.

Defeating the dungeon o...

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“Best served chilled?” Kenn Øster “Zaelia” Rasmussen read aloud from a juicebox backstage.
“Well, I’m chilled,” he continued, heading back to sit with his team, “but I don’t know about the juice.”

The final day of the MDI Spring Finals kicked off with a lower-bracket semifinal match between MDI East’s Team D and MDI West’s Abrakeydabra. The two teams jumped into King’s Rest for the first match of the final day of the MDI Spring Finals, and everyone in the player lounge gathered around the screens, stretching out on beanbags and couches. The players watched closely as the dungeon unfolded, giving commentary and cheering as if it were a football game.

On the final boss, with less than 3% on boss HP separating the two teams, everyone began screaming, and Chinese team Team D finally took it 4 seconds faster than Abrakeydabra to rapturous applause. The Method teams stood up and gathered their peripherals, filing out of the lounge to prepare for the upcoming matches...

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Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.


June 10, 2019


  • Resolved an issue that could cause Void Stone's absorption shield to be cleared prematurely.

June 7, 2019

Dungeons and Raids

  • Crucible of Storms
    • The Restless Cabal
      • Fixed a bug that caused Enveloping Darkness to be cast on players who accepted a combat resurrection.
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The Summer Season of the 2019 Arena World Championship (AWC) is here! Though a grueling Spring Season just recently ended, it’s time for the world’s best PvP-ers in World of Warcraft to battle it out in the Arena Cup, a challenging series of tournaments leading into the AWC Summer Finals.

Enter the Arena

The 2019 AWC consists of two seasons of online cups which reward points. Teams with the most points at the end of each season qualify for the cross-region Seasonal Finals. Each Seasonal Final offers qualification spots to the Global Finals taking place at BlizzCon in November. Cloud9 already punched their tickets to BlizzCon at the Spring Finals, and the teams who place first and second at the Summer Finals will meet them there. 



The Arena Cup has open registration, which means teams of any skill lev...

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08 Jun

In his post-game interview after defeating Team D, José “Drjay” Curcio of Abrakeydabra proudly declared that he would be playing a Mage in his team’s upcoming match with Method EU. The chat flooded with Pogs, everyone excited to see an off-meta composition at the Mythic Dungeon International Spring Finals. The doctor delivered.

“I’m a committed mage player,” he said at the end of day one. “I enjoy the class so much, playing around cooldowns. I put the fun factor over everything and try to make the class work. I’m not sticking with it too much in competition because when you want to win a tournament, you have to play the best [composition] you can. But usually you will see me only playing mage on live...

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07 Jun

The sun finally broke through the grey clouds that had been blanketing Sydney, Australia, on the day before the Mythic Dungeon International Spring Finals. Teams from Europe, North America, and Asia ate their breakfast in the hotel lobby before heading to the studio for photography and interviews with the broadcast team. Here are some tidbits of what we learned the day before the tournament. 

Jdotb on What Makes Method NA Special

John “Jdotb” Daniel is everything one would expect of a team captain, a clear leader who takes control of the conversation as the casters asked what it was like working together as a fresh roster. “As team captain, it fell to me to build the team this time around and one of the things I was looking for were guys who really study the game,” said Jdotb, “Guys that knew what they were doing and what the other teams were doing.”

Jdotb was emphatic about the clear differences between the very good and the best, explaining that most pe...

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06 Jun

A treasure trove of new mounts, pets, toys, and gear awaits in Rise of Azshara. We’ve rounded up a selection of what’s available to help you formulate a plan of action.

Table of Contents
Mounts Pets Toys ...
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