World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

17 Jan

Today we are very excited to share details for the 2019 Arena World Championship (AWC) and rebranded Mythic Dungeon International (still MDI!), including increases to both programs’ prize pools, which will come from a portion of the sales of two new toys. Let’s get right into it.

Arena Returns for 2019

We are pleased to bring back the Arena World Championship in similar form as last year—just with a few fun twists. Here’s a visual representation of the system in 2019:


North America and Europe: The NA and EU regions will have two Arena seasons each, with six cups per season. Each cup will see teams battle for their share of a USD $10,000 prize pool. This represents an increase over last year’s competition, with more cups and more chances for players to win. Like last year, each cup will award points. For ...

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16 Jan

We’re pleased to announce four new books coming to stores this fall. Whether you’re into Hearthstone, Diablo, or World of Warcraft (or all the above), there’s something special waiting for you within the pages of these collectible volumes.


The Art of Hearthstone: Year of the Kraken

Something stirs in the dark . . .

The second volume of The Art of Hearthstone dives deep into the Year of the Kraken, the first year of Hearthstone’s standard format. Enjoy 144 pages consisting of hundreds of illustrations from the corruptive cults of Whispers of the Old Gods, the glamourous disco of One Night in Karazhan, and the turf wars of Means Streets of Gadgetzan. Year of t...

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10 Jan

We sat down with Cinematic Project Director Terran Gregory and Senior Game Designer Steve Danuser for a story and lore live stream. If you missed it, don’t worry – we have you covered.

03 Jan

The Alliance strikes at the heart of the Zandalari empire in the Battle of Dazar’alor, a new raid that provides both Horde and Alliance players with unique encounters for their faction—along with the opportunity to play through events from the opposite faction’s viewpoint. 

Battle of Dazar’alor

For ages untold, Dazar’alor has stood at the center of the great and powerful Zandalari empire. Its guards have thwarted numerous attempts on King Rastakhan’s life, and it has endured trials both ancient and new. But as war reaches the shores of Zuldazar, the Alliance embarks on a daring gambit to besiege the golden pyramid and sever the Zandalari’s bond to the Horde.

Raid bosses: 9
Difficulties: Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic, Mythic
Level: 120
Raid Finder Minimum Item Level: 350

Raid Unlock Schedule
January 22 –...

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28 Dec

Early in 2018, we kicked off the year with our Opening Moves series, where we took a closer look at the early game of competitive World of Warcraft. We followed that up in July with Midgame Moves. This week, to celebrate the end of the year, we’re bringing you our Endgame Moves series: ...

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27 Dec


Early this year, we kicked off our Opening Moves series, where we took a closer look at the early game of competitive World of Warcraft. We followed up in July with Midgame Moves. This week, to celebrate the end of the year, we’ve been bringing you Endgame Moves....

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26 Dec


Early this year, we kicked off our Opening Moves series, where we took a closer look at the early game of competitive World of Warcraft. We followed up in July with Midgame Moves. This week, to celebrate the end of the year, we’ve been bringing you Endgame Moves.

What do you do when you’re in d...

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25 Dec

Early this year, we kicked off our Opening Moves series, where we took a closer look at the early game of competitive World of Warcraft. We followed up in July with Midgame Moves. This week, to celebrate the end of the year, we’ve been bringing you Endgame Moves. Today, we look at going fa...

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24 Dec


Early this year, we kicked off our Opening Moves series, where we took a closer look at the early game of competitive World of Warcraft. We followed up in July with Midgame Moves. This week, to celebrate the end of the year, we’re bringing you Endgame Moves. Today, we look at lessons learned from Arena pros...

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21 Dec

There’s a bounty of new mounts, pets, toys, and gear available in Tides of Vengeance. We’ve rounded up a selection of what’s available to help you formulate a plan of action.


Green Marsh Hopper Mount
Pictured — Green Marsh Hopper


We hope you’ve a stash of gold at hand, because you’ll need it to purchase the new Marsh Hopper.

Vendor Gottum in Nazmir will want 333,333 gold for each variation of this new mount which comes in blue, green, and yellow.

Darkshore Warfront

  • Ashenvale Chimaera: Drop (Alash'anir)
    Ashenvale chimaeras were used frequently by the Kaldorei to decimate structures in battles against the humans, orcs, and undead.
  • Blackpaw: Drop (Agathe Wyrmwood)...
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16 Dec

The fine folks of Smokywood Pastures aren’t letting a little thing like war between the Horde and the Alliance get in the way of spreading holiday cheer—or gaining a bit of profit. Winter Veil has begun in Azeroth, and with it come all the fripperies, fineries, and delectable comestibles of the holiday.

When: December 16 – January 2
Where: Initial holiday quests can be found in Orgrimmar and Ironforge, but festive decorations can be found throughout the world.

Let your spirit be light by stepping into one of the Giant Snow Globes* found outside of the Ironforge Bank, in Orgrimmar overlooking the Valley of Wisdom, or in the Broken Isles in Dalaran. It’s a truly transformative experience letting your inner Greatfather Winter helper out. A little /dance will spread the joy to those around you.**

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15 Dec

The World of Warcraft Arena World Championship (AWC) and Mythic Dungeon Invitational (MDI) programs operate via official rulesets, which were established in order to set expectations around the rules of tournament play and structure, player eligibility, points, prizes, sponsorships, and player conduct. All players accept these rules in order to participate in our tournaments and are expected to abide by them at all times.

We take all violations seriously. This page will be updated as new competitive rulings are issued.

Player(s)/Team(s) Ruleset Rule Broken Disciplinary Action
Simon "Boetar" Heinks ...
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14 Dec

This week, we sat down with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas to answer your questions on the latest content update— Tides of Vengeance.

If you missed the live Q&A, don’t worry. We have you covered. Watch the VoD below to catch up on the latest.

13 Dec

Fiercely intelligent and insatiably curious, this species of fox has travelled the Great Dark Beyond to seek the companionship of the greatest heroes of Azeroth. Vulpine Familiars are born daredevils, and any one of them would make a great companion on your adventures throughout Azeroth and beyond.  

You’ll be ready to take on new adventures wherever you go with this clever new mount. Now available in the B...

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11 Dec

The release of Tides of Vengeance opens the way for a new Warfront — Battle for Darkshore, new dwarf and blood elf Heritage armor, Faction Assaults and more. Learn about what’s in store in our Survival Guide and feature previews.

New Warfront: Battle for Darkshore


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05 Dec

The Horde and Alliance have established their footholds in Kul Tiras and Zandalar, each seeking to use these staging points as inroads to the flow of Azerite in enemy territory. Now the Horde and the Alliance will use those hard-earned footholds to launch large-scale assaults deep into enemy territory. While the assaulting faction tries to break through their enemy’s defenses, players must rally the local forces to drive the invaders from their continent.

Who: Level 110 and Above players who have unlocked World Quests on their account and have begun the War Campaign.
Where: Kul Tiras and Zandalar

With the release of Tides of Vengeance, players will be able to take part in Faction Assaults in Zandalar and Kul Tiras. Level 110 and above players from the Horde and the Alliance will be able to take part in these events on either continent as long as they have unlocked World Quests on their account and have begun the War Campaign.

... Read more

03 Dec

It’s time to marshal your menagerie and put your best battle pets forward within the halls of Gnomeregan.

To get started on your journey, you’ll need to have earned the achievement All Growns Up!, which requires you to raise a pet to level 25. This will make a new quest available to you from Radek Fuselock, who is located near the pet battle trainers in Dazar’alor, or Tizzy Gearjolt, who is located just outside of Dana Pull’s shop in Hook Point in Boralus. You won’t need to complete the Wailing Caverns or Deadmines pet battle dungeons to gain access, and with the release of the Tides of Vengeance content up...

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28 Nov

Celebrate your legacy with two new Heritage Armor sets—one for blood elves and one for dwarves—coming in the release of the Tides of Vengeance content update.

Players with maximum-level (120) blood elves or dwarves who are Exalted with their faction (Silvermoon City or Ironforge respectively) will be able to embark on a new quest line for each race to learn more about their history. Once you complete your quest, you’ll gain a new Heritage Armor transmog set unique to your race and be able to show off your pride.

Begin your journey by visiting the embassy in Orgrimmar or Stormwind after Tides of Vengeance arrives on December 11.

Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.


November 27, 2018

Dungeons and Raids

  • The Mythic Keystone affix Grievous Wound now has a maximum of 4 stacks (was 5).
  • Auchindoun
    • Fixed an issue where Curse of Impotence cast by the Nexus Terror reduced the affected target's damage by much more than intended while Timewalking.
  • Uldir
    • Mythrax
      • Visions of Madness no longer strictly prefer to target rang...
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21 Nov

Prepare to set sail for two new islands—Havenswood and Jorundall—coming to Island Expeditions in Tides of Vengeance.


Along with two new islands to explore, we’re also adding two new events that heroes might encounter on islands across the Great Sea.

Azerite Ruptures – Upon encountering an Azerite Rupture, you deploy a device to collect it, which will summon waves of Azerite-themed enemies several times before drawing out a rare or rare elite enemy. As these are Azerite-themed creatures, they’re a bit more lucrative than the usual island natives. Y...

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