World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Dev Tracker

14 Sep


Originally posted by boeiee

May i ask when we see this hotfix going live?

We've been working hard to get it done today. The earliest we could have the change go live is later this evening. If we hit snags, it could be Monday.

I'll update our Hotfixes blog post ASAP after it goes live, and tweet about it.


Originally posted by TheMentelgen

we're applying a hotfix that makes the various cosmetic bonus rewards more common

Does this include pets and mounts?

And how common? Are you doubling the drop rates from 0 to 0, or are these going to be significant increases.

Just want to confirm explicitly -- yes, we're increasing the drop rates of pets, mounts, toys, transmog items, and quest starters.

24 Jun


Originally posted by Mattarias

And thank YOU! The focus on not only class fantasy, but SPEC fantasy really makes this the best game I've played for being a real FIRE MAGE!


(Plus, I was one of the bigger pushers for this, and I know it's a small taste of what devs and community managers must face, but MAN, you made all the insults worth it! XD)

P.S. the mount is the best in the game <3 Thank you again to y'all and the mount team. <3 <3

I'll make sure to pass this along to those who'll appreciate it!

... But Priest mount is best mount.


Originally posted by Mattarias

Mage designers, if you're reading this- Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! for the spec-based barriers!!!

I know it was a bit of a point of contention, but thank you so much for making it happen. It really means a lot, and really shows how much you care. So again, thank you. My game has been SO much more enjoyable with my sweet, sweet fire barrier.

That's really cool to hear. Thanks for posting!

23 Jun


Originally posted by [deleted]


I've talked to and directly observed the work of class designers for many years, and I think it would be foolish to say that no subconscious feelings ever impact their work.

However, they don't work on classes in a vacuum, so it's a fairly moot concern. Collaborate with others, and you'll find that even your subconscious biases get quickly exposed.


Originally posted by DonkeyKongSSJ69

/u/devlore Have you managed to get past 18 stacks yet in a S2M Voidform?

Life begins at 19 stacks.


Originally posted by CrystallynRose

Hi there!

Thanks for the AMA! I was just wondering if in the future there'd be class based AMA's with the devs in the future? Just seems, by looking through all the questions, that all the classes are competing with each other for attention and I'm worried that some classes just won't get many of their questions answered.


It's certainly possible that we'll do this again. Class-based feels like a lot to chew and swallow. Would we open up 12 different threads? 36?

That seems very unlikely to me, but anything is possible.


Originally posted by Rixkst3r

Not hating on you guys for answering mostly pve questions but could you please answer more than one pvp question(not this one though I don't wanna waste our few answers)


Thanks for stopping by. We're answering as many different questions as we can.

13 Jun


Hi! This item is practically identical to the one that upgraded a legendary from 910 to 940. It is definitely consumed on use.

17 Aug


Originally posted by __________-_-_______

their CM's read the subreddit...

This is true.

17 Mar


May I suggest our New and Returning Players forum?

Tons of good information there.

14 Mar


Originally posted by Einchy

Did Blizzard approve that post? Kappa

Blizzard isn't not the boss of me!

12 Mar


Originally posted by heat_forever

It was kind of sad to see a guy who used to be so free and able to communicate so well turned into a Blizzard drone who just repeated the same shit over and over. Same thing happened to Randy Jordan.

Oh hai!

11 Jan


Originally posted by tenehemia

I really want a blue reaction to this. There's no way this isn't being shared around the Blizzard offices today.

Yes. The very first thing I did with it was e-mail it to over 200 people here.

16 Dec


The Bejeweled addon still works. I just tried it.

15 Dec


WARNING: Bots may explode.

24 Dec


Loot distribution used to be more dodgy.

But that may actually be a reason it was good. Weird things went down regarding drops, and everyone seems to remember them fondly.

40 people is 15 more than 25. So that's 15 more people that have to be yelled at to loot the dog.



Originally posted by Zarhym

I'm all out of jackal codes. Instead I went with, as Edward would indeed say, "the gift that keeps on givin' the whole year!"

A subscription to the Jackal of the Month Club?