
Warframe Dev Tracker

15 Dec


We're investigating!!!


Originally posted by bjvanst

Is there any way to reply the audio from the rank ups? I missed the second one entirely some how.

Not currently I’m afraid, but I’m hoping some enterprising soul will upload them to YouTube before long, for cases like this.


Originally posted by heypal11

His name is Micah Mason, I know him

That’s him. There was one delivery of his that almost wrecked me on mic. He did such good work with this.

14 Dec


Hello! I sent you a DM for more info!


Hello! I sent you a DM for more info!


Originally posted by kiba8442

Quick question is there anyway to replay the ranking up scenes with the sand? I think the very first one glitched out on me bc one of my friends was in my group & got impatient trying to force start something right at that moment, I quickly booted myself from the group but it was gone at that point. I was able to hear the second one though between tagfer & fibonacci.

If not can someone tell me the gist of that scene?

Gah, I'm sorry to hear that. Currently there isn't, no. Ordinarily I'd suggest checking YouTube - but I don't think any of the scenes have been uploaded yet.


Originally posted by NovaChrono

Looking forward to the rest of the Cavia's story through the week, you and the rest of the team have done an amazing job with this update!

I gotta ask, does The Man In The Wall have their own voice actor now? Not sure if you could answer that but I felt like the voice sounded a lot more different this time around and was very unlike of the usual Operator VAs who used to do that work, either that or maybe its the audio guys trying new things to make it sound different.

The various manifestations have the relevant actor performing the part (so your Operator's shadowy counterpart is voiced by the same actor who voices the Operator herself, for eg.)


Originally posted by yy376

I'm naming Bird 3 "Kevin". No, I will not be stopped.

'Kevin' kinda works, if I'm honest.


Originally posted by Takerod

I was talking about the voice acting with my friends just earlier today, saying that while the voice actors absolutely deserve praise, whoever directed them did a fantastic job no less. Happy to be able to thank you directly, you absolutely should be proud of yourself! Voice actors can easily make a character, but I've also seen cases in other games have great VAs but poor direction and/or writing, to the point where the VAs just couldn't salvage what they were given or the results were overall lackluster.

I've found the Cavia really touching, and even though I'm only a couple ranks in, I already found myself running around just to trigger more of the voice lines. It was fascinating to see just how drastically different Neil sounds as Fibonacci, Tagfer's quiet grief, despair and anger you wouldn't want to mess with, and Bird 3 going from struggling to string words together in the most amusing fashion to having a very believable existential crisis. Seriously, the l...

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If a studio doesn't have a director at hand then working actors can find themselves being directed by someone from, I dunno, level design who was just given the job, didn't want it, and is terrified. This is why I tell actors who are just starting out to build a strong, varied toolkit: take improv classes, do theatre, do standup, develop a strong facility for imagery to help inform the performance, develop the party trick of doing a range of impressions to better understand just what you can do with your vocal instrument and how it works and how new vocal patterns can change the way you think and therefore react, develop an ear for music in dialog, develop an instinct for delivering the same line in different ways without losing meaning or impact, really understand the power of *pauses*, of dirtying up the delivery, of making sure we can hear the character *thinking*. Essentially: learn to be your own best director for those times when you're on your own.

That way, at least...

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Originally posted by kiba8442

After hearing that reb's a big fan of astarion I laughed the first time I heard neil newborn's voice calling out to me from the fish (& also was pleasantly surprised, he's an amazing voice actor). I have to ask did she have anything to do with this?

Rebb's the Creative Director so everything went through, and had signoff from, her.


Originally posted by Sitchrea

Please tell me whether Fibonacci's "bubbling B's" were adlibbed, or part of the direction? That is such a fantastic element of the VO I couldn't help but take a moment when I first heard it to laugh and appreciate the detail put into this update.

Neil brought that from hour one. The high-level umbrella direction in the script was 'Stephen Fry without the generosity'. Wattle-shaking, bloviating, was all in there, but Neil turned up on the first call having deconstructed the character's physicality and used it to inform the vocal approach. The blubbing, the pops, the 'bipeds' insults, a lot of the little stings and flourishes at the end of some lines are all Neil just having fun and my encouraging him to try different things and make it his own.


Originally posted by Eeveefan8823

Is there just a coincidence Fibonacci is named after the Fibonacci sequence of numbers or do all the Cavia names allude to something irl?

All I'll say is you should keep playing.


Originally posted by GreatMadWombat

Please pass along my compliments to f**king everyone. This was an AMAZING update

You know it.


Originally posted by butler_me_judith

You absolutely killed it. Best content so far for WF. Albrecht and Loids interactions actually made me want to cry. And then everyone depressed about Minn ugh. So good.

The Albrecht/Loid material goes to Ade. He was all over that.


Originally posted by strthrawa

Bro I almost cried hearing about Minn 😭😭😭



Originally posted by zshift

My friends and I were raving about how great this update was, especially the writing and VO. I spent half my time tonight just listening to the random quips while trying to find the (hopefully) hidden DE logo, stumbling on a few secrets you all left in place.

We're honestly so thrilled that people seem to be loving it.


Originally posted by HyenaHeathen

Who voices Tagfer?

An actor named Sean Slater, who I'm having trouble tracking down online. There's a few performers and characters with that name. When I get a solid link I'll pass it along.


Originally posted by GreatMadWombat

Last time a story involving an uplifted animal group punched me in the heart so aggressively, I was reading WE3 by Grant Morrison. Absolutely 11/10 story sofar

I'm not sure you could have made a more flattering comparison. I'm not sure I deserve it, but the actors definitely do. Thank you.


Originally posted by Inevitable-Goat-7062

I like to call him bird is the word

Keep an ear out for one particular Fibonacci line...


Originally posted by xKnicklichtjedi

I just want to say I love the small insults Fibonacci throws at us during the quest if you move away from him instead of towards.

I think I found all of them, and some were so good. Keep it up, air-breathing voice magician!

Fun fact: a lot of the little jabs and flourishes Fib adds to the end of lines was Neil ad libbing and we kept them in.