Hey Tenno!
We are aware of an issue preventing players from progressing through to the third mission of Temporal Archimedia/Elite Temporal Archimedia as a squad. Due to the later hour, a fix may not be deployed until Monday morning. As a result, we recommend waiting to play this game mode until this issue can be addressed.
We apologize for the inconvenience and will be updating this thread with further updates.
UPDATE: After a bit of thrash, the Temporal Archimedea mission should be swapped and stable now. Apologies for any jank you experienced in the past 15 minutes. If things are acting funky when visiting Kaya, we recommend relogging. Thanks!
EDIT: We are aware of further reports of issues. We can't confidently address this at 10:30pm on a Sunday so we'll revisit this with fresh eyes in the morning. Thanks for your patience and understanding, Tenno. <3
UPDATE 2: This issue has been resolved. Tem...
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