
Warframe Dev Tracker

22 Feb

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You need to contact Support at https://support.warframe.com for any questions around Account Status or Moderation. If you already have tickets with Support, you will need to wait for a response.

21 Feb

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Tenno!

As Verios44 said, you'll need to reach out to support at https://support.warframe.com . Create a new account with a different email address, create a ticket, and describe your issue. Support can look up your old account to verify ownership.

team is aware and looking for a fix - ty for the report!

    [DE] Juice on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi Tenno. As others have suggested, your best course of action is to reach out to Support at https://support.warframe.com . To do so, you'll want to make a new account with a different email address and submit a ticket. Support will verify ownership of your original account and help restore access to it.

20 Feb




Originally posted by AlfieSR

It was part of a steam christmas(?) sale event along with the Phased skins, and they've just seemingly been completely mostly forgotten.
They do apparently get fixes when updates break things.

They were limited stock, one-run-only skins, and some of the higher rarity ones sell for outrageous prices on steam market now. They also don't look particularly fantastic, imo, but would make for a solid set of cosmetics to throw in a fashionframe 101 starter pack.

The Vauban Phased skin got a bunch of improvements with Koumei last year. Should be good now.

19 Feb



Thanks for the screenshots. I had a look Solo in the same location during Cold and had no issues grabbing a bunch of Tromyzones.

As Client I was not as lucky. It looks like an old issue resurfaced:

  • Hotspots not working for Clients

Please try Solo and see if you still don't get any spawns. We'll try to get this fixed as fast as possible.



The issue has been resolved and linking is back up! Thank you for your patience! Happy linking!


Hey Tenno!

We are investigating reports of players unable to link their accounts with other platforms on which they play Warframe. 

We will be updating this thread for further updates and apologize for the inconvenience.

UPDATE: The issue has been resolved and linking is back up! Thank you for your patience! Happy linking!

External link →

18 Feb

14 Feb

13 Feb


Command the unyielding sands of Inaros Prime or the shadowed blades of Ash Prime in the latest Prime Resurgence rotation! Add both to your Arsenal, along with their exclusive Prime Weapons and Accessories, through the power of Regal Aya!

Please note that Rhino Prime and Ember Prime also return along with regular rotations! If you’re looking to add the inferno empress or the armored juggernaut to your arsenal, now is the time!

12 Feb


The Lavos Prime accessories on Xbox launched at a lower price ($10 lower) than intended. We have since updated and corrected it to reflect the consistent pricing for PA. This was our mistake, and those who purchased at the lower price will keep their transaction.

Lavos Prime Access emerges into the Origin System in gilded glory! The latest Prime Warframe and a suite of signature Prime Weapons and exclusive Prime Accessories are available now. Get instant access[www.warframe.com] for a limited time with Lavos Prime Access.

Choose between the Weapons, Prime, Complete or Accessories Pack that best suits you depending on your platform, or earn Lavos Prime and his signature Prime Weapons in-game by cracking Void Relics!

Lavos Prime
Some Wa... Read more