
Warframe Dev Tracker

14 Apr


Originally posted by paul5473

Geoff still tastemaker?

I don't really know where that rumour got started in the first place - [DE]George


Originally posted by Kylecrafts

What about Warframe is [DE] most proud of?

The thing I love the most about Warframe is how unique it is. For better or worse, Warframe's character design, gameplay feel, movement, writing, etc. don't feel like any other game or scifi universe I've ever seen. It won't be to everyone's taste, but I think for some,  Warframe hits different. - [DE]Pablo

I love the fact that we are always trying new things. New ideas for music, sound design, and new directions for the gameplay and story of Warframe. - [DE]George

Warframe's style is so weird and diverse and always changing in unexpected, interesting ways, which keeps things fresh as we work on it. It's a great environment for creativity, and lets our passion really show through in the final product. We also have such an amazing community that helps reinforce that too, through the thick and thin :) So proud to be a part of this with all of you! - [DE]Kaz


Please give this a try:

1. On the Warframe launcher, click the little gear icon on the top right.  In the Download Cache section hit "Verify" and "Optimize".

2. If that doesn't work then please try re-installing the game.

Let us know if any of these solutions work.


Originally posted by dan8630

I'm talking about the drop rate of SE, the current amount of steel essence/h doesn't really provide a good alternative to Kuva farming and similar items from Tenshin's shop, even the weekly rotation doesn't feel worth it.

Edit: as a side note, there's a steel essence duplication glitch with Sevagoth+SP. Edit:Edit: just saw the hotfix 👍🏻

Drop rate of SE we probably won’t touch, but we are going to add more to the shop. - [DE]Rebecca


Originally posted by Renjingles

To Kaz: What kind of weapon type would you like to see in Warframe that doesn't exist yet as of right now? (Also I love your work!!)

Also as a general question to all; what media do you think has motivated or informed your work on Warframe the most?

Hahaha! I love the big flamboyant weapons. The mind-controlled space lasers that can merge together to make shields, the transforming monstrosities bursting from body parts with claws and teeth and gross things you don't want to touch, the huge insectoid heavy launchers that shoot giant insects that swarm on stuff and explode, giant whip-claws attached to your hands, huge railguns that can unfold into crazy energy turrets, space wings that turn into shoulder cannons, a melee, a primary, and a secondary that connect together to make the Voltron of weapons....... you know, there's a lot of things out there, especially once you start combining things :D thank you for the question!!

The media that comes to mind for me is kind of oldschool scifi and a lot of Japanese scifi. classic scifi like Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Farscape, Stargate. Japanese stuff like BLAME!, Akira, Evangelion, Macross, Gundam, model kit lines like Maschinen Krieger, stuff by Makoto Kobayashi, eve...

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Originally posted by possiblyameme

Is there a release window for corpus liches that you can share ?

Just coming out of Tempestarii, it's hard to give a precise window on the next cool thing. That said, our aim is to have Corpus Liches to you before Tennocon! - [DE]Sheldon


Originally posted by AphidMan2

Seeing as the game has greatly expanded in these last years, are there any plans on any kind of "Grind pass" to reassess the amount of grind some of the older content might still have to this day? (Similar to the Oxium pass you did not too long ago?)

For sure, some of those decisions were borne of different era where variety/width weren't the same as today. - [DE]Steve


Originally posted by PandaFoxPower

Any plans to change how Rhino's Iron Skin looks? It currently destroys any fashion frame potential, as no matter how you customize him he just turns solid gold or solid [insert color here] when you use Iron Skin. Especially with the new anniversary skin coming...

No current plan to - but since that has been out there has been a lot of character updates to the game so I would say its worth another look when we have a chance for sure. - [DE]Geoff


Originally posted by ogoeid

What does the void taste like?

A taste you have never seen. Imagine it. But slightly like marshmallows. - [DE]Marcus


Originally posted by Nik12349

Anything about Ordis new jokes dialogues or new dialogues in the ship?

We were waiting until returning to office to record the dialogue lines from the Cephalon Joke-a-Thone Contest, but now since that has taken such a long time we’re seeing if we can get Mike (Voice of Ordis) set-up to record from home! - [DE]Marcus


Originally posted by Kaelzoroden

Kingpins were renamed to Liches, which better represented not only what they are, but the fact that they can be either gender. Will Queenpins be renamed in the future as well, or will they be exclusively women?

Queenpins is just a codename - [DE]Rebecca

    [DE]Drew on Forums - Thread - Direct



  • Lensflare on Tempestarii Railjack skin will now update when hovering over customizations.
  • (Spoiler) music will still play in Call of the Tempestarii even if the music slider is down.


  • Fixed a crash that could occur when trying to launch a solo Railjack mission as client.
  • Fixed FX spam in Void Storms (potentially). 
  • Fixed several crashes that could occur from aborting a Railjack mission.
  • Fixed several crashes throughout the Call of the Tempestarii quest.
  • Fixed a prog stop in Call of the Tempestarii that could occur from using the Parazon while playing as Operator.
  • Fixed incorrect localization in part of Call of the Tempestarii quest.
  • Fixed Call of the Tempestarii quest granting additional final rewards for repeated playthroughs.
  • Fixed a cra...
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Originally posted by KisFarkas

If the Credit is the overall currency in the Solar system, what is the Granum Crown exactly ?
The corpus use the Granum Crown at funerals ?

More like a commemorative coin I think, the kind my Grandma would order from the shopping network... only these ones lead to a Void Purgatory hellscape! - [DE]Steve


Originally posted by GoldPhos

How do you feel about the state of weapon modding? Are you considering removing "mandatory" mods like base damage and multishot, or adding more unique mod effects than just extra DPS?

I don't think removing "mandatory" Mods will really help in making build variety more interesting, builds are pretty settled for Crit weapons and non Crit ones. If we removed Serration and Split Chamber, it would just mean two new mods would fill in as the default ones you always put on.

When we finally find the time to focus energy on build variety, I think it will take more than just Mod changes, weapons will need to change to have more distinguishing factors that influence Modding besides Crit and Status. A good example is Internal Bleeding, where now you don't only ask "Does this weapon have high Crit?" but you ask if it has a lot of Impact. Makes the Mod more niche, but adds to build variety. - [DE]Pablo


Originally posted by Ritual_Impulse

What happened to the GHOUL SAW?


Its in the works- SHELDON demanded all work stop on it to focus on the Railjack Update (we had to pull resources from it). But majority of the work is done and expect it in an Update....soon(tm) - [DE]Geoff.



Originally posted by darkwalker168_reddit

Did you guys improve load times on PS4? Feels like I’m getting into the game way faster now

Yes! There was a bit of threading code in our code that was slowing all memory allocations on Sony platforms... loading is most strongly affected! Glad you noticed... More to come I believe! - [DE]Steve


Originally posted by ColdIornSerpent

Can we expect more variations of necromech beyond the current two? Given that mechs might be branching out to more missions I'd love to see a more squad support focused mech to compliment voidrig's damage and bonewidow's survivability.

Yeah the Mechs have expanded beyond what was originally thought back when we did those 2 designs, so given that I do think adding some more variants is worth it. - [DE]Geoff


Originally posted by duhadventure

Will the bug of railjacks being randomly renamed be addressed anytime soon? It keeps renaming mine to Nebuchadnezzar. I'm tired of having to change it's name back every time I play public.

Interesting... I thought we fixed this. Not seeing any open bugs for it, and haven't heard this mentioned since before the Update. If it's the same name every time, it's presumably taking the name of a friend you play with regularly. If you have specific steps on how to reproduce, I'd be happy to look into it! Previous iterations of the issue happened when a client opened their Modding screen in the dry dock, if that's helpful. Can reply here or link a forum thread on the topic. - [DE]Connor


Originally posted by Antauron

Warframe now has a couple of full-on songs. Amazing songs at that. Can we expect more in the future? Are they harder to craft than music tracks?

Yes I definitely hope so!  Songs are always so much fun to work on partly because they involve collaboration from some very talented people including our writing department. Songs are definitely harder to craft than instrumental tracks because they often incorporate themes and other aspects of the game into the lyrics and the music. Plus, in the case of Sleeping in the Cold Below the main singer (the amazingly talented Damhnait Doyle, btw) is also Vala Glarios so we had to make sure that the singing felt like it was part of the acting performance. So it all depends on lots of different aspects coming together. But I think it's definitely worth the extra work involved! - [DE]George


Originally posted by TheWealthyHoboKnight

Will Deimos get an operator faction like the other open worlds?

They have one - [DE]Rebecca