Read moreI began to play this game in April last year and this is the first update where I can say that I was actually disappointed with DE. However, I jumped to conclusions and after testing the latest patch, I can say things have changed for the better here.
Snow Globe:
The issue isn't HP, the issue is that IT.DOES.NOT.SCALE. We've debated this on the forums and everybody knows that low to mid tier players have a functioning Snow Globe but that T2/T3 defense players along with high level defense players regard Snow Globe as useless as it dies in one or two seconds.See edit belowGrineer lights:
They're were unavoidable, too numerous and would one-shot low level frames in one hit and didn't hit enemies. They didn't make sense lore-wise or game mechanic wise. Cutting damage in half is not going to fix these issues since the lights don't add any difficulty or challenge, ...
Time the deploy so that invuln phase is getting attacked - this converts back to health which can (mathy math) double your invuln time at any level. This is scaling IMO.
The lights are supposed to be Grineer traps. They suck that they are hidden and that will be fixed. We blew the rollout of this but the intent is to add more dangers and game mechanics to levels overtime. This one is fail.