Continue lendo para descobrir como o protótipo do novo contratorpedeiro soviético de Nível IX foi projetado e construído! Leia no portal
Continue lendo para descobrir como o protótipo do novo contratorpedeiro soviético de Nível IX foi projetado e construído! Leia no portal
¡Sigan leyendo para saber cómo se planeó y diseñó el prototipo del nuevo destructor soviético de Nivel IX! Leer en el portal
Read on to learn about how the prototype of the new Soviet Tier IX destroyer was planned and designed! Read it on the portal
Lute por Créditos, Carvão, XP de Comandante de Elite, sinais e bônus econômicos consumíveis. Leia no portal
Clash for Credits, Coal, Elite Commander XP, signals, and expendable economic bonuses. Read it on the portal
Enfréntense por Créditos, Carbón, XP Élite del Comandante, señales y bonificaciones económicas consumibles. Leer en el portal
It is not recommended to change the base installation path of ModStation. Try reinstalling the app without changing the path.
That's a pretty kickin' game, indeed!
I leave my work laptop at the office during the weekend, so I don't have a means of looking at your Tickets tonight to see if there's any help I can offer.
Please ping me tomorrow around 10am as I should be in the office and able to inquire further.
That's a super huge return! 1,500 Doubloons back and a Smol besides is pretty massive
This is an older video, so the Rocket mechanics are outdated. Still, it's a nice intro video to CVs:
You can find my Compendium on CV play here:
There's a lot the OP has written on this topic. Props to the OP for their passion.
However, with over half the thread hidden because of derails and bickering, the thread is now done.
It's a general discount when purchasing a larger volume. You could buy 19 bundles at a time, if you want, sure. Eventually you could run out of bundles left, so the last purchase would be smaller if you bought out the whole thing.
I don't have any update on this to share. The UI was altered with the recent patch and is still being evaluated.
The Wiki has a wonderful guide on what it is:
Question on this. What about the forums do you see as toxic? A lot of work has gone in to having discussions be respectful, even when full of disagreement.
The first stage of the current Dockyard used that condition. It opened up about 4 weeks ago, but we do still use that for missions.
It's always best to provide a Replay that can be examined. Do you still have the Replay of this game?
The bundles cost "FreeXP", not Doubloons. Free XP is an earnable in-game resource.
Random bundles for Free XP in the Armory. Read it on the portal