World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

12 Jul

    BTed72 on Forums - Thread - Direct

A gun mount of almost any scale size would not capsize this "Vessel" it would just sink it by weight alone. Maybe an uzi.....

Good laugh though @Wows_Nightly_Newsthanks.

11 Jul



I'm taking this interaction as OP having a genuine issue that needs to be investigated. That is why I offered the instructions to OP as to what I need to investigate / explain what's happening. If OP doesn't come back with anything then that closes the case for me, if I get something back then I can provide an answer :)

Lets all calm down and give OP the opportunity to provide further information.



Since this continues to be a hot topic here on the forum and I'm not sure if it has been brought up;

As part of the recent CC Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, Live Producer Sub_Octavian and Balance Lead presented a overview of the CC rework and its impact on the game. This presentation has been released publicly and Flamu (an EU CC) uploaded it to YouTube for everyone's reference:

The video explains several why certain decisions were made and why, with the supporting data.



Heyo Captains,

This is definitely not intentional. @Truxtun_35 would you please provide a replay file which showcases what you are experiencing so we can investigate what is going on. There could be a range of situations causing this that are intended gameplay mechanics but we would not be able to tell this without seeing the situation it occurred.

Replays are automatically enabled, to access them go to the directory in which your game is installed and to the reply file, for example mine is located: C:\Games\World_of_Warships_NA\replays
Find the associated replay where you experienced this, and then attach it to your reply (drag and drop should work).

From there we can investigate whats going on and offer a resolution.


    BTed72 on Forums - Thread - Direct

Having a ship, a vessel of "Diplomacy of force" as per British cabinet of the timeframe, be armed to the teeth with various offensive capability rather than for a specific target does make sense for the time period. The US response for the cruisers, going AA heavy, was in direct response to their experience in the Pacific. The Royal Navy had more than a few centuries of "Gunboat diplomacy" as well as facing a wide variety of challenges. to learn that having a bag of varying tools was to its benefit.

And the British Mark IV and Mark IX were good torps for there era and need.


Who's to say we wont :)?

They aren't released, so there is still time if we decide to announce the means of obtaining them. We have previously announced some of the free exp/coal/steel before.


    Radar_X on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Jan_Van_Galen, the development spends a considerable amount of time crafting both real and experimental (paper) ships for World of Warships. I assume you are referencing Rogue Wave, and the reward for the Benham actually has a standard camouflage that doesn't reflect the post-apocalyptic visuals . We've released ships this year like the RU BB line, the Alaska, the Benham, and many others who fit more of a historical theme.

Events like Scifi Battles, Rogue Wave, and our Halloween events could continue to fall outside this realm but are only for a limited time. They certainly aren't for everybody, but a lot of folks have reported having fun in between other modes of the game like ranked, random, etc....

    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

New map 'Bering Sea' for tier VIII-X battles will be added to the game.

The map is at an early stage of testing and does not yet have a specific visual style, but some gameplay features are already known.

In addition to the standard spawn locations of the teams, a new concept of starting positions will be tested on the 'Bering Sea'. The idea is that the teams will start battle next to each other in one part of the map, divided only by a group of islands.

These spawn locations will be used in the "Domination" mode, as well as in the new "Breakthrough" test mode, where the teams will start moving in parallel courses to one or more neutral control areas at the other end of the map, in order to capture them. These changes should diversify the gameplay and increase the dynamics of the early stages of the battle.

Also, various options for the placement of control areas in the "Domination" mode will be tested ...

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    BTed72 on Forums - Thread - Direct

Very well said @Shoggoth_pinup. You bring up a skill set that I am seeing more and more DD's beginning to do. The concept of "Screening" is to provide protection for ships or just to curtail the freedom of movement of the red team. This can be most effective when your DD is unspotted and you are lighting them up for your own side. Being that "phantom menace" can cause hesitation and indecision by the red team. It also provides your own team with more information that can lead to intercepting a push on your CV or an unprotected cap. Just my thoughts

Screening, simple yet effective and something you can do regardless of the tiering of the match.


Heyo Captains,

Information on new ships will first be announced on the Dev Blog which can be found in several locations including here on the forums!:

It should be noted tho, we typically don't announce ahead of time the exact date of ship releases due to the fact these dates can change last minute for a variety of reasons.

The Siegfried has not made it into live testing at this stage (CCs, STers, CST, and Staff are yet to test the ship on the live saver). That cycle is usually indicative that the ship will likely be released soon.

What about the Siegfried has caught your attention?


    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey QQ_Whine_Moar,

This is a great topic to discuss and a positive one! Consistency is a topic that some players have achieved, some players strive for and some that are in the process of figuring it out. It is great seeing that you are trying to improve your consistency. Improving at this game is one of the things that takes repetition, time and the will to want to get better. Remember stats will improve as your play improves, these coincide with each other. It takes hundreds of games to learn the right way to read the map, team lineups, ships strengths/weaknesses and every other integral part of the game.

To really get good at this game you have to be willing to make mistakes and then learn from them. You have to be willing to not blame teammates all the time and look at yourself in the mirror and ask what could I have done better. Take advice from experienced players that offer it and try to apply that to your play (not always possible). This game...

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    Kami on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey MakersMike,

So the German cruiser line is quite interesting in progression while you move through the middle tiers. You start off with ships that are light cruiser caliber, get the Yorck with its unique gun size and then you get the standard 203mms. I am going to list what I would recommend and use (there will definitely be variations).

This is my current build:,8,12,14,17,23,28&ship=Cruiser

With 10 points I would focus on getting:

Priority Target (must)

Expert Marksman (must)

Superintendent (you can also use Demo Expert here)

Concealment Expert (must)

Once you start getting your points past 10 is where you get the chance to bui...

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Round 2 of the PT 0.8.6 starts in a little bit. The fighter shot down voiceover should be fixed with this rendition!


The team identified this and it will be fixed in time for Round 2 of PT 0.8.6!

    BTed72 on Forums - Thread - Direct

I wanted the Exeter before she was even released due to being the York Class Heavy Cruiser ever built. Yet when I took her out for the first time I was happily surprised.The guns hit hard and the heal is a solid boon for tier 5 cruiser.

To me, that is the best combo of a ship with an interesting history combined with a solid cruiser for the tier.

If you like Furutaka, you will like Exeter.

And I completely agree with @alexf24 and @Khafni in their observations.


Heyo Captain,

As Cruiser_Noshiro mentioned, please complete a WGCheck and submit it through our ticketing system.

One of our Technical Devs will then be able to provide further assistance, for instructions on submitting a ticket please see:
