
Worldbox Dev Tracker

30 Mar


I'm enjoying the new update

21 Mar


Older versions of the game will be available on steam if you want to play with older mods

20 Mar


Originally posted by Aromatic-Union6080

Looking forward to it, does sacrificing people into a volcano help?

it doesn't hurt


Originally posted by KirkataThePickaxe

I stand with you even doe I don't know you,life is hard and I think I understand what is like,atlest I can pretend to know,as I grew up in the 90s post soviet dystopian country.

Hey, at least we've got memes now. That's progress, right?


... until finished duh


The work is not finished yet

It's in progress

Update is huge


16 Mar


Originally posted by KirkataThePickaxe

It's April 15th from where I'm from ,we already got the update and it's lit,i feel so bad for the people who are still living in March 15th ,you my friends are missing alot of good shit.

This guy lives on sonic speed


Originally posted by PresentationNarrow98

You know this is crazy when GTA VI trailer came out, Kanye released his album, Frank Ocean teased his album, KFC is adding pizza chicken or something like that. And there's still no worldbox update

KFC did what

13 Mar



Originally posted by mirkuriy



06 Mar


Originally posted by sirnicktik

Take the time you need! As a Hollowknight fan Im used to waiting lol.

Silksong ❤️

Also waiting for NPC update for project Zomboid!


We'll post more when it's closer to release/beta.

Sorry that it's taking so long. We're working on it every day. This update will be an important milestone for WorldBox and the game's future.

The next updates after it should come much faster.


Originally posted by Boohocky

Yea can't say I'm a fan of how the devs communicate they haven't even said if they are finished adding features

we're not finished adding features

02 Mar

25 Feb

21 Feb

20 Feb


Originally posted by KirkataThePickaxe

GMO elves 🤣🤣🤣,is that supposed to be some kind of sneaky sneak peak?

Anyway, hope it deliveres the promise ,best of wishes.



I understand that some people are frustrated with waiting.

This is the most advanced update and it will add so much.

Currently we have 5 people working on the game. Just wait please, it will be worth it(if not, you can drop me into the volcano with GMO elves after the release)

18 Feb


Originally posted by Commercial-Key-627

I see what u did there maxim



Excuse me, but what do you want to be removed exactly? We don't even have religions in live build