Original Post — Direct link

I know I've mentioned this, many months ago.

Some enemies throw rocks that do not leave a trail in the air. Okay, that mechanism is hardly realistic but it's inconsistent.

In the video (yes, me posting a second video) it's a bloke with a flail. Three times in quick succession. Also shows a trail from a Standard Bearer's spear and the trail from the rock when Eivor throws it back at the bloke-with-flail and kills him.


about 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link

@spirantcrayon22 Hey! Thank you for providing this report about the invisible rocks.

This was a known issue that was believed to have been resolved. As you are experiencing this issue I have gone ahead and informed the development team that this issue is still happening.

Thank you for the video, I have also passed this along.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Peach - Direct link


Understood! Thank you for your understanding in the meantime! 🙂