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I encountered a bug that prevented me from progressing in the story. After looking online I tried reinstalling the game. Suddenly all my save games are corrupted. Most of the save games originate before I encountered the bug. Now I can't continue the story and all my custom control settings are gone. Any clue how to fix this? I would hate to have to trow out the game because it was great fun, but if I have to start anew the game will end up in the trash, because there is no way I'm redoing 50+ hours of grinding and leveling.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello @allesiskaal I am sorry to hear of your recent save games becoming corrupted. Can you please let me know if you have seen a "Data Corrupt!" displayed on the save file itself when you go to load them?

If so, I will need to open a private support case for you so we can investigate this further and direct your case to our Valhalla escalations team. Let us know when you can.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Oxavo - Direct link

Hello @kasaj39846 and thanks for your comment. Still, we would like to get the confirmation from the topic starter.
Please let me know if you I can assist you with anything else.