Hello everyone,
TU 1.1.1 has just been announced last night, and is due to launch today on January 14th! In this patch, we have implemented a fix for an issue whereby players would become stuck if pledging to Lincolnscire after returning from Vinland, and this should hopefully help those of you who have found that you are unable to move away from the Alliance Map after pledging.
If you attempted to pledge to Lincolnscire for the first or second time after returning from Vinland, please try again to pledge to Lincolnscire after the patch is deployed and verify whether you are able to move away from the Alliance Map. Hopefully you should all now be able to continue the pledge as normal, and start the arc!
If you find yourself still stuck, please share a video of this with us so that we can pass these onto the developers and continue the investigation. Thank you all for your patience with regard to this issue, and I hope that today's patch will see it fixed for you all! I will answer any further questions asked or concerns raised as quickly as I can.