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For five successive attempts I have gotten every weak point hit and every headshot to only be left with npc’s outside the playable area marked as “uneliminated”. Even when changing the kill order there are still npc’s outside of the camp. In fact, changing the order this last time resulted in two outside the camp where previously there had just been one. Note, this is after all 15 kills have been made.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello thagodfeara thank you for your post about the kills not counting for the bandit camp completion.

As a workaround can you try the following >

  • Carry the dead bodies outside the perimeter into the camp, does the camp side quest complete?
  • Can you try killing all bandits in the center of the camp by luring them to you, without using long-range kills?

If neither of these two options work, can you provide a video of you being unable to complete this camp, showing all of the 15 dead npc's?

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@thagodfeara I'm pleased that you were able to complete the trial and obtain a gold medal.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @dthbysnusnu I'm sorry to hear that you have experienced the same issue in the Lolingestone Bandit Camp mastery challenge.

Could you please confirm which challenge you are experiencing the issue with (Bear, Wolf or Raven) and also provide a video to demonstrate the issue. Can you also confirm if this happens every time you attempt the challenge?

To provide a video please upload it to a file sharing website then copy and paste the URL link into this thread, I can then report this to the development team to investigate.

I can assure you that the development team are working hard to resolve all of the issues that are reported.

We did report an issue with one of the mastery challenges previously as mentioned in this thread here, however the development team were unable to reproduce the issue on a later version of the game and we received no further reports from players.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @xfizzoo_ I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing issues with one of the mastery challenges at Lolingstone Bandit Camp.

Could you please provide a video that demonstrates this issue

I would recommend uploading your video to a video sharing platform such as YouTube, you can then copy the URL link into this thread. 

I can then forward this on to the development team to investigate. Can you also make sure that your latest save is uploaded to the cloud.


almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there @xFiZzoo_ & @Jhachey!

I'm sorry to hear that you've encountered trouble with enemies spawning out-of-bounds during the Lolingestone Mastery Challenges. Thanks for providing us with a video of the issue from you own game as well, @Jhachey!

I've forwarded this to the dedicated teams so they can take a closer look at this. Would you also be able to provide me with some additional information:

  • Does an enemy spawn out-of-bounds every time you attempt a Mastery Challenge at the Lolingestone Bandit Camp? Or have you been able to complete it previously without an enemy spawning out-of-bounds?

Knowing how often this issue can be reproduced in your experiences will be helpful for further investigation.

I'm sorry to hear that you've been experiencing frequent crashes whilst playing Assassin's Creed Valhalla, @xFiZzoo_. If you'd like us to take a closer look at these, I'd recommend sharing your report within our dedicated Megathread for PC crashes / freezes.

Thanks! 😊

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Nacho - Direct link

@xfizzoo_ Hi there!

Thanks for taking the time to share those details with us, and for confirming the same issue would occur each time the Mastery Challenge was attempted.

We've passed these details on to the team to aid with their investigation. We may reach out again via this thread should we need to gather further information.

We appreciate the help so far. Please be back in touch if you have any questions in the meantime.

over 2 years ago - UbiSushiVamp - Direct link

Greetings, @reapergrl95 and @Lohkey_. I have gone ahead and added your information to the investigation on going about this. I apologize in the delay for the reply, however I appreciate your patience as this is being looked into. We recommend checking out the News and Announcements page for future updates on this issue as we have them. Thanks!

over 2 years ago - UbiMindflayer - Direct link

@TechGladiator Hey there! Welcome to our official forums! I'm glad you're here, and thanks for sharing your time to report this issue up. I'm sorry for any trouble this issue has caused you. We've reported this problem to our developers and I've gone ahead and added your situation to that investigation. Please stay tuned to our News & Announcements page for updates in the future. Thanks and take care!