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I know The Thousand Eyes' quests are tied to specific locations (usually the quest giver has a contract nearby), but it doesn't make sense. Reda's HQ is in Ravensthorpe, which is really small, but he can send you to retrieve the stolen purse, to hunt the Duke of Burgundy or the Thieves Couple in Ledecestrescire, so he has connections - completing those quests would be impossible in Ravensthorpe alone because of the size of it.
But the tasks he gives are the same again, and again, and again... Seeing the quest name triggers my muscle memory, so I already know where I should fast travel to - for example: today's The Thieves Couple.
What's interesting, his agents have different sets of quests. So to make it more interesting, instead of visiting other agents, let's make one big pool of quests Reda and his agents can choose from so we wouldn't get tired from completing quests in the same locations over and over again.

Don't consider this as suggestion, for me it's a bug - Reda shouldn't have quests in the same locations.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey all,

To determine if this is a bug, can you post a list of quests you are seeing? We'd need to be able to see and find out which ones aren't coming up if there is some, or if this is just a suggestion to add more quests.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Peach - Direct link

Hey @bielik01! We are looking into this currently. Could you tell me what your power level is?