Original Post — Direct link

Hi there. im on the last section of completion this tomb but the lift on this certain area will not go all the way down. Preventing me from moving the pillar to the correct area. Ive come back out the tomb, back in. Re-launched the save. turned off and on. tried various ways of pushing the rock bolder onto the lift to lower it. no matter what i do, the lift is not going down all the way allowing me to drag the key pillar over the lift. The is a tiny TINY little lip preventing it from moving.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Verse - Direct link

@FieldyHD Hi there and welcome to the forums 😊

I am sorry to read that you cannot progress further in the tomb! Thanks for the screenshot.

Could you please provide a video of what happens when you try to lower the platform? That would help us look into this for you.


over 2 years ago - Ubi-Greybeard - Direct link

Hey everyone!

Thanks for your replies so far!

It's safe to say we understand the issue, but we still haven't seen any footage, except for the original screenshot which shows the platform at the right place. For the development team to be able to properly investigate it, we'll need a short clip that shows the movable item can't cross the platform, to reach the spot where it's supposed to be placed (like the video guide shows).

Once we have that, we'll be making a full report to the dev team for you!