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After the update, Reda's shop has been unavailable. I can access and pick up contracts. I can earn opals. However, the shop itself says This section is empty with the time saying 0H 0M 0S. I am on an Xbox One X. Sometimes I get an online service error (0x20101903) but I have the issue regardless of whether this pops up or not.

over 2 years ago - UbiMindflayer - Direct link

@valdarez @r04dbl0ck @welshyr6 Hey folks, could you check to see if this issue continues after you download the 1.6.0 build for the game? If it does, could you provide me with some images showing Reda's shop and the game build number (should be available on the game's home screen) from your game? Thanks so much!

almost 2 years ago - ubi-smash - Direct link

@BuffyLadySlayer Hey there! After rebooting the game on your console, are you still running into this error when accessing Reda's shop?