Original Post — Direct link

After the first like five main quest I could read letters from characters I helped. But now I can’t, did not notice at first but after I read little online I noticed that I haven’t gotten letters from Stowe, Erke and more. When I go to Ireland I can read letters from characters their but not at the main base.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link

Hey @mothervengeance,

Sorry to hear that you can't read letters in the longhouse.

So we can see what is happening would it be possible to share a link to a video with us?

Many thanks

about 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey @dazzle0825 ,

Thanks for adding to this and reporting you're encountering this too.

We request footage for this to pass onto the team for their investigation and reproductive purposes.

If you could please provide a clip showing this behaviour in action, it'd be appreciated and we can forward it onto the development team.

Thank you!