Hello @thefrozencreed - thank you for your reply to this thread.
Could you please confirm the exact nature of the issue you are having? Are you unable to locate Hytham outside of the longhouse, or are you having a different issue, such as being unable to proceed due to having the incorrect number of medallions? If the former, please be advised that this issue has been considered resolved as of TU 1.3.0, and it could no longer be reproduced in the live game.
Please refer to the information posted above by my colleague @Ubi-Borealis; can you please confirm that you have completed all of the prerequisites for starting "The Poor Fellow-Soldier", which are the following:
- You have completed the full game, including the Hordafylke and Hamtunscire arcs
- You have defeated all of the other Order members, with the exception of the Father
If you find yourself unable to locate Hytham outside the longhouse and proceed, as previously directed, please send us a video showing the following:
- Your completed quest log, showing that "Reporting on Hamtunscire" has been completed.
- Your Order menu, showing that all members have been defeated except the Father.
- If you have handed the medallions over to Hytham, please can you show us that you are unable to interact with him in front of the longhouse. If you haven't yet handed your medallions over to Hytham, please can you do this to see if this causes him to move in front of the longhouse.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and any information that you provide. We'll be happy to reopen the the investigation into this issue if the information needed is received.