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I have 4 hel's scythe in my inventory.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link

@thenorfolkian @RietN7

Hey there folks!

Thanks for the reports. I can confirm the development team are aware of this issue and it's under active investigation at the moment but thanks for bringing it to our attention. I have moved the other thread from general discussions over to Player Support and merged them together just to keep things in one place. As soon as we have any updates on this we'll share these to the forums. Cheers!

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Thanks for confirming this too @jeremy7071xx if you can, try to load up a save from before you acquired the second scythe, if you don't have one of these save files, I would hold off upgrading any of the scythes until we can hopefully patch this, as we can't guarantee the upgrade will be saved or the materials used will not be lost as you expereinced!

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @dragon65776657 @thouvert apologies for the late response.

Thanks for reporting the issue with Hel's Scythe. I can confirm this is a known issue and it has been reported to the development team.

I have merged your posts with an existing thread we have for this issue.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Nacho - Direct link

@jaceiondale Hello there.

You're welcome to hold off on selling one scythe until a fix is released, however we're unable to confirm an ETA on this.

Regrettably we're unable to guarantee selling this scythe won't result in both items being sold. We appreciate your patience while we investigate the issue. Once we have more news to share we'll be sure to let players know.

Thanks again!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @cole_2018

We have reported previously someone that was able to obtain 2 during the Hunt event and now they are unable to use the scythe. Is this the same case for you too, or are you able to use it?

over 2 years ago - UbiSushiVamp - Direct link

@cole_2018 Thank you for that information! Have you noticed any other items in your inventory duplicating?