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Started occuring with the Wrath of the Druids expansion. Every time you enter the fog, Eivor just keeps banging on about it non stop. As soon as they're finished saying the line "the fog" Eivor immediately repeats it again and again and again, mixing it up at times with "I must not lose my way", "this fog" or "I must tread carefully" but it is just non stop, it's that distracting I just have to turn my speakers off completely until I leave the area as the character just keeps going on. Made the oskoreia festival challenege duel and every encounter with the druids just painful.

Really appreciate if that could be fixed so if Eivor does mention the fog they say it just the once and not every single second non stop. Anyone else had this? Its just constant. Obviously not something I can screenshot as its an audio bug where Eivor just keeps talking about the fog but it's really annoying after a while

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Dino - Direct link

Howdy @seth42368, thanks for reporting this issue where Eivor is looping dialogue about the fog. What was your last completed quest? Are you actively working on a quest when you encounter this, or does it occur in that area even without a specific quest? If you reboot the game, does Eivor continue to repeat these lines?

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Oxavo - Direct link

Hello @Seth42368 and thanks for answering all of our questions.

Please can you check through the steps in this article and see if there's anything you haven't tried yet, as we just need to rule out any of the most common causes of issues on PC first of all. Should the issue still persists, please record a video showing the looping dialogue and your game version. Then upload it on any hosting of your choice and send us the link, so we can pass it on to the relevant department. Please also make sure that your latest saves were uploaded to the cloud.

I look forward to hearing back from you!

Hi @SteveZ_Pun, thank you for confirming that for me. Could you please let me know the platform you are playing on? 

Please let me know if I can help you with anything else.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Oxavo - Direct link

Hey @stevez_pun and thank you for your reply.

Can you please record the video of issue and upload your cloud saves according to instructions to my previous message? So then I can pass it on to the development team.

Thank you in advance!