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I've been experiencing a bug where the icons for wealth, mysteries and artifacts flicker or outright disappear when observing them from raven view. Of note, the markers are still there in the map menu and player compass.
I think what triggers this is zooming in when in raven mode. Prior to zooming, the icons appear normally.
My platform is ps5.

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link

Hello @f0rsale,

Sorry to hear that your icons are flickering while using your raven.

Can I kindly ask you to provide us with a short video of this occurring, so we can investigate it further for you?

Many thanks and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.

almost 4 years ago - UbiKobold - Direct link

@f0rsale Thank you for providing this video and letting us know that a restart temporarily will fix the issue. Since a restart does provide a sort of fix, I would like to see if completing our guide here will fully resolve the issue. This includes restoring your licenses, which can fix a decent amount of gameplay issues. However, if this continues afterwards please let me know!

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@f0rsale Thanks for the update. I will forward this on to the game team to investigate.

almost 4 years ago - UbiKobold - Direct link

@f0rsale Hello again! The Game team would just like a little more information as this has been difficult to reproduce.

  • When did you start seeing this issue with the flickering icons in Raven view?
  • Has this been happening since launch of the game?
  • Do the flickering icons happen in any particular region? Or does it not matter the region and is only happening when zooming?
  • Have you tried un-installing and re-installing the game?
over 3 years ago - UbiKobold - Direct link

@f0rsale Thanks for answering all of my questions, and that is good information to know that this is occurring in longer play sessions. About how long of playtime do you average before you see the flickering icons occur? Also, would you mind un-installing and re-installing the game as a test to see if that resolves this issue?

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for providing us with some more information about when this happens in-game for you, @f0rsale. Thanks for letting us know that you've tried reinstalling the game as well. I've passed this additional information along to the development team as part of the ongoing investigation. If we require any additional information from you, we'll reach out within this thread 🙂

Thanks for sharing your report as well, @azullFR! If possible, would you be able to provide us with the following information, so we can forward this to the development team:

  • When did you start seeing this issue with the flickering icons in Raven view?
  • Has this been happening since launch of the game?
  • Do the flickering icons happen in any particular region? Or does it not matter the region and is only happening when zooming?
  • How long can you play for before the flickering icons occur?
  • Have you tried un-installing and re-installing the game?
  • Can you please send us a video that demonstrates the issue occuring in-game?

If you'd like to wait until TU 1.2.2 has been released to check, please feel welcome to update us after this time.

Thanks 😊

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for providing us with some of the additional information, @azullFR! If you can provide us with a video and let us know how you long you can play for before the flickering occurs following TU 1.2.2, we'll be sure to include this information in your report 🙂

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Thanks for sharing some more information with us, @azullFR! Just to confirm, does the flickering no longer appear for you at all? Or only in Glowecestrescire?

Please feel free to update us on any new findings you have once TU 1.2.2 is deployed. We'd be interested to know if you've noticed any new changes to your experience with this issue.

Thanks! 😊

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there @azullFR!

Thanks for updating us with your findings following TU 1.2.2, as well as including reproduction steps! This is very helpful for the development team's investigation 😄 Please send us a link to the video you captured as soon as it is convenient for you, and we'll pass this along to the development team as well.