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As you can see in this image below I have the Eden victory silver and bronze tress and could build them in my cities last year with my Cosmetic DLC 6: The “Vibrant Cities Pack after that day when I saved my game with cloud the next two days I log in and loaded the game up I couldn't build any more silver and bronze tress again they are missing from the menu! I looked in other slots but couldn't find them just in case they was moved and can only build the plant a tree DLC as you can see in the image. I reload my save game just before Cities Pack but no it didn't fix my problem still missing from menu I also verify files but nothing again have same problem I hope Ubisoft team can fix's this menu silver and bronze tress bug in the next update of the game. Thank you😁

Update I loaded up my game today 11/1/2022 and it's still missing from menu.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-SpaceCats - Direct link

@aorus2017 Hi there! I'm sorry to hear you're missing your Eden Victory trees. As a first step, can you please go through our Basic PC Troubleshooting guide, ensuring you are also verifying your game files? These steps may help in getting the trees back on your menu. Please let me know if this issue persists afterward.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-SpaceCats - Direct link

@aorus2017 Understood, and sorry for my oversight. I'd suggest at this point that you uninstall and reinstall the game. Please let me know the results.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Mushy - Direct link

@aorus2017 Thank you for the update, and for including that info from your error logs. Would you be able to upload a copy of the affected save so we can report this to the team? You can find your saves using this FAQ, then upload it to a file sharing site or attach it to a support case.

about 3 years ago - UbiMint - Direct link

Just to confirm I understand, @aorus2017, are you saying your save game zipped and compressed by itself is 11mb? Or do you have all of your diagnostic files zipped with your save file as well?

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey @aorus2017 , my sincerest apologies for the delay in responding. I understand your save file is too large to attach to a support case, and I appreciate you letting me know about this.

The file can instead be sent to us by uploading it to any file sharing site of your choice, and sending us a link. You'd mentioned you've got Microsoft OneDrive - I see that they have a small guide describing the steps to getting a 'shareable link' in this support article.

Please let me know if you'd like any further guidance with this!

about 3 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @aorus2017 ,

Thanks for getting back to us with this update - how odd!

I'm very glad to hear you've since been able to fix the issue though!

You know where we are if there's ever anything more you need help with!