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In the Sunken Treasures DLC, there is a quest titled "A Promise Kept" where you escort the queen's ship. Mine seems to be stuck, does anyone have any ideas how to fix it? I move a ship towards the queen's ship, the quest starts, they sail to the bottom corner of the map, the queen's ship leaves, but mine stays behind. Then her ship comes back moments later, and stays stuck in the bottom corner of the map. There is a quest arrow over the ship, but nothing I do will resume it. I thought maybe it was stuck because I had not finished the World's Fair, but I spent a few hours and built one, and it is still stuck. I loaded a save game before I started the quest and tried repeating it a few times, but got the exact same result. Any ideas?
over 5 years ago - UbiCosmos - Direct link
Hi there,

Thanks for reporting this issue to us. I am going to move this thread to our Dedicated Player Support Forum, so our Team can investigate this further.

You can also reach out to them directly Here.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by Arribeth_
Don't know if anyone's tried this,but thought should share. I've had this problem on a few playthroughs, experiencing the same problem; Queen's ship would sail southwest-wards. Once it went past the corner, it would u-turn and once it's back on the map, it would just stay there and the quest would remain stuck.

This current playthrough, I thought I'd try something. I removed the depot that I placed at the river mouth, allowing more space for the Queen's ship to manouver. When I started the quest, the ship, THIS TIME, decided to sail north west, the closer edge of the map. And this time, the quest completed successfully.

I noted that in my previous playthroughs, I did have the depot at the river mouth and did not remove them prior to starting the quest. But thought I'd try it this time, and it worked.

To everyone else, try this maybe?
This is a great suggestion, thank you for sharing your experience.

As UbiCosmos our team will continue to investigate the cause but in the mean time this may be a solution for others.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link
Originally Posted by Jaikon.
I attempted to replicate this possible fix to no avail, sadly. Having cleared buildings around the ship/mouth of the river, the ship repeatedly sailed all the way south, exiting the map and returning bugged.

I have rolled back to various stages of this quest, but playing through to attempt completion results in a bugged quest every time.
Sorry to hear that the workaround did not work for you. You would possibly need to start a new save all together I am afraid.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by TBR_79
has this issue been fixed ?? I have exactlz the same issue. COntacted ubisoft they told me to create a video of that... wow great help

Our team is still investigating the issue, we have not yet been able to resolve it.

I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, we have only been able to suggest a new save game at this time.
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Karl - Direct link
Thanks for the update Jades and Blink97 and I am happy to hear that your problems have been resolved .

To add, hopefully the information provided will be useful to other players who may be experiencing the same issue too!