Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

06 Feb


Originally posted by ManOfTheForest

u/Ubi-Thorlof are such slowdowns/game freezes a known bug?

Not really, or at least it's not something that I remember us receiving reports about in recent times, sorry :/

01 Feb


Originally posted by Admirable-Milk7763

Or just slow it down to real time, or 1 min per sec, or something like that; that would be the same thing as a pause. It looks beautiful but it's no fun having to leave my planning because of some fire in another region, or an expedition, or whatever. Plus there are so many controls to learn and production pieces to optimize it's impossible to keep up. Like the other guy said, about 10 hours in the game goes from amazing to "this is too much like work" to "screw this, I'm going to play Need for Speed Rivals just so I can relax".

Hey, as I wrote above, we're aware of the sentiment you (and others) shared, but due to the technical limitations, this is nothing that will be implemented for Anno 1800.


This little ad was produced for Season 4's third DLC (New World Rising), see the mentioning of Manola and electric scooters, back in 2022.

25 Jan


We (and Ubisoft as a whole) are focusing on the key languages which - from our experience and data - make up the majority of our player base and/or are relevant in specific regions (and unfortunately, Brazil is nowhere near the top 5, I'm not sure where you're taking your data from).

As fhackner3 said below, we have read the feedback regarding a PT-BR localization for future projects and will keep that in mind, but there are no plans to add more languages to Anno 1800.

23 Jan


Originally posted by MemnochThePainter

When you say "next" project, I hope that means current project?

Well, "next" project as in "the next one to release". So, yes, for us it's "current" and for all of you it's "next after Anno 1800" :P

22 Jan


Originally posted by lions2lambs

I wish we had a season 5 of Anno 1800 given how long even an announcement is taking on the next game.

The thing is: if we had done a Season 5 (design and technical considerations aside), any news on our next project would have been delayed even further.

09 Jan


Originally posted by magicpigs

LOL. I call bullshit on it. It was definitely an epic exclusive with money changing hands. The fact it can be bought on ubi's own store is just a concession from greedy old tim sweeney

Fancy an epic simp trying to deny this when ubi itself came out and declare that they are "partnering" epic on anno games.

Thanks for that reply after a year. A random stranger trying to educate me about Anno 1800’s development was just the laugh I could use today ;)

06 Jan


Exciting news, let me tell the team.

05 Jan


Originally posted by Pop317

I appreciate the detail and work that goes into each island. I love the game! The only things that would increase playability for me would be 1) more island variety which I think MODS will help with, and 2) more than 4 players! Love the idea of there being not enough islands for 5-6 players and people having to battle to get the islands they need!

u/Ubi-Thorlof I realize that most people tend to comment when they have a problem with something rather than when they are pleased with something. So I just want to stress again--I love this game, I've received hundreds of hours of joy from it, I appreciate the detail, the inside jokes, the cheeky references to pop culture, etc. Thank you for the work your team has put into this! It shows, and I can't wait to see the next project!

Thank you, Pop317, those types of comments are always great to read for us and very touching. Knowing our game provided several hundred hours of fun to people is fantastic!


Those types of threads are my favourites

04 Jan


Originally posted by Pop317

Based on the nature of a game like Anno 1800, do you think it's possible that the next version could have procedurally generated worlds?

While more work, we generally favour handcrafted worlds since they allow us to create a more special set of islands and balance them more in-detail. It's not very likely that we would go for a procedurally generated approach instead.


Originally posted by humility925

It's could add more like asia DLC, explorer new map type and new building. But ah well, is it because money issues, not enough profit or game engine limited/issues or Team Anno Developer got tired of working on Anno 1800 and want to move next project?

Edit: I am just curious

There are definitely some technical and design limitations to consider, but we also wanted to move on to a new project, yeah - and full development on a new game and large DLC for the previous game at the same time is out of scope for a team our size.

26 Dec


Didn't watch the whole stream but was very impressed by the mod already. Big fan of changing things up from how people play 1800 for years now - both with the seasons mechanic as well as all the rebalancing.

This mod might actually make me start a new game eventually, when it releases. Maybe even with another dedicated modding livestream from Mainz? We shall see.

Great stuff, my compliments to Taubenangriff and everyone else who worked on "New Horizons"

19 Dec



Interesting topic, and with the amount of time spent looking at islands, I totally understand having even more variety available.

As some others have mentioned, there are existing modding projects (e.g. by Taludas) to reskin islands for another biome.

From our side, however, there won't be any new island models for Anno 1800. The process for creating an island takes a while and involves multiple departments, it's definitely only higher effort side of things. Plus, going by the comments, one or two islands likely wouldn't quite cut it (and islands would not classify as "cosmetic" content, they are one of the key gameplay elements of Anno).

Far more importantly, however, is, that we are at this point investing our development resources into our next project. That is our top priority.

So, I'll have to shatter any dreams of a map pack DLC, I'm afraid.

15 Dec


Originally posted by bigbadVuk

Where the links at to all the mods? :D Anyone been on today and seen them in there? Most looking forward to the Taludas one, but several other look kinda cool, too.

As fhackner3 said, that's up to the creators. We are planning to update the blog post with links to the mods, however, as soon as the modders have uploaded them.

14 Dec


Since this thread is still pinned, I'm just gonna go ahead and say: We've just announced the five winning entries:

Thank you for everyone who participated in the contest, and congratulations to the winners! We had a lot of fun checking the submissions.


Originally posted by humility925

Any chance you guy gave us a little quest to repair castle in Crown Fall and manola, I would love to repair both of those. :)

I'm afraid we're not going to do any more gameplay content for Anno 1800, that includes quest chains and new monuments, like those two castles.

13 Dec


Originally posted by Tom_D55

Don't want to burst your bubble, but the devs have clearly stated that they have moved on and are working on the next game. Cosmetic DLCs will always be just that: cosmetic, with no gameplay changing additions

They did state this, indeed. And it's still true: only the three Cosmetic DLC next year, no gameplay content.


Originally posted by TimeLordVampire

They both had very few skins compared to the old town dlc. Like the gothic pack didn’t even have a skin for the church or engineers/investor residence. So as soon as you started getting to those tiers your city no longer looked gothic…

But it had more ornamental items than the Old Town CDLC (and a skin for Hospital + Pub). Skins for all residence types with each themed CDLC would unfortunately be out of scope - we would need to not only increase development time, but accordingly also the price to reflect that.

The only time we did skins for all population tiers was the "Vibrant Cities" Pack which was, to be honest, in terms of content far larger than the other CDLC - and also only included skins, no ornaments.

05 Dec


As others have already mentioned, the Switch is, unfortunately, underpowered to run Anno 1800. One key issue here is the RAM, which the Switch only has 4GB of, while the minimum requirements for the standard PC version already ask for 8GB.

So, we're not planning to release 1800 on the Switch, no.