
Anthem Dev Tracker

15 Feb


Originally posted by Arielceres

I sent my wallpapers. I want to send my Ant Hen Squad Comic but I don't know if you liked... I'm drawning a illustration special for Anthem too but not suitable for all ages.

You can always submit and we'll decide if we can share with the fans. Thanks for flagging though!


Hello Freelancers,

It's exciting to see many of you finally playing the game through Early Access. With that in mind, would love to feature your best javelin customizations, highlight clips, exciting moments and more on our official channels. If this interests you, please submit your creations so we can celebrate you and the community!

All you have to do:

  1. Go here
  2. Scroll to the bottom and select "Upload" under "Submit C...
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Originally posted by devoltar

Heh, as if the anticipation wasn't probably 100x more stressful for yall. ;) Congrats on the release!

Thank you so much!


Originally posted by Enderhero90

I am having this issue on PC. Have completed properos mission, accepted the rewards but no new javelins are in my forge?

So to claim Legion of Dawn stuff you have to go in-game to the storefront, go to the rewards tab, claim the bonuses and then the stuff is available in the appropriate nodes in the Appearance tab of the forge. It unlocks new armor appearances.


Originally posted by tenthousandthousand

I was not sure how to do this, so I did some googling - the only thing I found was that my headphones are running at "2 channel, 16 bit, 44100 Hz" and there are no other options available for it.


Originally posted by Vayne_Solidor

Appreciate the response and the effort mate, I know today must be wild for ya'll

Yeah - thank you. It's a LOT to keep up with, but we will try our very best :)


Originally posted by aqrunnr

Also tagging on here to add that while i've only had one instance of audio dropping completely - there was another instance where Owen was talking during a mission and when I got back to Tarsis, it didn't return to normal. Several pitches lower and robotic. Required a restart.

Anyway, good luck guys!

Sounds like sample rate stuff again - hopefully it's resolved. Thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by Parvaty

It works with 32bit/192k(overkill, i know) you just have to restart the game if you encounter the sample rate issue.

LOVE the overkill :)


Originally posted by Vayne_Solidor

That's nice, but a lot of TV's don't have that option. It was said previously by yall that there would be Screen Bound adjustments, is that still happening?

I'm not sure and am not involved in that feature, but I have asked. Will report back!


Originally posted by joshwn89

My audio never dropped in either beta. But just did now.

Ugh. Sorry.


Originally posted by Lucifa42

I just did a mission with a team of 4 (3rd one, Matthias rescue) and had voice audio, but it seemed like I was only hearing one side of the conversation - I was only hearing Owen talking and it seemed like I was missing someone else talking?

Is your center channel working? Cypher dialogue is played back mostly stereo, and the player is mostly center.


Originally posted by xKingxnitemare

Look over at your EA buddies DICE and see how they do graphic and gameplay options in BFV. thats what we should have in this game.

Roger. Will let our graphics folks know.


Originally posted by tenthousandthousand

Hello, I am also having the same issues with my Bluetooth headphones (INSIGNIA NS-CABTOE01). After a few seconds on the menu screen, all sound on my computer cuts out until I quit Anthem. My wired headphone jack is broken (unrelated reasons) so I can't test alternate configurations.

I will say that MANY of us were having the exact same problem two weeks ago. There was another thread that solved the issue for some of us, but not all of us.

Can you confirm that ALL audio device settings are set to 16bit/48k?


Originally posted by AircoolUK


I'm using a Focusrite Scarlett Solo attached to two Alesis Elevete 5 MKII. I've got the game setup for standard stereo.

I can check my headphones later on if that helps.

Please do - we didn't have a severe difference in volume for our dialog (other than just the random ambient lines in Tarsis). If you could give us specific examples we can test here.


Originally posted by ATG_Bot

Freelancers, early launch is finally here!

This Megathread will serve as a place to discuss bugs, errors, and issues. These can include: crashes to the desktop, game freezes when doing something, issues loading the game, animation errors, cutscene freezes, etc. We will redirect the majority of relevant threads to this megathread.

They do not include issues with the Storm being overpowered, the Colossus being too weak, weak loot dropping from bosses, etc. Those are not bugs, just a feature™.

Also, please do NOT spoil people in this thread. When discussing spoilers around the subreddit, use proper spoiler tags. We will ban people using spoilers, either mistakenly or maliciously. To mark for spoilers, do so like this >!!<. For example: >!Owen is a cutie pie!< would look like Owen is a cutie pie, but all story discussion should take place outside this thread. Also,...

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PSA: Please ensure *ALL* your audio devices are set to 16bit/48k. Switching between devices with different settings is known to cause sample rate issues (speed up/slow down/artifacting).

This includes Analog, USB and Bluetooth devices.

You can find out more info here:

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Originally posted by Stickfygure




Originally posted by Agrias34

I've been trying to login since noon and haven't even made it to character creation yet. Over 15 attempts and all 15 of them are 95% loading screen issue.
Only had this issue in the VIP demo like twice, and I thought I read it was supposedly fixed or at least made less of an issue. Bunch of fake news if you ask me.

Origin ID same as my reddit, if it matters at all.

Sorry to hear - there were multiple (20+) issues that were related to this, and all of them are fixed in the day 1 patch. I'll forward your ID to support.


Originally posted by Rheynor

I checked everything and tested it all within the origin app, they were all working properly and set to the correct things. Full restart of the computer appears to of fixed. But I did not change anything from what I originally had.

Ugh that's good but also bad because now we don't know what the cause could have been...please let me know if it happens again!


Originally posted by ikarlcpfc

Thanks for the help. Annoyingly had to spend an hour trial time to get it working.

Yeah that sucks...sorry!


Originally posted by Stickfygure

I’m getting 95’d all over the place.

Lame. Origin ID? I'll pass it on.